Chapter 7

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Staci led us inside into the blaring loud club music and my head just unwillingly started bopping. They’ve outdone themselves big time! Flashing neon lights and a DJ! And I think the DJ is one of the owners son’s Tony. Of course you have to expect the ladies man to control the music. Heaps of girls have probably come up to him already. But I bet not as much as when he was working behind the bar. I heard someone wolf-whistle and Staci gazed at me over her shoulder smirking proudly. What the hell? I stared back at her confused and so then she just stared ahead and flicked her hair back.

“Hang on Alicia.” Drake whispered and then he started turning me by waist to face him. Then just left his hand there and used the other to stroke my cheek with the back of his cold hand. “I just want to make it clear for every other guy here that’s eyeing at you.”

“They wouldn’t be eyeing at me. The wolf whistle was for Staci, I’m not the one dressed up to impress.” I assured him and he glared over my shoulder then smiled down at me.

“He wasn’t wolf-whistling at her Alicia.” He said then kissed me tenderly. Someone cleared their throat and Drake and I glared over at Staci who just stood there staring.

“Everyone’s like waiting at the table.” She said not staring at us in the eyes and the way her whole body kept moving, or as I like to say twitching in a way where she’s trying to look sassy. I wish I could tell her she looks like she might be constipated.

“Where?” I asked we found them all on a table next to the window. Arnica glanced up and she beamed up.

“Alicia!” She yelled out standing up on her seat so she could step over Tom and rush over to me.

“Are you drunk?” I asked her as she stumbled over to me.

“Tom’s fault.” She said then gazed over at Drake and blinked a million times a second.

“Drake is here? Hi Drake.” She said giddily and then smiled at me dazed.

“Jesus... Tom! What were you thinking?” I snapped at him and he raised his hands up.

“Hey I convinced her to drink one, moron over here got more and she drank them all.” Tom protested pointing at Chris who kicked Tom under the table. “HEY!”

“Chris you moron.” I shouted at him playfully and they all laughed but then eyed at Drake warily. “You guys all know Drake. I mean you two are jealous of his hair.” I said to the boys and they exclaimed.

“I’m honestly not surprised.” Drake stated smirking and all us girls laughed.

“Not too great now are you Chris?” Arnica yelled smirking wryly at Chris. “Now everyone mooooove!” She shouted making them all scoot over on along the black leather seats so we could sit down.

“Hey Alicia! They won’t give us free drinks.” Chris complained and I rolled my eyes.

“The owner only offers free drinks to me because I’m the favourite.”

“Then by all means get us some!” Chris demanded.

“Now I know why you’re really friends with me.”

“Yeah Chris how can you be so insensitive?” Tom mocked and Drake chuckled next to me.

“You’ve now hurt my feelings.” I whimpered and leaned my head against Drake’s shoulder. His hand rested on my knee and Staci stared at us blankly.

“So you guys are like going out now?” Staci asked me and I gazed up at Drake who stared down at me.

“Hear that she wants to get rid of us already?” Drake said and I giggled.

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