the normal

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TW: abuse and mention of past abuse, mild panic attack, pills, and medical issues.

I feel like I should've put a trigger warning on the first chapter but I mean I have one in the description. Anyways if you guys would like for me to continue TWs or not just let me know.


Tyler blinked his eyes open. He had failed at sleeping. The sun was shining through his thin curtains and making him squint. Instead of birds singing, a muffled cry followed by a thump is what woke him up. There was a female voice screaming at a male voice. It was like this almost everyday. He sighed, rolling over and rubbing his face. His head hurt and his bones ached.

A soft hand knocked on the door. The voice from a seven year old spoke through the door, "Tyler? Are you awake?"

"Yeah." He groaned back, "What do you want?"

He opened the door slightly and looked at his oldest brother through the crack. "Mom told me to tell you to wake up."

"Tell her I'm sick."

"She said you can't use that as an excuse anymore."


"She said-"

"Tell her she's a dick." The older mumbled.

"A what?" Jay stepped in, still holding the door knob.

"A dick."

"Oh." He started to leave, "Okay, I'll tell her-"

"No! Dude, don't tell her that." He rushed out.

The younger stood there innocently. "Okay... What do I tell her then?"

"Tell her I'm sick."


"I don't care, goodnight Jay." Tyler went back under the blankets. He heard his feet walk out and close the door softly.

Minutes later there were heavy footsteps going up the stairs. Someone fumbled with the knob and Tyler peaked out from under the blanket. The person pushed it open, making it slam against the wall. Tyler flinched. There was a hole in the drywall from how many times that has happened.

Tyler's eyes were wide as he watched his dad lean against his door, a beer in one hand. "Get out of that damn bed!"

Tyler didn't respond.

"Did you hear me?!"

"Hold-Hold on. Why-" Not even a second later Chris was marching over to him. Tyler quickly sat up, "Dad-"

He forcefully grabbed his forearm and pulled him off his bed. He got rug burn from the covered mattress. Tyler landed on his right elbow first, his knees hit one another, already forming bruises.

His dad wasn't abusive, at least that's what he was told to believe, whether its true or not. He would tell him he should be glad he feeds him and some dads don't care enough to even do that.

"Tell me why the garbage bags are still sitting in the garage?!"

"Uh-" Tyler had an arm over his head, hearing his heart beat louder than the human screaming at him. "Um, I-"

"Stop stuttering and tell me the truth!" He forced Tyler's hand down so he could see his terrified face.

"I was sleeping." He locked eyes with him.

"So you're the special one?! Everyone else is up!"

The teen's eyes flickered around his father's face. He tried to cover his face again. The other's rough hand held tightly onto his wrist.

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