the fair

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I'm so sorry for the wait on this chapter. For those who don't know, I graduated back in May and have been trying to enjoy my summer because God knows this will be the last time I'll be free. I'll eventually get a job when school starts for everyone and then I probably will fall head first into adult life after that.

Anyways I could probably go on and on for forever but you are here for the book. I recommend rereading the last chapter because, one its been a few months, and two (the main reason) I added some onto it about two months ago and didn't tell anyone.

Okay, enjoy reading! I'll be updating as normal from now on! :)


"Do you think we can feed them?" Josh asked quietly as he leaned into Tyler so the workers didn't hear him asking.

The young adult and the mature teenager were standing in front of the temporary fenced in goats. The older had a face of fascination on, with both his hands holding onto the fence. Tyler was standing there getting pressed up against by Josh as he sipped on his cold water with an unsatisfied look.

It was Josh's idea to go to the fair. Tyler didn't even know there was one going on. Of course, it was his friend's birthday so he obliged. Even if he didn't want to be having a staring contest with a dirty goat, he had to admit he rather be here glaring at disgusting animals instead of having to be cooped up in his room for the rest of the day and being trapped with his thoughts.

Tyler sighed as he looked around. He found someone that fit the vibe of a fair worker. He moved his arm away from Josh, making Josh almost fall into his chest, then he pointed towards the worker with the hand holding the bottle. "Ask them."

"No! Don't point-" Josh hit his arm, spilling some of the water out of Tyler's bottle. "Sorry about that."

"S'fine." He screwed on the cap and wiped the liquid off his arm and onto his tank top (that Josh begged him to wear so they could match). Tyler wore a sweatshirt there but ended up taking it off because of the hot weather. He left it tied around his waist. He asked, "Why don't you want to ask them if you want to feed them so bad?"

"I'm scared."


"Yeah..." Josh fiddled with the top of the fence behind his back.

Tyler grabbed the handle of the oxygen tank and walked in the direction of the person. Josh opened his mouth to ask where he was going but closed it when he saw Tyler talking to one of the workers.

"You seriously asked?" He whispered when Tyler came back.

"Yeah. You can't though." He spoke to his anxious friend in a regular tone.

"Darn it. I am guessing I can't buy it either."

"You would want this thing?" He squeaked.

"Yeah, why not?"

"It's gross."

"You're gross."


"You're welcome."

"Where the hell would you even put it?" Tyler asked.

"My backyard."

"How much space does this thing need?"

"I don't know but it can't be that hard to figure everything out."

Tyler rolled his eyes as they continued walking down the line of animals. "I wonder if Jenna and Debby are off that ride yet."

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