Chapter 22

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She tells her love while half asleep,

In the dark hours,

With half-words whispered low:

As Earth stirs in her winter sleep

And puts out grass and flowers

Despite the snow,

Despite the falling snow. ~ Robert Graves

Drake got the detention but not without the lecture of keeping it safe. I don’t want to even go over what the principal made us go through. That conversation was incredibly uncomfortable and I sent many annoying energy waves to Drake who simply smirked behind his hand and kept eyeing at me with sinister eyes. 

And to make things even more awkward Ms Mullens decided to have the talk with me that I haven’t even had with my parents but it’s been a few days since that embarrassing day and I’ve sort of cooled off. 

My night out with my mother still went on but on a bad note since Ms Mullens decided to call her up and exaggerate the whole situation. 

I had to explain myself that I am still a virgin in public –I can never be seen at that café again-.

As punishment I have not let Drake touch me (tried to) and called him by his first name just to annoy him further. Scarlet has noticed my distance even though it’s no big deal but apparently Drake has been getting aggravated. 

Scarlet has had to hold him back.

Good, I’m glad I’m not the only one now getting frustrated. I miss his touch and his kisses and oh God I miss just flinging myself in his arms just for the hell of him holding him. He knows it; he knows how much he affects me so he pushes his luck. I’ve been blissfully attacked by him and his lips and pestered by his phone calls and long credit wasting messages. 

It’s been fantastic.

As for Neva we have not spoken and I miss her more than I miss Drake to be honest. But she’s given up on me and I can’t feel her presence anymore which is disturbing me more and more every hour when I’m alone. I’m not used to the loneliness.

Tonight I have the dancing thing Tatiana has invited me to so I won’t be lonesome. Hopefully the dance will distract me and tire me so when I get home I knock out and not think about Neva or about my horny vampire boyfriend. 

Now how many girls can say that in their lives?

I pushed my front door open in my leggings and black loose top, which purposely falls off my shoulder to show my purple leotard underneath. I’m surprised it even still fits after so many years.

“Drake?” I jumped surprised him seeing at the bottom of the steps.

He has combed his hair back fitted himself as usual in black jeans and Tee. Not bothering with the pretending to be cold… “Are you still ignoring me?” He questioned.

“I’ve barely ignored you.” I replied descending down to him as his eyes took in my outfit before admiring my face.

“You gave me the cold shoulder a few times.”

“Well you’re over sensitive.” I threw my arms around his neck knocking us both over into the ground so I could press kisses all around his jaw then trail back to his lips. I chewed on his bottom lip as I straddled him with my legs and his hands ran all over my back pulling me deeper into him. 

But he pulled back to make a point. “I’m not over sensitive.”

“Just like I’m not over dramatic now get back to kissing before I go.” I tilted forward.

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