deja vu

91 7 8

TW: seizure, emergency room


When Josh first met Tyler, he would be silent for minutes on end because Tyler always rambled on about everything. That's one thing he liked about him. Josh didn't always have much to say, so Tyler carried the conversation.

Now Josh was the one who talked the most.

He cleared his throat and eyed the 17-year-old. "Tyler, are you even listening?"

"Hm?" Tyler blinked his eyes open, having been closed for a little while. He was on his left side, snuggled into his boyfriend's shoulder. "Yeah."

It was the middle of the day. The time of day when Tyler usually had a little more energy. Although, he didn't have much left because of the shower he had taken. 

Josh had stayed in the bathroom the entire time, a shower curtain away if he needed help. He didn't intervene, just let Tyler have his privacy. They put a plastic chair in the shower if he needed a break. When he was done Tyler wrapped a towel around himself and Josh helped him out. He looked away when he put on his underwear.

"What did I say then?" Josh questioned him.

His voice was raspy as he spoke, "Um, you said the bank took your money."

"No, they wouldn't take my money... They said my check wasn't valid."


"Yeah, so, I don't know what to do. Like, I signed it and everything. I have an account there. I don't see what the problem is. I have cashed my checks there countless of times."

"I don't know what could be wrong." He mumbled, having no clue about the adult world.

"Me either. I yelled at them a little because it doesn't make sense. Maybe it was a new person..?" 

"Mhm." He shrugged.

"Yeah, maybe." He nodded to himself and ran his fingers through Tyler's soft, now dry, hair. His hair was slightly less pink from the dye coming out in the shower. You could see the bleached hair more clearly. "I'll go back tomorrow and hopefully see a different person."

"Okay," Tyler whispered. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the little message.

"It is just frustrating. Like now I'm even more stressed out, you know? How do they not know it's me?"

Tyler shrugged in response.

"Yeah, I don't know. I'm sure I'll get it eventually. I earned the money myself. Maybe I can get my parents to help with it."

Tyler sighed, not wanting to move but Josh's body heat was causing him to be too hot. There was sweat already showing through the yellow shirt he was wearing. He reluctantly scooted away.

Josh shifted so he was facing him. He continued, "There's no way they couldn't have read my signature, right? I signed it legible..."

Tyler rubbed his feverish face to try and relieve the sudden intensity of his headache.

"...What do you think?"


"Should I wait until my next check?"

"Uh," He blinked his eyes hard, not understanding what he was asking. "Sure."

Josh continued talking but Tyler couldn't process what he was saying anymore.

"That my... sent me... there's nothing... if they did... now..."

Everything became muffled and he was becoming scared. His heart rate picked up. He stared ahead at Josh.

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