Chapter 21

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Let us have winter loving that the heart

May be in peace and ready to partak

Of the slow pleasure spring would wish to hurry

Or that summer harshly would,

And let us fall apart, O gladly weary,

The white skin shaken like a white snowflake. ~ Elizabeth Jennings

Stop bothering me! I want to scream but that will get me nowhere. She's just gusting around me trying to apologise but I'm ignoring her. I don't care for any excuses right now.

Of course I will forgive her eventually but just not now.

Not now...

It's Monday morning and I'm grumpy from another sudden end to another 'eventful' weekend.

There will be other weekends Alicia, if I live that long.

My mother stepped out onto the steps where I'm standing waiting for Drake to pick me up.

"You sure you don't want me to take you?" She asked for the third time this morning. Do my parents dislike Drake? Is that the problem here? I really wish Harry didn't badmouth him now.

I sighed "Drake is about to pick me up." He left here just ten minutes ago after having a sleepover in my room. By the way it was the best sleep I've ever had. Turns out kissing before you go to sleep is the key to a goodnight slumber. However the side effects are: in the morning when you're cuddling with each other you don't want to let each other go. Well actually Drake was determined to go before my parents woke up nevertheless I wasn't very lenient.

"Drake..." I whined as he started stirring and sitting up.

He looks so gorgeous with his hair slightly matted and his eyes half closed sleepily. "I have to go..." He whispered. A guy's sleepy voice is the sexiest sound you will ever hear. Many girls have kept saying that but I never believed them until now.

"Why?" I questioned stupidly already knowing why but I just don't want him to leave.

"I want to shower and change."

"No." I whined again and rolled on top of him hoping to hold him down with my body weight. He fell back chuckling and I smiled at the feeling of his vibrating chest as he laughed. "Just sleep." I ordered.

"I want to but I can't." He replied.

"Yes you can." I whispered then started pressing kisses up his chest to his bare neck and I playfully nipped on it. He chuckled and muttered. "I don't think that will help me sleep."

"But it will keep you in bed." I whispered on his neck then started falling asleep again.


"Why are you so keen to leave when you have a half naked girl lying on top of you?" I changed last night in just underwear and my favourite black woolly jumper that just covers my goods.

Only just...

"Don't be so cruel...." Drake whimpered sarcastically running his hands on the back of my thighs.

"Fine then I'll get off." He grabbed onto my hips holding me in place. "Problem?" I smiled.

"None." He flipped us over purposely rising up my jumper exposing my underwear and stomach to him. He pressed a long kiss above my belly button causing my hormones to flare and completely pleasing his ego. His desire mixed with mine made us both moan pleasurably and he rested his face in my neck circling his strong arms around me holding me tight. We laid there for a long time just to enjoy reading each others feelings. "This is one of the best mornings of my life."

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