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TW: talks about abuse and the effects of it


Josh sighed as he took his name tag off and tossed it onto his desk, along with his car keys and phone. He tore his work shirt off at the same moment the door to his bedroom swung open. Josh jumped from startlement, seeing his mother holding a basket of clothing. He complained with his maroon colored shirt bunched up in his grip, "Mom! What if I was naked?"

"Its not like I birthed you or anything." She came in and set the laundry basket on the floor. "But I can knock next time if that's what you want."

"That would be great." Josh said kind of harshly. He didn't mean it to come out like that but he just wanted alone time. Working all day was not something he was used to. His stress levels were high.

Laura gave her son a look as he walked across the room shirtless in search for a new shirt in the closet. She brushed off the teenaged angst and brought her attention to the gray off-brand sweatshirt that was at the top of the pile. The mother held it up. "Josh. Look at me." The boy turned around with a fresh shirt in hand. "Is this yours or Jordan's?"

"Um..." Josh squinted, "Jordan's? I don't know."

Laura shook it so it would go straight. "Well, I need an answer or its going to charity."

He put the shirt on and came closer to the clothing. "I don't remember..." Then his face lit up. "Oh wait, that might be Tyler's... That's weird. I totally forgot about that. I must have his pants then, too."

Laura hummed as she folded the item. "Well, you should return it. You don't want him to worry."

"Right now? I was going to-"

"Josh, returning it as soon as possible would be the right thing to do."

"Mom..." He complained, "Tyler won't miss it that much. He probably didn't even notice. Can't I do it tomorrow?"

Laura held out the sweatshirt. "Be responsible. This will be some good practice."

"Fine." Josh took the gray cloth. "But I'm not doing it with a smile on my face."

"Suit yourself, honey. When you get home-"

"Don't forget homework. I get it, Mom."

"Okay." She smiled at him. "Drive safe."

The seventeen year old was skipping up the steps of the Joseph's in no time. He pressed the doorbell and waited. The two items were cradled in his arm.

Chris Joseph was eating a cookie lazily on the couch. The TV was on to drown out the background. It didn't work that long because the singing chimes filled the house. He sighed as he approached the door. Tyler was doing the same.

"Hey! Hey!" Chris threw his cookie at his son. Tyler flinched back and shuffled away from the door. "Who says you get to answer it? Get back to work!''

"Sorry." The teen rushed out. He scrambled back to his mop and plopped it on the floor.

"Clean that cookie up too." He bossed and wipped the excess cookie on his pants then turned the knob.

Josh was on the other side of the entrance listening with an eyebrow raised. He heard faint yelling in the background before the hinges abruptly squeaked. Josh stepped away from the door quickly and met eyes with an older man.

"Yes?" The man asked.

"Uh..." Josh cleared his throat. He could tell off the bat that he wasn't very friendly. He then held up the clothes. "These are Tyler's. He left them at my house."

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