35: When June could not hold back anymore...

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When June could not hold back anymore...

June had gone back to his room after taking a quick shower at Koushi's. Of course, that savage cousin of his kept elbowing him at the side while giving him teasing looks. As soon as he entered his hotel room, he found Yuu sitting on the bed, a little deep in thought. The little libero didn't even notice June's return.

Closing the door behind him, June walked up to Yuu and sat down beside him. The bed dipped at his weight, causing the other to lean towards him. This managed to snap Yuu out of his thoughts. "June, you're back!" However, that little action actually caused June to curse at himself.

It was only then he smelled the scent of his shampoo and soap wafting off Yuu who glanced up at him with a wide smile. So cute. "I used your stuff, by the way." A sheepish smile appeared on Yuu's face and all June could do was pinch his face. "'S'fine, Yuu. I don't mind if ya use 'em."

Yuu chuckled under his touch before long and big yawn escaped his throat. Noticing this, June reached for the towel hang around Yuu's neck and proceeded to dry off his hair. "Ya shouldn't leave yer hair wet. The night's cold and ya might get sick, dumbass." The insult made the other blink at first but realized that it meant June wasn't trying to hide this side of him anymore.

"You know," the tall teen hummed in response to Yuu's words. "It was really cool how you scolded the Miya Twins! They were awesome on court but they were like kids in front of you!" Yuu animatedly talked, even adding in some hand gestures to make his point. At this, a fond smile spread across June's lips.

"Their actions might've hurt ya."

"You could have gotten hurt, too, you know? June," Yuu suddenly turned around and snatched the towel away from the other's hold, and grasped those much bigger hands in his. "You keep worrying about me but you don't worry about yourself. Just relax! I'm the Guardian Deity of Karasuno, remember? I'm way more awesome than normal guys!"

The way the little libero's eyes sparkled caught June off guard. He really is... so bright 'n' warm.

"That's why worry about yourself more. Although you take care of yourself physically, you're too worried about others. It's okay to be selfish," Yuu had realized this himself and he was alright with it, too. If it meant he get to monopolize June sometimes, then why not? Yuu wasn't afraid to be called greedy.

"It's alright if you get to be a little greedy."

"Then," Yuu was a little startled when June clasped his bigger hands around his... and how June leaned closer to wards his face. "Yuu, can I really be a bit selfish?"

Yuu, who was unaware of the 'danger' right in front of him, let out a dazzling smile. "That's right!" All of a sudden, Yuu felt his back hit the soft mattress, causing him to blink, dumbfounded. "... June?"

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