17: When Noya gets insecure...

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When Noya gets insecure...

Ever since the match with Wakunan ended, Yuu spent his time clinging onto June after he gloated the fact that he got into a relationship first than Tanaka. Currently, Yuu and June were heading to the food aisle just because the taller libero craved for some fruit smoothie.

Although he was a little shameless holding onto June's arm, he was still a little nervous just thinking about holding the other's hand. Yuu had tried, he really did, but he would chicken out just before he could. There was something intimate about holding hands, much more than him clinging onto June.

Walking to the food aisle, Yuu glanced up to look at June's wondering, wondering what on earth this person liked about him. Of course he was overjoyed that his senpai returned his feelings but what about Yuu that made June like him? "Hey, senpai-"


Yuu blinked the moment his senpai poked the tip of his nose. "I told ya tah call me June when we're not in school, didn't I?" The taller libero winked in a playful manner as he pulled Yuu closer to his side. Of course, this caused him to grow flustered, the tips of his ears turning red at the action.

I CAN SMELL HIM AGAIN! Yuu was on cloud nine. "Then, J... JUNE!" He ended up shouting due to embarrassment. A couple of people shot them curious glances which caused Yuu to grow even more flustered. A chuckle escaped June, his fingers twitching as the urge to pinch Yuu's cheeks grew.

"What is it, Yuu?"

The little libero's fingers dug into the sleeves of June's coat. "You... why do you like me?"

"Huh?" June blinked, baffled by the question.

Yuu became a little jittery, wondering if he should continue with this topic. "I mean when I used to confess to someone-" June felt his eye twitch at that, thinking whether or not Yuu was doing this to get back at him because of the phone incident. Are ya tryin' tah make me jealous? "- they'd reject me on the spot and Kiyoko-san didn't like me at all-" Yoko did what now? "- so I'm really curious why would you like someone like me."

He ended up whispering the last sentence. June furrowed his eyebrows in concern, not at all used to seeing Yuu so downhearted. The two of them fell into a silence as soon as they arrived in front of a smoothie stall. Without wasting a second, June bought two cups and left the area, dragging Yuu with him.

June lead Yuu to an area with few people lingering around and he made sure that they stopped where no one would be able to hear them.

"Yuu," the taller libero cupped the other's cheek, the action slow and gentle. "Ya said someone like ya? Yer wrong 'bout that. It has to be Yuu. It can't be an'one else but Nishinoya Yuu." The little libero's eyes widened, cheeks growing warm at the words June uttered with so much care.

"Although I had lots of juniors and seniors confessin' tah me before, they weren't Nishinoya Yuu. They didn't make me happy as much ya do. Listen," June gave his little boyfriend a toothy smile. "I'll like no one else but someone called Nishinoya Yuu, the Guardian Deity of the crows."

Warmth spread through Yuu's chest as he mirrored June's smile. "Got it, June!"

... June will reassure him.


"Ah, the smoothies melted a bit."


"Ya don't have to- Yuu, wait a sec!"




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