Chapter 26

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"Couldn't you have just called him back?" Harry asked while he drove.

"He needed to see me and tell me in person." Whatever it is he needs to tell me. If it wasn't important he would have told me when he saw me another time.

"Do you think he's going to break up with you?" I turned the radio up to the fullest and glared out the window. He turned it down. "I'll be sorry when I'm proven wrong."

"You're being pretty insensitive today. Are you on your man period?"

"Man period?" He repeated with a laugh.


"I'm just being honest."

"You're being the jerk you accuse Drake of being." I felt him turn his head and watch me but I concentrated on the blurry world he's speeding past. I felt a tinge of guilt for saying that but, "I'll be sorry when I'm proven wrong."

I heard him flare his nostrils then sensed him look back at the road.

Alicia 1 Harry 0

Along the road in front Drake's I noticed four black cars and a black limo parked awkwardly. Some are parked in the trees of the forest and there a men and women in black suits scanning the area.

These must be Drake's guards but what are they doing here?

"What's going on?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know." As we drove closer one of the suited men blocked our way gesturing for us to get out of the car.

"We should get out of here."

"Not yet."

"Look at them Alicia, none of them look happy to see us. They look like they want to strip us down for weapons."

"Well we've stripped in front of each other once before so I'm sure you'll be fine." I undid my seatbelt and hopped out of the car trying to stay calm and cool as I faced the guard. "Hi I'm here to see," the man grabbed my arm and called for his companions to grab me also. "Hey let go of me!" Harry leaped out of the car playing the hero again but there was a loud bang of a gunshot and Harry collapsed. "Harry!" I screamed horrified and fought harder against the men. I kept on screaming and forced myself to fall so they would have to drag my heavy weight. My eyes brimmed with tears and I let out uncontrollable sobs and cries. They killed Harry.

Did Drake make that order? Did he command them to murder Harry? No he would never do that! But then again I'm not sure...

They lifted Harry's body and started dragging him up the steps behind me.

"Let me go! Don't touch him! You monsters let go!" My internal switch flipped and I let the snow all around us rise up from the ground to do as I commanded.

But then the front door swung open.

I did not expect Sebastian to save me let alone be half naked while doing it. What is with this family and always getting naked in front of me? I've seen Drake half naked, I've seen Scarlet in lingerie, now Sebastian in nothing but a towel? Please don't let the parents be next.

"Let them go." He said calmly. "One's a blood bag the other is a pet."

"You asshole." I kicked out at his shin but he didn't flinch. His grin did strain which gave me some satisfaction.

"Let her go and just dump the body on the couch." Once they let me go I lunged at him and only because he didn't see it coming I managed to knock him down and couldn't stop punching his face. "Bloody hell Alicia! Get off me."

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