Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

We stopped at the town hall and there are many limos parking at the entrance just so glamorous wealthy couples could step out. There are two door men who held the grand doors open and I eyed at all the security guards in black suits standing around. Wow this must be a big event if there are security guards here. A white limo parked in front of the entrance and when another security guard opened the door, a red head in an emerald green dress stepped out and then at least seven bodyguards stepped out behind her. We were parked on the other side of the road but we stayed put in his car.

"I shouldn't be here..." I whispered and Drake turned to gaze at me softly.

"No you shouldn't. But you're with me so no one can argue... If anyone asks you're my date."

"Date? You think that by making me wear a glamorous dress, driving me in an awesome car and taking me to a fabulous party is going to make fall for you. Well you are absolutely right!" I stated sarcastically and he chuckled then looked through the window. I looked over him at the large building and I can't believe I am actually going to enter it. With Roman Drake Valdymar as my 'date'. I felt him stiffen when out of another black limo a fair golden headed man around his age stepped out. He looked behind him and I almost felt like he was staring right at us.

"Stay close to me." He said then I turned around to drive up behind another limo. "That's Charles Lanshar the golden headed idiot." Drake said glaring at the guy and he shot daggers back at Drake as he walked in with what looked like his parents.

"Sounds like you're very fond of him." I said watching the boy step inside with a few more bodyguards following him.

"He and I have a strong hate for each other. It's some power rivalry that I won't bore you with but he might if he gets you alone."

"How lovely... Where are your body guards?" I asked and he smirked.

"Searching for my sister." We moved forward until we were in front of the entrance. He opened his own door before the doorman did so the doorman ran over to my side. But Drake somehow got there before him and opened the door for me. He took my hand and helped me up smiling down at me sweetly. I gulped wishing the wind would comfort me but no breeze is blown which means she's off somewhere else. I'm starting to have second thoughts about this. She doesn't really trust Drake and she wouldn't leave me alone with him would she? I took a deep breath then felt a cool breeze caress my skin and blow through my hair. I smiled knowingly then let Drake lead me around the car then he tossed his keys at one of the guards.

"I came for the dinner but I don't think I'm going to be able to eat in this dress." I whispered in his ear and I felt his body vibrate but he kept a straight face. Still holding my hand in his as if we were... well a couple. But like he said before he just needs an escort and I can't blow things out of all proportions. Not yet anyway knowing me... We stepped inside the threshold and I had to hold myself from gawking. Everyone in here is stunningly gorgeous and all so pale with vibrant coloured eyes. And to add onto that everyone is in tuxedos with little medals or fancy ball gowns and gorgeous jewellery, my eyes trailed to each and every female beauty in this wide room. And that's when it hit me. I don't belong here. They're all graceful, cultured and sophisticated. And then there's me... Coarse, clumsy and dead common. Why would Drake bring me to a place like this? Why does he think I am suitable for this kind of crowd? It took a squeeze from Drake's hand on mine to snap me out of haze. "Oh God..." I whispered to myself and I felt Drake lean over to whisper in my ear. "You're the prettiest girl out of this whole bunch." I flushed and gazed up at him. His soulful eyes stared down at me adoringly and I felt something in my stomach flutter.

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