Chapter 25

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Hey guys, in this chapter I’m doing things a little bit differently.

Vote comment. Enjoy :)

Drake’s eyes darkened in pure fury as he stirred the scorching coffee with his finger. The café is flocking with people, with fresh new delectable scents and different blood types. Part of him wanted to pay close attention on tasting their gore but his mind keeps trailing back to the guards showing up at his house and his mother handing him the plane tickets.

“I’m not going back.” He muttered. They promised him he’d get his winter free that was the deal. He sucked off the liquid from him finger and felt his fang scrape against his skin. He stared curiously watching it heal and ran his tongue of his beautiful snakelike fangs.

“Do you need a refill?” A young waitress with tender looking flesh cooed. Her eyes sparkled as she stared at him as if in a trance, that’s a bonus because he hasn’t even used his powers yet. He smiled charmingly while hiding his fangs and saw the blood running through her veins.

No stop it!

He shook his head vigorously and demanded she left him alone and started playing with his ring. Disappointed she strutted off purposely swaying her hips. That did nothing but made him want to bite her butt and not in the playful manner.

“It’s not my fault.” He whispered hiding his face in his hands. Who are they to ask of him to leave town because he’s in danger. If he is in danger so is Alicia, the hooded man saw her to and he knew her.

He knew her.
Drake mustn’t leave her unprotected; he would rather rip out his own eyeballs and let kids use them as bouncy balls then leave Alicia alone.

Especially since he just got her back… It’s not fair.

Another thing that’s unfair, he is always hungry when he’s angry and that girl is too good to ignore.

“Waitress!” She stumbled over to him with a button on her blouse undone to reveal something-s he doesn’t need to see

“When does your shift end?” He asked eyeing at her neck while she assumed he’s staring at her chest.

“Not for a long time.” She admitted biting her lip.

“Now that just won’t do.” He ran his hand up along her arm forcing her lust and eagerness to strengthen and overpower her common sense.

“Come home with me.” He whispered. She didn’t argue and he grasped her hand firmly in his and led her out to his car. Being a gentleman he opened the door for her and then slid into the driver’s seat immediately starting the engine.

Why is he bringing her home? His dark ways are sinking back in but he can’t stop. The blood is too good to ignore…

Besides his old ways were filled with sinful pleasure, because he used his young charm and wicked sorcery to drink from the dumb and unlucky. Back then he was bad, very bad but now he’s stressed. Yes only stressed he is not the monster now. Alicia is back and he is fixing himself up, in fact even before Alicia came along he was perfectly fine. He would never harm a person unless they deserved it.

But he really wants to.

“I never got your name.” She said.

“Doesn’t matter.”

He sped home forcing her by her arm out of the car while his mother’s bodyguards secured the area and kept a close eye on him.

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