Chapter 18

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  • Dedicated to Siobhan... For 'Beehive'

"Ugh I can't get her mouth right!" I growled frustrated at my painting. Everything else is perfect, her fiery orange and yellow hair, sapphire blue eyes... I even got the nose right which is usually the hardest part on the face, as well as matching the eyes in size and width. The lips however refuse to co-operate! I shifted on my stool and glared at the girl on the canvas. I pointed at her, "now listen you, I will not tolerate this kind of attitude I know since I haven't painted your body yet you feel vulnerable I get it. But still there is no need to make this impossible for me."

"Ali-cat are you talking to your paintings again?" I snapped my head behind me towards my mum who has just entered.

"She's being a bi..." My mother glared at daring me to finish that sentence. "Beehive..."

She held my phone out to me. "Your fiancé wants a word with you."

"And you said no man would love me." I replied sarcastically.

"Life is full of surprises." She sarcastically said smirking.

"You beehive." I snapped playfully taking the phone. "Hello?"

"That was a mean trick you pulled on me." Drake said in a voice full of sarcastic hurt.

"Did it seriously take you four hours to realise I had left?" I questioned and my mum laughed before she left the study closing the door behind her.

"Don't be ridiculous I heard the front door but you were gone before I could do anything. How did you move so fast?" He questioned apprehensively.

"How do I have ice superpowers? I'm just too cool." I replied checking under the door see if she had actually left. "So you notice me gone and you decide to call me four hours later?" I pestered not seeing shadows of feet thus I went back to painting.

"I was going to drive to your place but I..." He trailed.

I grew suspicious. "You what...?"

"I'm trying to think of something cooler than my mother called..." I burst out laughing.

"Why don't you live with your mum?" I curiously asked.

"We technically don't live here."

"Where do you live?"

"Far away,"

"An exact location," I said rolling my eyes.

"The last time I told someone they stalked me."

"I have better things to do with my time rather than stalk you. Eve is just desperate."

"How'd you know it was Eve?" He questioned. I can just feel him smiling on the other end.

"Lucky guess," I smirked.

"What are you doing now?"

"Painting you?"

"Heading home now."

"From your mother's?"

"I did have to drop her off to the airport. And feed her before she left."

"Nice Italian dinner or nice Italian waiter?" I stiffened. "I can't believe I just said Oh God was that rude?"

He chuckled. "No, and before you ask I have never killed anybody. We drink but not till the point of the person's death."

"So you are a good vampire. But does that mean there are bad ones?" I couldn't help but think about Sebastian as soon as I asked.

"That's a definite I'm afraid. If you're afraid I don't mind coming over to stay the night, for safety purposes of course."

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