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Sorry for the late update
Exams suck!
Well on with the story

There is a shadow at my door, the boy standing there looks like an angel. He has a vibe to him that makes me feel like I can trust him, but my mind is screaming to not give in. Great I know I have trust issues but seriously I can't even trust my dream. As he comes closer to me I feel my heart start to flutter. I can't see his face even as he comes closer to me. I think he's going to kiss me, but then his hand comes up and grabs my throat. I can't breath, I'm clawing at his hand but nothing, my lungs are burning and I'm about to black out as I here his voice."love wake up love, Jo are you ok?! Jo wake up!" What no! It can't be Newt he'd never do this to me, wait did he say wake up?

I snap up in bed I'm wearing one of Gally's old t shirts that go down to my mid thighs. I can breathe, I'm heaving but I'm breathing. I feel someone's hand on my back and I jump automatically still shaken from the dream. I back up against the wall and look at, Newt looks shocked and I feel slightly guilty, he slowly stands up and starts walking towards me. "Hey Jo you gave me a good kick in the rib, and then you were just acting like you couldn't breath. I was so scared I had to wake you up."

"I, i, I was being choked. And I couldn't do anything. And it , it was... You" I say trying to sink into the wall. He starts coming over to me "Jo, I would never ever hurt you, ever" he put his hand on my arm and I decide to lean in, I'm not scared, he won't hurt me. Newt embraces me in a hug and i wrap my arms around him snuggling into his chest. "It's ok love I'm here."

No I can't get to close, I pull away. "Thanks, I got to go get ready." I go into the little bathroom and change into my regular clothes. When I come out Newts already gone and I go to eat breakfast, I'm surprised to see Gally there I thought he'd be asleep. I go and sit down next to him.

"hey your up, I thought you were mad at me." " look Jo I'm sorry, I just want you to promise me something." I nod my head "promise me that you will be careful, I don't know what I would do if I lost you. He takes my hand and I squeeze it. "Hey I'm not going anywhere."

Right then Minho comes up "c'mon Mini time to go." I head over to the doors, and put on my backpack. Newt and Gally show up and I give them both hugs. I can tell they are nervous but I'm excited. As I enter into the maze with Minho I can feel them watching me.

I keep up pace easily with Minho as we turn corner after corner. We stop for lunch and we were laughing over the other gladers. The best ones were trying to mimic Gally's eyebrows. Right then we here metal clinks not to far away Minho is already on his feet packing and by the time I'm up he's done. We start back the way we came and I can tell the griever was following us. I could see the ugly thing and I pushed harder. The griever screamed and I grabbed Minho's wrist pulling him with me. I can see the doors and there closing! We need to make it, I shove Minho in front of me and start running through the closing walls I jump and land on some one.

They catch me and keep me standing, I'm so tired. I look up to the person who caught me and see Gally's worries face looking down on me "see I told you I'd be careful" as Gally brought me into a tight hug and spun me around laughing I didn't notice that a certain British boy was walking away.

Gally Newt and JoWhere stories live. Discover now