Chapter 10

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I can feel the blood gushing through my veins all because my heart is going rapid. Drake has a power to influence emotions I know that much, the wind does that to cool me. To help me feel safe, however Drake is using it to get out of trouble.

“What do you know about that power?” He whispered curiously but seductively at the same time. How does he do it? How does he make me feel so

Uncomfortable but still I like him as if he were God.

I now feel like I shouldn’t have said anything so I stepped back and turned around to walk away. I crashed into a hard chest and I realised straight away that it’s Drake. 

“You move fast.” I said.

“Alicia I have to ask...”

“No you have no right to question me.” I snapped before he could finish then the bell rang. “My plan was to ignore you for the entire day but now that I think about it what happened last night almost got me killed because of you.” I growled and what raised my anger was that he didn’t look shocked, worried or even remotely surprised and worst of all he doesn’t even look guilty for what he’s done. It’s as if this is a normal occurrence to him. He just stared at me unblinking. “Well bonus points for paying attention jackass.”

“What?” Oops said that out loud.

“Don’t question me Roman God! You abandon me at a club, I’m so lucky I had someone there who remained sober while I got pissed drunk. Really it should have been you dancing with me on that dance floor, you who bashed the guy who tried to sexually harass me.” Finally he shows emotion his eyes widened stunned then he looked upset. “And you...” He interrupted me. “I’ll kill him.”


“The guy who attacked you.” Really that’s what he’s getting from this.

“Hmmm.” I checked my imaginary watch. “Nope nine and a half hours too late to play the hero Roman. You know what why am I even bothering you don’t care about me.” I tried to side step him but forced my back to slam into the wall and placed his hands on either side of my head to trap me. This is exciting me but also scaring me, he has a power to control my feelings what else could he possibly be capable of?

“Alicia I know I shouldn’t have left you behind it killed me...”

“Alicia? Hey you OK?” Drake and I both looked over at Tom coming from another corridor behind us and he had Arnica there with him. They both look concerned actually Tom looks like he wants to start a beating. Other students are aware of us and aren’t sure what to do.

Drake’s right hand fell to his side as he moved his body slightly to stare at them. “Just fuck...” NO! I grabbed Drake’s left hand and let my inner snow seep out from my skin to sink into his pores and freeze up his hand. He groaned and stiffened then glared down at his hand. I’ve painfully frozen the nerves in his hand and he shot me a horrified glower.

“Don’t be rude to my friends.” I hissed at him angrily then gazed over at them blankly. “We’re good guys just go I’ll see you later.”

“OK.” Arnica said hesitantly but they didn’t too fast. Not until everyone heard a teacher yelling through the corridor shouting at slow students.

“Come with me.” Drake whispered to me and started walking down the opposite way from all the students. I’m tempted to follow him, but I just thought of what the wind would say for me to do. She wouldn’t want me wasting my time with boys when there’s serious schoolwork needed to be done. But this dark temptation is growing and then fear of being alone with him snapped me back. I started walking the opposite direction. “Alicia.” He called out and I turned around then fell hypnotised by his dazzling eyes. He head gestured for me to follow him, I didn’t move. Now that I have seen what I can do, what happened in my past and what shouldn’t have happened last night. I need to every detail of what’s going on. So I rushed up behind him and he attempted with his hand to hold mine but his fingers wouldn’t move.

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