the one where they unite

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The 24 inch flat screen TV that was bolted to the opposite wall played out the audio to a rerun of the show Friends softly. The lights installed in the white ceiling were off so the glow of the electronic slightly lit up the hospital room. The blinds were closed but, the sun was trying desperately to peak through. The only other light source, besides the thin hall light coming from under the doorway, was Tyler's phone. The brightness was down all the way yet he still squinted at the game on the screen.

Josh was lying on his back watching the show with Tyler to his left. The younger was lying on his right side, his phone and hand resting up against Josh's bicep for support. Tyler's left leg was stretched out over the top of the older's and burried between his calves.

"Fuck," Muttered Tyler.

He caught Josh's attention. The older looked away from the television. "Hm?"

"Nothing." He clicked replay. "I can't get passed 96."

"What are you playing?"

"A game." He turned his phone. He set the device on Josh's chest because it hurt to hold midair and used his thumb to point. "You shoot balls at these square things and the numbers go down. You have to get them down to zero before you run out of space."

Josh's nose was flared and he seemed confused. "That's a weird concept."

"Yeah, well, I didn't make the game."

"Yet you are playing it."

"Its addicting."

"Can I try your lame game?"

"No. You made fun of it."

"The game doesn't have feelings."

"But I do."

"You sound like a teenaged girl in a romance movie."

"Wow." Tyler put a hand to his heart. "You really captured my essence."

The curly haired brunet's laugh made the room brighter. "I did not. That doesn't even make sense."

"It makes sense. Do you not know what the word essence means?"

"It means your soul or whatever. You do not have a teenaged girl for your soul."

"How do you know?"

"Okay, then how do you know?" Josh deadpanned.

Tyler tapped his chin in thought. "I guess you have a point there. But you never know."

He rolled his eyes at their bantering. "I just wanted to try your game."

"Fine. You can try." He gave his phone over to the other. "I would say don't beat my high score but you aren't that skilled like I am so I'm not worried."

"Don't be so full of yourself. You'll cry when I get passed 96."

The funny thing in that was that Josh lost in the matter of seconds. He claimed it was a practice round. So he tried again. And failed. This time he blamed it on his finger slipping.

"Stop bullshitting. Admit it, you suck."

"Hey, I have never played this before. I haven't even heard of it!"


"So I have an excuse to suck."

"Sucks to suck." Tyler grabbed his phone back. He scooted closer so Josh could watch what he was doing. "Watch the pro."

The two took turns with the game. Josh got passed his personal high score but that's about all the excitement that occured.

The room suddenly filled with more light and they both curiously looked at the door. They both expected a nurse but they saw a blonde and a red head. Tyler knitted his eyebrows for a moment.

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