hair dye and needle bets

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"Just so you all know, I never actually agreed to this," Tyler said, his arms crossed in front of his chest as he stood in the middle of the downstairs bathroom.

Jenna said, sorting out the supplies that they needed on top of the counter. "But you are doing it anyway."

He sighed. "I thought Josh was gonna get his nose pierced first."

"We have to bleach your hair, Tyler. We would be doing this all day."

"We are already gonna be doing this all day."

"Who cares, in the end, you get to look badass," Debby said. She was leaning against the wall adjacent to the counter.

A loud smack suddenly filled the room before Tyler could think of a snarky remark to Debby's reply. Everyone's eyes darted toward the sound and they saw Josh backing away from the wooden door frame with a kitchen chair in hand.

"You didn't just-" Jenna rushed to the scene.

"I'm so sorry!"

"If it's broken you are paying for it." Jenna inspected the door frame and then the chair.

"You guys have more money than me. I think you'll live with a scratched door frame, Jenna."

"Oh," Debby pushed herself off the wall and hit Jenna's arm when she stood up. "Look who owes me ten bucks."

"What? Why?" Josh asked while Tyler asked over him, "Ten bucks?"

"Nothing," Jenna assured the boys but then whispered to Debby, "That doesn't prove anything. I don't owe you shit."

"You don't call that gay sass?" Debby whispered but pointed at Josh.

"Oh my god." Jenna rolled her eyes.

Tyler looked at Josh, saw his face turning a red color, and then back at the girls. "What are you guys talking about?"


"We bet on-"

"Don't tell them, Debby."

"We bet on you guys."

"What?" Josh asked.

"Okay, now I need to know more," Tyler demanded.


"Come on-"

"We bet on who's gayer. Josh or Tyler."

"You have no filter!" Jenna spat at her girlfriend.

Tyler's face became as red as Josh's. He didn't know what to say. Should he defend Josh? The man wasn't out yet. He was the only one who knew about it. Then again, Jenna obviously voted for him. Should Tyler defend himself? He wasn't out to anyone yet.

"Well..." Josh began, making everyone look at him. Maybe Tyler didn't have to help him. He would do it himself. "Debby's right."

Oh. Oh, damn. Josh just came out. Granted, to a room of gay people.

"Wait really?!"

Josh nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'm gay."

"Yes!" Debby jumped but then ran over to Josh to hug him. He awkwardly hugged back, one arm still holding onto the chair next to him. "So cool!"

Josh laughed stiffly. "Yeah," He pulled away. "I guess it is cool."

Behind them, Jenna pulled out a wad of cash from her pocket. "Welcome to the club, Josh."


Debby asked apprehensively, "We aren't the first people you told, right?"

He shook his head. "No, I told Tyler."

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