Chapter 15

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During science I answered a few questions then couldn’t resist on drawing a female satyr in my workbook. I think I doodle more in my science book than any other book. I never doodled in my art book that seemed too precious to me and my science teacher never really looks at work books therefore... The only other person I know here is Chris and he is sitting in the row right in front of me. Probably doodling away as well but of something really stupid. I can tell from the tense muscles in his back Chris wants to talk to me. Besides he keeps looking over to smile at me and I would smile back or pretend I’m too deep into my work to notice. Under the bad lighting in the science room his hair looks more golden. I never take much notice of his head because he’s always in a cap but our teacher confiscated it. The one he was wearing today said Pussy on it and even I’m bothered by it. He leaned his chair back so it rested on my table and he stared at me with the same goofy smile.

“Hey Chris.” I leaned forward.

“Hi um... this is a little awkward.” He started awkwardly. “I’ve wanted to talk to you.”

“I could tell from the first three glances over your shoulder.” He chuckled nervously.

“Look we’re friends and we’d be honest with each other right?”

“Just get to the point Chris I know you too well to be the heartfelt friend.”

He got straight to the point. “Is what Staci said true? Did you really do all that she is saying?”

“Of course they're not true Chris you were there.” I stated getting a little annoyed.

“I know I’m just making sure.”

“Sometimes Chris you can be an idiot so I don’t know why you’re judging me when you’ve done worse.”

“Hey calm down Alicia I didn’t mean it that way. I just want to know what to say when people ask me.”

“It’s nobody else’s business you don’t have to say anything. They want to know the truth they can ask me themselves since everyone is too chicken to ask Drake.”

“So it’s official you’re seriously with him.” He said it like it was the lowest idea he’s ever thought.

“Do you have a problem with that?”

“I do actually.” That stunned me. “I like you Alicia.” I froze unsure what to think. He likes me or he likes me? “I’ve wanted to be with you since last year the first time I saw you in that white bikini.” Oh typical, it’s lust. He finally got see me out of my clothes and all of sudden I’m his ideal girl.

“And so you decide to express your feelings now that I’m with someone and during a science lesson.”

“I thought I should let you know so you have more options.”

“What?” He turned around in his seat before I could snap. He shouldn’t have said anything. What does he expect me to do? Just because all of a sudden he has emotions he thinks that’s going to make leap into his arms? Oh for all I know he’s kidding around all though he did always find a way to touch me that day when I was in that bikini. That should have been my first clue.

“You’re a horny asshole.” I hissed and he whipped back around glaring at me.

“Oh yeah?” He challenged with a smirk.

“Yeah. Chris you don’t like me that way.”

“I do like you that way.” He protested through gritted teeth. I’m really getting aggravated.

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