Chapter 20

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Running away of course is a cowardly thing to do and I’ve always hated it when people do that in movies, especially when you can easily beat up the chaser. But now I know how those cowards really feel and I’m not dealing with just an ordinary psychopath or evil bad doer. I’m dealing with an ice man being controlled not to mention created by a winter spirit. A no flesh thing that won’t bleed if you cut it or choke to death if you try to strangle it. It won’t even bruise because it’s an inanimate object. However I’m still not running. I’ve dodged blows to the face and if I’m at a distance from him-it he shoots sharp shards of ice at me.

~ Fight back if you want to live. ~

“Drake!” I called out.

~ Typical ~ The mouth less ice man sneered. I took this chance to create my own snow spheres by waving my hand then clenching my fist. When I threw it he saw it coming but didn’t move. He laughed instead. I wish Drake was here. I need him. I hate to be dependent but I can’t fight a spirit on my own especially when we both claim the same power that only one of us knows how to use. Me not being that someone. At least I would have a chance if Drake was here because he can melt every shard and bit of snow the winter spirit threw at me. I thought long and hard about him since now there is clearly no hope for me. But still I’m trying since I keep ducking, sustaining what’s left of my life a little longer. I will miss you Drake.

~ Come on Ali. ~ He mocked. I bet he knows how much that nickname angers me. But fear is still the only feeling controlling me now. ~ Fight... ~ Before I let him finish I let sharp shards of ice no bigger then a flea seep out for my fingers until it coated my hands and I tried swinging my fist into his frozen face. Shockingly although it kills my hand it has effect and has broken parts of his face off. Not wanting risk anything I didn’t hesitate to start backing away recoating the ice on my hands. Suddenly I felt a sudden urgency. It’s strange it’s almost like it’s not my own feeling.

The ice man crumpled but not in the way I want. He flew around in little broken bits of ice and I watched him like a hawk ready for anything, not really, my legs are weak and shaking. Then it hit me again, the urgent emotion, the scary feeling of me in danger. I am in danger why would I wonder if I’m in danger if I already am practically ready to die. The distraction made me lose focus for only second and I was thrown far off into a tree then landed onto its awkwardly shaped roots. I cried out in pain and then I felt a sudden worry about my safety again. These aren’t my feelings it’s like I’m reading someone else’s emotions. I can feel the bond to someone, someone who strongly cares for me and is worried sick about me.

It’s Drake, I know it’s Drake. He’s out here looking for me. Maybe because he can feel my emotions he realised I was-am in danger but how is it that I can feel his? I let my fear pour out to him and the feeling of him panicking; praying he gets to me on time warmed my heart and gave me hope. The hope he could feel as well and he got determined through this new made bond. I have to fight back better and properly just until Drake gets here so I stole a little of his determination to help myself. The ice still coated on my hands but I don’t want to have to keep getting close to him to make a blow. I stood up and waved my hand over the ground clawing my fingers to make the snow rise and ordered it to strike hard whenever the iceman renewed.

Far across from me he reformed and the snow I controlled rose up like a snake and easily sliced off one of his arms.

~ Finally you’re doing well. ~

~ You’ve tortured her enough now stop it. ~ One of the other brothers yelled as the iceman stared at me blankly. Inside of me a flip of a switch turned off and I grew more cold and angry as I stared at the lifeless face. Finally the weight of the air lifted off me as I tensely relaxed closing my hands into a fist. Drake’s concerning emotion for my sudden violent feeling I just ignored.

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