homesick for you

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Depression hit him hard to say the least. A heavy weight was on his chest and he felt like he couldn't breathe, which was actually true at times. He barely left the room that already made him feel like he was being suffocated in. No offense to the girls but the room sucked. The few times he did leave was when he would eat at the table or on the couch watching a movie with Jenna and Debby. After that he would go straight back to the bed and sleep almost the whole day.

He went three days without a single smile but it felt like 3 months. He missed Josh and he was exhausted 24/7. He just wanted a break from life. He wanted just one day where he was happy and healthy.

It was the middle of the day and Jenna somehow managed to get him to come down and watch a show with them on the TV. They all had snacked on the lunch that Jenna had made. Speaking of the blonde, she was on the opposite end of the couch with her lips sucking on Debby's. Tyler rolled his eyes at them.

A fist knocking on the door broke the two lovers apart. Jenna pecked her lips once more before sliding away from Debby. "I'll get it." She called. When she answered the front door and saw who was on the other side her personality changed. The young adult crossed her arms. "What are you doing here?"

Josh cracked his knuckles behind his back nervously. "I-I'm here for Tyler."

"And who told you where I lived?"

"Tyler did."

Jenna glanced back at the teen sitting on the couch. He stared back at her like a puppy with its tail between his legs. Jenna squinted her eyes at him before looking back at Josh with resentment.

"I wanted to apologize..." Josh offered forgiveness.

Jenna sighed before pivoting on her heel and letting her hair fly with sass. "Joseph, there's a scumbag at the door for you."

Tyler swallowed and stood up. As he walked towards the door Jenna gave him a look and he pretended he didn't notice.

"What do you want?" He said in a grumpy tone, not looking him in the eyes. On the inside though, all he wanted to do was jump up and tackle him in the tightest hug ever.

"Tyler..." He sighed, bowing his head down. "I know you probably hate me."

The brunet eyed him for a moment, not entirely sure what to say and if he should forgive him right on the spot like his gut told him to do. He realized he really didn't want to have this conversation in the doorway where the girlfriends could eavesdrop. So Tyler shook his head and said, "Save it. Let's just go upstairs and talk."

"Oh- okay." He looked into the living room and saw two girls glaring at him. "I guess that's a better idea."

The shorter man turned around and Josh slowly followed him in. He shut the door softly and tucked his hands in his pockets as he followed Tyler through the thick and awkward air.

When they made it to Tyler's new room, Josh heard the younger mumbled to him about shutting the door. Josh slowly leaned against the door until it clicked shut as Tyler went and sat on the edge of the bed.

It was silent for a while and the best thing that Josh could come up with was to go over in his mind about all the things he wanted to talk about. When he was finally done rehearsing, he cleared his throat. "I'm sorry for everything. I-I needed some time to process what was going on, myself."

Tyler sighed quietly. "You could have texted me back."

"I didn't know what to say..."

"How about what you just fucking said to me right now."

Josh felt like he was punched in the gut. Everything he rehearsed suddenly ran away from him. He swallowed. "Sorry." He whispered.

"No..." Tyler shook his head and Josh got scared for a second. He thought he was going to reject his apology. "No, actually," Tyler said, "I'm sorry."

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