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Josh woke up to find himself burying his face in Tyler's shoulder. He pulled away and saw some drool on his shirt. He cringed at himself but Tyler didn't seem to notice. The younger was on his back, mouth opened, and snoring loudly.

Josh tried to stretch the best he could in the small space he had. A few of his joints popped at the movement.

Tyler closed his mouth and flared his nostrils, still snoring but it was more quiet this time. Then he rolled to his left and an arm extended over Josh's chest. He hummed in his sleep as Josh's cheeks reddened.

Josh had accepted his fate of being stuck under his arm and began to use his phone, scrolling through social media. It was about a half hour later before Tyler moved again. He had removed his arm from over his chest but now he was hugging onto Josh's forearm. It seemed he wasn't free yet.

Tyler had stopped snoring now. Josh could feel the breath on his skin.

"Ty?" Josh whispered, wondering if he was awake.

He didn't move. "...Hm?"

So he was awake. "...Did you sleep good?"

He let out a little stretch and a soft moan with it. "Mm... I guess." He responded, morning voice prominent. "You?"

"Yeah." He nodded, "Although you don't have the biggest of beds."

Tyler squinted up at Josh. His pink hair was stuck to his forehead and his cheek had red marks from sleeping on it. He licked his lips, "Sorry."

He chuckled, "You didn't pick the bed."

Tyler kicked the blanket off of his body. Then he nuzzled the bridge of his nose into Josh's shoulder and made a sound of contentment. Josh couldn't help but smile.

"So... what are we doing today?"

"I just woke up." He responded, voice muffled.

"But what are we gonna do when you wake up more? I'm bored."

"I'm tryna sleep."

"Sounds like a you problem."

"You're the one who's complaining."

"I'm not complaining."

"Can you shut up so I can sleep?"

"You slept longer than me. You should be bouncing off the walls."

"Gonna ignore that you said that..."

"Fine. I'll just be bored..."

"Good," His eyes were still closed. He started to sigh but he cut himself off. "Ah-" He breathed out carefully.

Josh looked down at him. "What was that?"

"Uh..." He tried to move into a more comfortable position, "Just- I got a pain."

"What did it feel like?"

"Um... it kinda just went through my whole body. I ache pretty bad. My muscles- or it's probably my bones. Bone marrow, yeah? I don't know... it actually hurts so bad it's hard to breathe."

"Geez... when did that start?"

Tyler knitted his eyebrows. "I'm constantly aching, what do you mean?"

"Oh, I meant the hard-to-breathe part."

"Oh, um... Yesterday I think. Maybe it was a few days ago. Might be worse today."

"...Is that why you got up last night? To get medicine?"

"Yeah." He sniffed. "I think it's wearing off... Or it isn't working. I need some morphine or some shit."

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