28: When June is popular...

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When June is popular...

"I'll show you how much I learned from your guidance, June!" Yuu threw his hands in the air, eyes burning as he looked forward to showing off his skills to his significant other. "After all, I'm your favorite disciple!" The loud libero cackled as he proudly puffed out his chest.

The team had to get going since the opening ceremony would start soon so Yuu was making every second count as he spent them all by June's side. Fondness glimmered within those red eyes of June's as he cupped one of Yuu's cheek. "Just do yer best, play more and more matches with all ya've got. Make sure ya won't regret yer decisions. If ya ever hesitate, force yer body tah move.

"The one thing ya might regret in the nationals stage... iz when yer own body gives up on you. Just keep movin', forget about yer fatigue 'cuz gettin' tah this stage, ya've gone through many challengin' teams. Make every point count. Make ever receives the best ya could perform. Make a play ya'll never regret, Yuu."

Those words of encouragement made Yuu feel blessed. "Make a play ya'll never regret, Yuu." He would definitely not let his nerves or his body get the best of him! They had gone through many obstructions to get where they were now. There was no room for regrets at this point.

Just play.

And play.

Until they win every match!


And do one's best.

"Osu!" After giving June a tight hug around the waist, Yuu stepped foot into the lobby where every team gathered for the ceremony. However, Yuu had to wonder. Why on earth was June following him inside?! A non-team member wasn't allowed from that point on where they were supposed to separate!

And so, Yuu shot his boyfriend a nervous glance, only to be met by that gorgeous face. "I signed up as a temporary manager so I could stay with ya."

A metaphorical arrow struck Yuu straight in the heart and it caused him to hunch over while clutching his chest. June grew concerned by this and felt his heart tremble in panic when Yuu didn't get up from his bent position. "Y... Yuu? Does somethin' hurt? D'ya need tah go tah the infirmary?" The red-eyed youth only received a shake of Yuu's head in response.

Before June's worries could turn into a full-blown panic, the rest of the team arrived and successfully saved the pair of liberos from causing a scene in public. However, amidst Hinata jumping around which caused him to stumble; the little tangerine bumped into Yuu, who proceeded to fall forward right into a... girl's chest.

Of course June had reacted quite quickly and snatched Yuu's wrist, pulling the stiff libero towards him and embraced him close. "Sorry," June uttered under his breath, a little insincere with his apology to the Niiyama girl. "My boyfriend's a lil' clumsy."

"..." - insert Niiyama girl, Kanoka, blushing at the sudden reveal.

"..." - insert Noya grinning like crazy as he happily buried his face in June's chest.

"..." - insert Motoya who had planned to greet his senpai but ended up tripping over nothing the moment he saw that particular scene.

"..." - insert Kiyoomi, who had braved the crowd for once, scrunching his nose up in utter disgust the moment his respected senpai touched someone Kiyoomi didn't know.

"..." - insert Kita, who had been passing by, tilting his head in curiosity. The last time he had seen June, their former libero said that he didn't plan to get into a relationship not until after college. Furthermore, it seemed like what Ojiro said was true and that Atsumu's tantrum was caused by this.

"..." - insert a random girl who couldn't help but steal a photo of the couple, giggling happily as she left with a skip in her steps.

"..." - insert Kuroo who had gone to see June and ended up seeing something quite interesting.

... Yuu still gets all of his attention and care.




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A close-up look of our main protagonist — Iwata June.

Dear Readers,

Y'all be the best for supporting this fanfic ♥️ I feel so blessed because of you guys.

Yer weird author,

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