Chapter 19

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We don’t need to keep her cuffed.” My capturer exclaimed at his allies. I’m downstairs now in their crappy excuse of a kitchen dining room with broken green and yellow tiles, cracked walls, and cracked ceilings my God as far as I know these criminals are all on crack. But I stayed calm on the seat they’ve tied me to with rope and now they’re arguing about cuffing me. “We don’t even need her tied up. She’s not going anywhere, she’s with me.”

“It’s easy for you to trust her because she didn’t hit you with a frying pan!” The man speaking who looks somewhere in his twenties, rubbed the back of his blonde head glaring down at my capturer and his other comrades glared at me. They still must be annoyed at me for almost blowing their feet off. 

“You had guns I panicked.” I said and my capturer smiled at me then strolled over to sit beside me at the old plastic, dirt covered table. He started to untie me and I put a sweet smile up encouraging him. “Thank you I thought I was losing blood circulation for a minute.” I said trying not to be nervous. But I can tell I’m not doing a good job because he just looked at me as if I were the most adorable thing on this Earth.

“You’re so cute.” He complimented stroking my cheek while the others watched. The others all being older than him or maybe he is actually older than them but he won’t age. 

“I’ve been called many things cute not being one of them.” My capturer pulled me up by taking my hand and walked me away from the others to the couch. He sat me down and I sunk so deep into it I felt like it was going to swallow me whole. He sunk down next to me and rested his arm behind my head making me feel –not so much terrified- but uncomfortable. “I never got your name.”

“Hunter.” Oh how fitting. The Hunter has been hunting me down and now what? What is he going to do to me? Whatever he wants...

“Hunter why am I here?”

“Don’t tell her anything Hunter.” The blonde man I hit warned him.  I rested my hand on his knee to easily persuade him and he again nuzzled his face in my neck where my scent is rich. I shuffled so my front leaned more into him and I whispered. “Are you all vampires?” I have to know what I’m going against if I’m going to get out of here. The thing is though he is being too kind, I’m wary of it and I’m scared that this is not his real character.

“I’m the only one.” Good so only he is the big issue, I could easily escape if I... I don’t know yet. Why can’t I think of anything? Maybe I’m still hazy from the drug.

“Where am I Hunter? Please I just want to go home.”

“You’re safe with me.” He whispered using his other hand to stay on my stomach and he stared at it for awhile. I’m worried that he might be thinking of having a baby with me. There is no way he and I will have a Hunter Jr!

I trembled. “That’s not the point. You have kidnapped me.” I removed his hand from my stomach.

“Don’t be afraid.” I’m more annoyed now than afraid. 

“What do you want from me?” He answered with trying to kiss me again but I leaned away in fact I kept my whole body away. “I’m already with someone.”

“That werewolf huh? I have a feeling you and he are going to be over very soon.” Is that a threat? Fear sunk in making my stomach feel ill. He better not touch my Harry, I’m not with him anyway.

“No not him. But that doesn’t matter.”

“You’re right.” He went to kiss me again but I shot up off the couch. 

“Boy is it suddenly cold in here?” I hugged myself and pretended to shiver.

“What are you talking about we have the heater on?” One of the other guys said. I hid one of my hands behind my back and let the snow and ice seep out and float off. I have no idea what I’m doing I’m just improvising.

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