30: When June unknowingly steals hearts...

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When June unknowingly steals hearts...

"Oi, where did Iwata-senpai go?" Tanaka asked as soon as he realized that his bro wasn't sticking to a certain someone. However, the spiker did notice the grumpy looking Yuu as they entered the court.

Yuu, who had been used to hugging June and getting words of encouragement from the other before matches, puffed out his cheeks in annoyance. "A bunch of journalists stopped him by the entrance for an interview. Ugh that stupid June is too nice sometimes."

The spiker laughed and patted the libero on the back. "It's a good thing Kiyoko-san isn't as famous as him!" Yuu grumbled under his breath about how lucky he was that their manager wasn't that well-known in all the prefectures. He marched his way to the court, slapping his cheeks to get his mind into the game.

He could always whine and complain later at the hotel anyway, right? That was why Yuu decided to focus on the game first. "Yosh! Let's do our best, Ryu!"

Meanwhile, June was internally cursing the journalists as he jogged up the bleachers where, instead of Yachi, he saw Kiyoko there instead. "Yoko? Why're ya here 'stead of Yachi?" The bespectacled beauty nodded her head in greeting. "I had to get Hinata's shoes. Apparently, his bag got switched with someone else before we left the gym."

The tall libero hummed and stood beside her. "Eh? Tangerine has quite a bad luck for the first day." Kiyoko chuckled at that as the two watched on from behind the Karasuno banner.

The whistle blew and indicated the start of the match between Tsubakihara and Karasuno. While June and Kiyoko were focused on the court, the both of them remained unaware by the attention they were getting.

Iwata June had become famous overnight thanks to Miya Atsumu's blunder and numerous volleyball players and volleyball fans would recognized him at a glance. His poppy-colored eyes that seemed to stare right through them was hard not to notice. And so, conservations with June as the topic came about.

"Do you think that's Iwata's girlfriend?"

"Maybe? The both of them are good-looking."

"You guys are missing the point here. I just saw some journalists interviewing the guy."

"Oh? What did you hear?"

"One of them asked the reason why Iwata's not playing in his third years but he didn't answer."

"Eh? I really wanted to see him play in person. I saw his clips online and man, his receives were the best!"

"I heard that the current best libero was his kouhai back in middle school."

"Really?! That's amazing!"

"Right? I saw them talking to each other and you guys should've been there, too. Even Sakusa went and talk to Iwata."

"THAT Sakusa? The Sakusa who's afraid of crowds?"

"More like disgusted but yeah."

And some conversations went like this:


"He's not playing anymore cause of an injury?"

"That's hard to believe. Someone with his skill level wouldn't have injured himself to that degree."

"I know, right? You guys are just pissed off that someone with talent suddenly stopped playing."

"... he's kind of cute though."

Down at the court, Yuu felt his nose itch. He suddenly had a feeling that someone's trying to covet his June. Yuu knew that his significant other was handsome, to the point that even people of the same sex would be attracted to him. However, Yuu once promised himself that he would chase away all those love rivals that might pop out of nowhere.

And he swore that he would marry no one else but Iwata June!

Just a moment ago, he had a feeling that someone might try and talk to June with ulterior motives and so, the libero— thankfully, the match won't be starting until a few seconds— glanced at where he knew June would be standing at.

There he was standing beside Kiyoko in all his majestic glory — Yuu might be going overboard with his description but who wouldn't be when he was so lovestruck with the guy? He watched as June seemed to notice his stare and his red eyed lit up in joy. June waved at him with that same gorgeous smile he usually gives Yuu.

In turn, Yuu bounced on his feet and waved both of arms in the air.

The people who had been talking about June suddenly found themselves a bit speechless. Apparently, the handsome libero wasn't in a relationship with the girl beside him but the wild short libero on the court! There were a few girls who became dejected at this and some guys who blinked in surprise.

It was always the good-looking ones who swing the other way! The few girls who lamented screamed inside their hearts. However, there were also others who couldn't help but soundlessly cheer in bliss.

... Yuu will make sure to claim him in a heartbeat.



This'll probably end by chapter 40 or so? WLDUDBSOXGSJSIXHSKZJX WE'RE ALMOST THERE—

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This'll probably end by chapter 40 or so? WLDUDBSOXGSJSIXHSKZJX WE'RE ALMOST THERE—

This'll probably end by chapter 40 or so? WLDUDBSOXGSJSIXHSKZJX WE'RE ALMOST THERE—

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June versus Yuu : in the morning

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