38: When future arrives

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"Hey, June!"

June paused from packing up his notes. A classmate of his had approached him, an obvious teasing smile on the other's face. June arched an eyebrow at this, wondering what he wanted now. "What d'ya want now, Leo?" The British young adult grinned and swung an arm around June's shoulder.

"You bloody mate, why are you so popular with the ladies?! You don't even talk to 'em!"

"What're ya even on about? I have somewhere to be."

"Christ, you need to chill." Leo jabbed his thumb towards the closed door, a bitter look painting his face. "A lady from the class at the end of the hall wants to talk to you."

"Not interested." Was June's immediate reply. Of course Leo expected this because for the past few years he had known June, not once had he shown any interest in anyone. And if someone confessed to him, he would reject them without a hint of mercy. "C'mon, mate, the lady's the most popular girl in the university! At least treat her to a cuppa!"

"Like I said, ain't interested."

Leo pouted and caught up to June. When they left the room, the lady waiting outside perked up at the sight of June. She smiled and walked up towards him, trying to rope him into a conversation. "I'm—" Before she could even say her name, June had already walked passed her and Leo couldn't help but snicker as soon as they were out of earshot.

The girl had stayed in place, obviously embarrassed by being ignored like that. However, a certain someone didn't care at all. Leo glanced at his friend and all these years, he wondered why June didn't show so much as a hint of interest in anyone. He always goes straight home or he was always on his phone watching volleyball.

"June, do you need a lift?"

"... okay."

And so, the two got on Leo's car. "June, I'm massively bothered 'bout something."

"What is it?" Why does this conversation feel familiar?

"You haven't shown the tiniest bit of interest in all those bloody fools who confessed to you. Why is that? I'm a bit gutted not being able to see you be sweet and all that stuff people do in relationships." Leo scrunched up his nose in disgust as he remembered a few of their juniors at the university.

June glanced out the window of the car, seeing the scenery outside. "'S'not like I'm not interested in that kind of relationship. It's more like I'm already taken and claimed by a certain someone." The car suddenly screeched, wobbling on the road, and caused June to hold tightly onto his seat. It took Leo two seconds to steady the vehicle.

Luckily for them, there were only a handful of cars on this road at this time.

"Ya fucking fool! Are ya tryin' to kill us?!"

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