5: He has big, comforting hands

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He has big, comforting hands.

Nishinoya Yuu watched with trepidation as his crush interacted with the Neko Captain and Fukuro Ace. He didn't know when or how it happened but his senpai suddenly got all chummy with those two!

The libero didn't understand what went wrong last night. Just because they didn't sleep in the same room and didn't have the same bath schedule, the first persons his senpai approached wasn't him.

Instead, it was someone else from a different team.

Were the deities messing with him or something? After experiencing heaven the day before, he was to experience hell? This was the second time this kind of situation happened!

But first of all, he had to find out how his crush got all friendly with the enemy in just one night! And so, Noya bounced his way towards the trio of third years and shamelessly butted in into their conversation. "Iwata-senpai!"

"Hm?" The ash-haired libero hummed before that oh so gorgeous smile appeared once more. Arrow struck right through Noya's heart, the beauty of that face was just unbelievable. "Oh, Noya! Yer up early, ain't ya? The others ain't awake yet."

Upon hearing that simple praise, he puffed out his chest in pride. "Iwata-senpai, please teach me again today!" Was his excited response. The fantasy he had the other day flashed back through his mind and... his face suddenly erupted into varying shades of red.

His reaction startled the trio of third years in front of him, and he didn't notice how Kuroo and Bokuto shared a look of mischief. "Oya, crow-chan, what's this? What's this?"

"Yeah, yeah, crow-chan, have you been bullying your kouhai or something?" Kuroo facepalmed at his bro's stupidity.

Of course, Iwata June shot Bokuto an incredulous glower. "Bully? Do ya ev'n hear yerself, owl-chan? Ya sound like there's somethin' wrong wit'yer head. Got a loose screw or somethin'?" Iwata June liked this disciple of his so he refused to tolerate such misunderstandings.

After composing himself, Noya was just in time to hear what his crush said towards Bokuto. This... IS IWATA-SENPAI DEFENDING ME? IT... IT SOUNDS LIKE HE DOES. Touched, the shorter libero felt his heart warm up and his stomach doing several flips.

He. Was. So. Goddamn. Happy.

Who wouldn't be, right? If one's crush defended them, who wouldn't feel so touched?! If someone answers no, then Noya would make them see how and why they should be happy when that happens!

Seeing Kuroo sigh and dragging Bokuto away from them, Noya relished in the fact that he was alone again with his crush. After all, there were only a handful of people in the gym right now and receive practice wasn't until later that afternoon.


Amidst his internal monologue on how to compliment Iwata June's unparalleled beauty, a weight appeared on top of Noya's head and began ruffling his spiky hair. "Yah, ya shouldn't listen to that guy, 'ight? That owl has a loose screw in the head. How could I even think of bullyin' mah fav'rite kouhai?"

Oh shit.

"Ah, that's 'ight, I'll make yer lunch later, Noya. I ain't lettin' ya eat an unbalanced meal."

Has... Iwata-senpai's hand always been this big?

"From now on, ya should eat properly, got it?"

"Y... Yeth-!" Came out Noya's startled and incredibly flustered answer. In response, Iwata June blinked, a bit baffled.



Seeing that Noya took his words to heart, he patted his disciple as if he were a dog. "Atta boy!"

Oh shit oh shit oh shit.

That day, Nishinoya Yuu became more aware of just how taller Iwata June was compared to him. The height difference... had him swooning.

Did I have a thing for tall guys or something? Was Noya current question to himself.



I've always found this fanfic cute, especially Noya's fanboying XDD

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I've always found this fanfic cute, especially Noya's fanboying XDD

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