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(Au:Magical creatures to a degree)

Ever since he could remember, Katsuki was told to never go into the forest. He never asked why. Why would he care about some dumb forest? He's got the most amazing quirk there is.
That was until he was 10.
"Come on Katsuki, you said you're not afraid of anything."
Katsuki huffed and crossed his arms.
"Damn right I'm not scared of anything! I'll take anyone on!"
The group of boys laughed as they saw their friend cross his arms and glare.
"Enter the forest then."
Katsuki glanced behind him and saw the forest.
It was guarded by a chain link fence and barbed wire at the top.
"I can't-"
"Bawk bawk bawk"
"The great Bakugo Katsuki is scared!"
Bakugo huffed and pointed at the sun.
"Idiots! I can't because it's dinner time! Tomorrow I'm going into that forest and kicking the ass of whatever I find!"
The group of boys laughed and ran off.
Katsuki huffed and turned to look at the forest one last time.
The shadows seemed to grow darker the longer he looked.
"Katsuki! Get over here you brat!"
Katsuki turned and and ran home.
Later at dinner his mom realized something was bothering her son.
"Ok, what is it?" She asked.
She saw her son freeze up and that made her wonder if he had already done the thing that bothered him.
"Why can't I go in the forest?"
Mitsubishi was surprised at the question. Then she sighed.
"When I was a girl, your grandmother told me a story about far living in the forest."
Katsuki groaned and rolled his eyes.
Mitsuki rolled her eyes at the brat.
"Anyway, she told me they were horrible tricksters who take jokes to far. But they weren't even the worst lots of dangers in the forest. Like wolves, poisonous plants."
Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"Everyone knows those are all fake."
Mitsuki laughed.
"I thought the same thing. Then I went."
Katsuki paused. His mother has never mentioned that.
Mitsuki a eyes were glazed over, almost like she wasn't even there but somewhere else completely.
"It was so beautiful... the smell of all the flowers there were some that glowed like the moon."
Katsuki almost felt like he was there with her with how she talked about it.
"But, then it got dark and I got lost."
Katsuki watched with baited breath.
"The beauty lets you in but the forest doesn't let you back out. I got so turned around I lost my hat and ribbon. Looking back I suppose it was lucky I did. The forest was such a different place once the moon rises. The shadows played jokes on your eyes and you're not sure what your seeing anymore."
Katsuki watched with stars in his eyes.
"That's when I saw her."
"Saw who...?" He asked quietly.
He feared if he spoke even louder then that then it would make her leave the story at that.
"A fairy."
Katsuki chocked but his mom waved him off.
"Think what you want, I know what I saw. She was beautiful. Long green hair, black pointed eyes with a green shine. Pointed ears, and the most beautiful pink wings. She showed me out of the forest. We promised to be friends and I gave her a Ruby ring I had. Her name was Inko Midoriya... She gave me a special present too."
"What was it?"
Mitsuki left and came back with her hands behind her back.
"A flower."
Mitsuki smiled as she brought out a pink Lilly in a glass case.
"It's supposed to glow when it's brought near her."
Mitsuki smiled as she picked at something on the table.
"If she's so special why haven't I met her yet?"
Mitsuki sighed and smiled at her son.
"I never saw her again. But she wasn't like what your grandmother said they would be. She was so gentle, too good for this world. She had a warmth and I just knew she couldn't be evil."
Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes as he went up to go bathe and go to sleep.
The next day, Kastuki grabbed his bag and was out to meet his friends.
The Lilly in his bag weighed heavily, as I'm demanding for him to go back.
Katsuki stood outside the fence and waited for his friends to arrive.
"Tch you're all late!"
"Whatever, what's in the bag Kastuki?"
Katsuki huffed and crossed his arms.
"I'm bringing something back from the forest."
The boys cheered and egged Kastuki on.
Katsuki huffed and squeezed through the fence.
He expected some dark shadows to cover him or something instant to happen, but nothing did.
So he walked into it.
He didn't see what was so special. It's was just a bunch of trees.
But as he got further in, he started seeing more and more flowers.
Flowers that shone like the moon.
He stopped dead in his tracks.
The leaves looked like gold and the trees were silver, the flowers flowed and the vines had bright blue veins. It was beautiful.
Katsuki stood there gawking at the sight.
Mushrooms bigger than him grew, the grass was a dark teal and even the dirt seemed to shiver under his feet.
He scooped some of the dirt and put it in a jar. Then he grabbed some leaves and put them in the bag.
As he opened the bag he gasped as he saw the Lilly glowing.
He looked around quickly and saw the wolf.
It was a mass of silver and black fur as if trying to decide wether to live in the snow or in a cave.
As it came closer to Katsuki growling, a loud whistle made its ears perk up and it ran off.
Katsuki shook his head and decided he needed to leave soon, he just needed one last thing.
He looked around and saw a a dark purple flower.
It's glow was softer than the others and seemed almost darker but Kastuki was memorized by the beautiful flower.
"Don't touch that!"
Katsuki quickly turned around to see a figure.
"Hey! Extra! Who's there!"
Kastuki began trying to let pops of explosions off but it wasn't working.
"That flower is poisonous to touch, Rico must've missed it in his weeding."
"The wolf you just saw. You were getting to close."
The flower in Katsuki's bag grew brightly and warmer by the second.
"A-are you... Inko Midoriya?"
The figure titled their head.
Katsuki saw horns.
"No, that's my mom. How do you know her?"
"C-come out...!" Katsuki hated that he sounded weak.
The figure walked closer and Katsuki held his breath.
The boy had light green skin. A mess of curly green hair and pointed black eyes. All you could see were the white pupils that's had a green ring around them.
His left hand had golden writing and his other had a fishnet glove with red flower petals on the rim.
He had a hoodie and short coveralls over the hoodie.
He had vines the curved into shoes and a red and pink rose flower crown. He did indeed have horns but they were tiny and almost drowned in the curls. And he had golden freckles. He was beautiful. But his wings... they were misty had spotted light green and light pink and shaped like a dragon fly.
The boy smiled and flapped his wings.
"Aren't they cool?! I haven't grown out of the kid stage though, my mom says I'll have wings like hers because of the pink but I'm hoping for red."
Katsuki mindlessly nodded.
He understood the warmth his mom was talking about now.
"What are you doing here?"
Katsuki snapped back to his thoughts quickly.
"I was just grabbing a few things."
The boy nodded.
"I'm Izuku, you should put whatever you took back though, the forest doesn't like thieves."
"Tch. What's some dumb forest gonna do about it? I'm Katsuki Bakugo."
Izuku looked at him and blinked his eyes.
The big eyes just stared at him, almost glowing in the light.
It had Katsuki dumping everything out and putting everything where he found it faster than his mom telling him to clean his room.
Izuku just smiled and fluttered over to Katsuki.
Katsuki watched in amazement as the fairy that was only an inch or two smaller than him, fluttered over and kissed his forehead.
Katsuki looked at him and then grabbed his hand.
"Let's stay together."
Izuku tilted his head in confusion.
"Why are you lost?"
Katsuki growled.
"I'm never lost!"
Izuku watched the human with wonder as sparks came from his hand.
"Do you have a quirk!!"
The ends of Izuku's hair glowed golden as he held up the palm of Katsuki's hand.
Katsuki watched as the creature marveled at the quirk.
Katsuki smiled brightly and stood proudly.
"Of course I do! I have the best quirk known to man!"
Izuku's eyes widened as butterflies swarmed his head in circles as his hair grew brighter.
Katsuki watched as the butterflies with crystal wings fluttered about.
Izuku grabbed his hand tightly and smiled.
The smile was a bit crooked and it looked like the smile of a trouble maker.
Katsuki was living for the impish grin.
Katsuki's blush covered his cheeks and he let Izuku lead the way as he fluttered about.
Izuku barged into his house smiling.
"Mom! Look!"
Inko sighed smiling and walked over to her son.
"Oh... Izuku who's this?"
Izuku smiled brightly.
"His name is Ka-suki!"
Katsuki ignored the mispronunciation of his name.
Izuku turned and jumped up and down while holding his arm while holding it up.
"Do the thing! Do the thing!"
Katsuki nodded and let small booms from his hand.
"Oh... that flower.... are you Mitsuki's son?"
Katsuki smiled and stared at Inko.
Her wings looked like Izuku's but pink. And she had elk like horns with blooming pink lillies that glowed.
Inko clicked her tongue and shook her head.
"Mitsuki must be worried about you. Izu honey, could you take him home please? But make sure no one sees you."
Izuku smiled and grabbed Katsuki's hand.
Katsuki was getting dizzy from the amount of glow coming from the boy. He didn't even notice when he was at the fence of the forest.
"Wait but- I don't want to leave without you-"
Izuku giggled.
"Of course not, we're friends now! Silly, I'll still come visit you! But the forest isn't a good place at night."
Katsuki was about to ask how he would avoid being seen but was answered with Izuku winked.
His hands glowed gold and ran his hand up his arms, across his chest and stomach, down his legs, over his wings, and over his head.
As his hands moved, his skin became a pale complexion instead of the pale green. His wings disappeared, his hair became a darker green, his eyes were bright green and looked normal, his horns were gone along with his wings. He looked normal.
Izuku held his finger to his lips.
"Don't tell anyone ok Kacchan?"
Katsuki simply just nodded as they both squeezed their way out of the fence.
Katsuki took the lead and led Izuku home quietly.
Katsuki refused to let go of the hand.
When they arrived home, Mitsuki was watching Tv and glared at her son.
"I knew you took my Lilly. Damn brat."
Mitsuki paused when she saw Izuku.
Katsuki shook his head and smiled as he began bouncing and explaining everything that happened.
Izuku blushed at some parts and then got excited when talking about Katsuki's quirk again.
He marveled as Katsuki showed off again.
Katsuki's ego got even bigger than it has ever been.
Mitsuki smiled and laughed.
"Well I think it's time for Izuku to head home now before it's late."
"What?! No!"
"Why can't he stay? Just for one night."
Mitsuki smiled and ruffled her sons hair, then bonked him on the head.
"Of course not!"
Katsuki sighed and said his goodbyes to Izuku.
Izuku smiled and grabbed a rose from his hair and the blonde watched as the glow covered the flower before turning into a bracelet.
"Here! Now we can meet up, just let me know when you want to play!"
Katsuki watched in amazement as Izuku made a matching bracelet with a pink rose.
Then the door closed and Katsuki slumped at the loss of the warm glow.
Mitsuki laughed.
"It's like a drug Katsuki, the more fairies are around you, the more you want to be with them. Just be careful though. You were fortunate to meet Inko's kid. Not all fairies are nice."
"You talk as if you've met others..."
Mitsuki smiled and walked away.
"Wait! Old hag! Who else did you meet!"
"Go to bed!"
"Come on! Tell me!"

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