the fall

56 7 3

TW: pills.


He watched Tyler sleep next to him, with a hand under his cheek that made his face look squished. It was cute but Josh's mind was going a mile a minute.

Tyler had fallen asleep after comforting him and letting him cry it out. The two had talked a little bit longer after that; before Josh began to blab his mouth about all his fears, what he wished he could change, and just random things that were on his mind. Eventually, he found out that he had been talking to a sleeping person, which he was kind of glad for. It was embarrassing.

He wasn't mad that he fell asleep on him, but he was confused about how he could do such a thing. Was the kiss not eating him inside? It was hours ago now but he was still overthinking it. Did he do badly at it?

Besides, even if his mind wasn't racing, he didn't think he could sleep. He wasn't very comfortable. Tyler was using the only pillow, hogging the blankets, and there wasn't much room to move around. He had pulled enough of a blanket from around Tyler that only covered half of his body, the rest of him was cold.

He watched Tyler shift and let out a hum in his sleep.

Josh sighed fairly loudly. He wondered if Tyler was dreaming about anything. Was he in the dream? Maybe he wasn't dreaming anything in particular.

Suddenly Tyler groaned and wrapped his arms around himself. He cracked his eyes open and Josh quickly snapped his shut.

"Fuck..." Tyler groaned out.

A few seconds later Josh felt Tyler's hand tapping his shoulder, trying to wake him up, not knowing he was secretly awake. To save them from having to have a meaningless conversation, he faked just being woken up.

"Josh," He croaked. "Can you get up?"

He lifted his head, "What?"

"I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Oh." Josh slowly got up and helped Tyler out of the bed.

He watched him leave the oxygen tank in the room and cross the dark hallway carefully. Josh laid back down as the bathroom light flicked on and then the door was shut.

The first thing he did was claim a blanket as his own.

He had a full minute with the blanket before he heard a sound that he never wanted to hear again: a loud thump and a cry of pain coming from the bathroom.

Josh sprung out of bed without thinking and charged into the bathroom. The door hit a plastic container and it clattered to the wall. There were red pills all over the floor but that wasn't the part that worried him the most. Tyler was on the floor, groaning in pain.

"Tyler, what the fuck happened?" He kneeled next to him, probably seeming like a maniac with how panicked he looked.

He strained out, "I was getting medicine."

"Okay, but why are you on the floor?!" He rushed.

He coughed. "I got dizzy when I titled my head back." He lifted a hand and touched his hair. "Ugh, I hit my head."

Footsteps rushed down the hall and two girls in pajamas stood in the doorway. Debby stayed in the hall, shooked. She had been just woken up by Jenna asking her if she heard something.

"Oh my god," Jenna stepped over Tyler to get to the other side of him. "What happened?"

"He fell and hit his head," Josh informed. He carefully put a hand under his head and lifted it. His light pink hair was turning red in one spot. "God, you're bleeding."

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