4: When he teaches others

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•| "I'll be in charge of improvin' yer receivin' skills. Ya bettah not be a bum or y'all be runnin' 'round campus 'till ya drop." |•

"Since when did you guys have that kind of guy on your team, Yuu?" Yaku Morisuke of Nekoma asked the question everyone in the training camp was dying to ask Karasuno. The team of crows arrived dragging in an unfamiliar face into the gym and all of them watched as the third-year setter dumped him on one side and left the stranger passed out on one of the benches.

Some of them sympathized with him while others were curious of his identity.

The moment Yaku asked him that, Noya eyed the older libero with a suspicious gaze. He couldn't be interested in Iwata June just like him, right? When he confirmed that his fellow libero from Nekoma didn't even have the slightest bit of romantic interest (well, Yaku did show a face of grimace when Noya kept staring at him in silence), a smile bloomed on the brunet's face.

"He's Suga-san's cousin, Iwata June-senpai! I've been training my receives with him."

"Huh? Did you say his name's Iwata June?"

That question halted Noya's actions before looking at Yaku in suspicion. "Yeah..? Do you know him, Morisuke?" The Nekoma libero furrowed his eyebrows before shaking his head. "I think I've heard that name before but I don't know where. Anyways, let's go, Yuu. The coaches are gathering everyone."

Disregarding that nagging jealousy at the back of his mind, Noya prepared himself for training.

Meanwhile, dumped on a lone bench at one corner of the gym, Iwata June groaned and complained about his aching back to himself as he sat down. Even though he was dead asleep earlier, he was pretty sure his cousin just threw him there without a care in the world. Jeez, that Koushi shoulda sleep with an eye open tonight. Yawning, he stood up and stretched his arms, hearing the satisfying pops as bubbles in his synovial fluid from his knuckles burst.

"Where's the kitchen in this place? I'm starvin'." Another yawn escaped his mouth, eyes becoming teary. Leaving the comfort (yeah, right) of the bench, June proceeded to stand beside Coach Ukai who gave him a curious side glance. After an internal debate with himself, the blond coach turned towards the sleepy youth.



"You think you have time to join them?"

Cherry eyes widened before glancing at the older male in curiosity. "Ya want me to teach 'em or somethin'? I already have Noya. I ain't gonna teach an'one else."

"... I'll have Takeda-sensei excuse you to your teacher from gym class."


Ah, the extent of what he would do to get extra nap time.



"I'll be in charge of improvin' yer receivin' skills. Ya bettah not be a bum or y'all be runnin' 'round campus 'till ya drop."

For some reason, everyone was gathered at one gym after lunch and they were greeted by the sight of that stranger Karasuno brought. The ash-haired teen gave them an intense look and for some reason, it fired them up as well.

Noya himself bounced with every steps and approached his crush with sparkling eyes. "You'll be teaching us, Iwata-senpai?!" Ah, Noya almost fainted when his senpai grinned down at him with that beautiful face. "Ya got that right, Noya." The taller libero bend over a bit and ruffled his spiky hair. "But yer still mah fav'rite one, got that?"

Senpai, you're killing me here! In Noya's fantasy, he visioned himself being taught by his crush in close proximity. Iwata June would stand behind him, guiding his form with his bigger but similarly calloused hands and he could already imagine his crush's hands moving along his waist, up to his shoulders and down his arms until it reached his smaller hands.

AHHHHH! GET A HOLD OF YOURSELF, YUU! Sometimes, random scenarios would just pop up and his head and a handful of them always involved the older libero. Heck, he would even dream those kind of things almost every other night! And so, not even minding how weird it must have been to others, Noya ended up slapping himself, startling everyone in the gym.

Two vibrant handprints marred his cheeks but the grin never left his face. "I'm ready for training, senpai!"

"Atta boy!"

He's not a dog, June. Sugawara sweat dropped at his cousin, watching the other hype up their second year libero. By an outsider's point of view, the pair resembled an owner and its partner, a dog, usually. The setter could practically see dog ears and a bushy tail wagging on Noya's behind.



Bath time had always been according by years and so, Iwata June found himself in the hotspring with other third years from other schools. Sandwiched between Nekoma's chicken-haired middle blocker and Fukurodani's owl ace, the poor ash-haired libero felt his eyebrow twitch when the pair squeezed him even tighter in-between them.

His cousin threw him a sorry look. What could Suga even do against the sly cat and the hyperactive owl? Even Tsukishima that salty dinosaur could barely tolerate them.

"Are the both of ya done being a pain in the ass?"

"Tut tut, language, crow-chan." Kuroo wagged a finger in a playful manner, shaking his head as if he was disappointed at him.

"Hey, hey, crow-chan, receive my spikes again tomorrow!" Bokuto swung an arm around Iwata June's shoulders, pulling him in for a manly hug.

"Shut yer traps, kitty-chan, owl-chan."

Sugawara threw his cousin an exasperated look. Did he have to play along with those two captain? Ah, then again, he did remember when his cousin mentioned a pair of twins bugging him all the time in his old school. He probably got used to being annoyed twenty-four-seven. The setter pitied his cousin.

This camp is going to be a mess; I just know it.

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