Chapter 1

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~Wake up sleepy head. ~

I moaned barely stirring. The wind blew shaking the open glass window and I groaned. I keep it open so the wind can talk to me.

~Don’t test me we both know what happened last time. ~ Yes I do remember that mini hurricane in my room.

“Please just a few more minutes?” I pleaded.

~Do you want your parents to have to take you to school or me? ~ The wind flew in chilling up my backside.

“I suppose you have a point there.” I said then silently yawned.

~Come on...~

“You’re worse than my mother.” I declared getting myself up out of the comfort of my bed. “Could you get out my clothes?” I asked her. She assured me she’s a female but can be a male if I prefer. I don’t and I never will. She blew open my cupboard and my skinny jeans gusted out as well as my black sleeveless top. They landed on my bed which she magically made herself. While I grabbed my hair brush and combed through my knotted hair. I glared at my dull reflection in the mirror, and sighed. My hair falls into long black curls down to my waist and my skin is as pale as snow. Well not really but it is unnaturally pale during winter. It almost seems like I’m sick. My eyes are blue and sometimes depending on the lighting they can be grey.

~Let’s get going before your parents wake. ~ She whispered and I quickly pulled on my clothes and got out my snow boots. She carried out my big red snow jacket and hand knitted purple scarf.

“I don’t even need these. You know I love the cold.”

~Yes but you don’t want to look suspicious once you get to the bus stop. That boy looked at you weirdly yesterday remember. ~ Yeah and now everyone stares at me strangely when before they never stared at all. I think I prefer to be invisible than seen as a freak. I will wear the jacket once I get to an area full of people; I love the feel of the cold air. It soothes me... Others tremble but I tingle. Ever since the day I woke up almost buried in it. The snow is not cruel to me, it is my inspiration. I absolutely, utterly love winter and miss it when the other seasons come around. Especially since the wind only speaks to me then. Once the season is over she disappears to shed her glorious cold wind elsewhere. I held the jacket in my arms but wrapped the scarf around my neck as I opened my bedroom door. It’s not a large room; this house is more like a cabin or a nice cottage and has the forest as a backyard. My room is the smallest room in the whole house other than the bathroom. The walls are just wood, I have one window and the floor is just white carpet, my bed is queen-sized so it takes up half the space of the room and my cupboard is a clothing nightmare. The wind once joked that this was the closet where clothes come to die. I walked out of my room closing the door quietly behind me then paced lightly to the staircase. I want to walk because it gives me a chance to be outside in the cold and I can quickly stop to get a hot chocolate. Once down I ended up in the living room, old blue couch but luckily sort of new flat screen TV.

“Alicia?” My mother called out from upstairs. I can’t see her so she probably thinks I’m in my room. “Alicia!” I ran through past the kitchen grabbing my schoolbag to the front door. I swung it wide open so cold air hit me forcing my body to tingle. I sighed pleasurably then quickly shut the door. And leaped over the three steps on our porch to run off down to the road then ran left down the path.

~Your mother is going to kill you. ~

“She’s not my real mother anyway.”

~How would you know? ~

“She dies her hair from blond to black so we seem a little alike. And well I found her when I woke up on that mountain.” I said still running till out of sight from the house.

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