7: Being mistaken for a pervert

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Being mistaken for a pervert.

It's... Noya gulped, eyes fixated on his crush. So big.

The way Iwata squatted made his buttocks even more prominent. With his black tights peeking through his volleyball shorts, Noya failed to tear his gaze away from such a beautiful sight.

Iwata was teaching the first years, specifically Hinata, but he would let slide once if it meant Noya could watch his crush's bottom for quite a while. Other than that, Iwata's thighs made the libero's mouth dry.

GAH- WHAT AM I DOING?! I'VE BEEN STARING AT IWATA-SENPAI'S ASS FOR A WHILE NOW! But he couldn't help it! They were round and appeared firm yet soft at the same time. The urge to touch them boiled at the pit of his stomach.

I GOTTA GET A GRIP OF MYSELF! And so, Noya slapped both of cheeks, the sound of his palm hitting flesh catching a certain setter's attention. Focus! I need to work on my sets first!

"Noya!" Sugawara appeared with an innocent smile. "I have a question for you." Unaware of the mischievous gleam within the setter's eyes, Noya nodded his head. "You see, I've noticed something... have you been staring at June's a-"

Before he could finish his sentence, the anxious Noya slapped a hand over the setter's smirking lips. "I... It's not what you think, Suga-san! I was just... just watching Iwata-senpai's form!"

"Wiausnemsifj." You mean his ass but I'll keep quiet for your sake.



In the middle of the night, Noya had gotten up to use the bathroom. When he was on his way back, he passed by the kitchen and... heard something weird.

"I said shut yer trap!" Wrinkles formed on his forehead when he recognized that voice. Iwata-senpai..? "Oh c'mon, crow-chan, it's not like anyone would be up this late."

"Then, be more gentle, ya overgrown cat."

"I'm already pushing down as gentle as I could!"

"I said shut yer- ah!"

Nishinoya Yuu had always thought that someone's privacy was to be respected; especially when it was his crush's privacy. Yet what the heck did he hear just now?! That ambiguous conversation and that shriek... what was Iwata-senpai doing in there?!

"Oi, Kuroo, ya bastard, that's too much!"

Once he couldn't take it anymore, Noya suddenly barged into the kitchen with a face as red as cherry. "YOU... YOU CAN'T DO THAT WITH IWATA-SENPAI EXCEPT FOR ME!"



Iwata and Kuroo glanced at the close-eyed libero who came in out of nowhere, exclaiming something odd that neither of them could make sense of it. Noya slowly opened his eyes when he received no reaction.

In front of him, Iwata and Kuroo were... pressing down on dough? With the dough too flat in the counter...

"Noya, why're ya up so late?"

"Iwa... Iwata-senpai... what... what are you and..." The poor libero was completely speechless when he realized he misunderstood the situation. At the side, Kuroo realized what the libero must have thought and snickered under his breath.

"Hm? Dis overgrown cat kept buggin' me over the phone, sayin' he wanted pizza. Stores're already closed at this time of night so I decided tah bake for this moron instead."




Seeing him not saying anything, Iwata grew concerned. "Noya, ya 'lright? D'ya want to eat somethin', too?" The neglected Nekoma captain suddenly burst into laughter, finding Iwata's obliviousness amusing.

"Holy shit, Iwata, you dense peridotite. I feel sorry for your fellow libero."

"The fuck are ya mutterin' 'bout, Kuroo?"

AM I A PERVERT FOR THINKING THAT IWATA-SENPAI WAS-?! Noya, who was agonizing over his dirty mind, froze in his place; it further worried Iwata who was growing annoyed with Kuroo's teasing.

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