Soul Writing pt.8

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3rd person

Izuku Midoriya like to think he was a highly observant person. It came with being deaf for him. Since he can't hear, he's thankful that he can see as much as he can.

He didn't think that he could walk into a room and instantly notice a scratch in the floorboards, but he did beileve that he was highly epathetic.

So when he walked back into the room of his friends and boyfriend with his mom, you can imagine his surprise when the tense air had dissipated. Not even any glares were left.

Izuku could tell Katsuki was yelling at Dabi byt he didn't know why. Maybe it was the game they were playing, or maybe Dabi made a dumb remark. Whatever it was, it made a stupid smile break through Izuku's lips.

Inko sighed happily watching the teens.

She took a small glance at the computer and quickly went over and closed out of the news tab. Toga, Dabi, and Shigaraki's name and mug shots were the cover story again.

Inko wasn't stupid. She recognized them the second she saw them with Izuku. But she also saw how they treated him. Normally. They treated him just like any other kid. Weirdly enough, the three villains made his life normal.

She was skeptical at first of course. But that was until she talked with Shigaraki.

She had walked to pick up Izuku, but she heard crying. When she went to look, she saw the boy curled up into a ball crying.

"I-I ruined it..."

Inko silently raised an eyebrow and crouched next to him and held out her hand.

Shigaraki looked up with tears and shook his head quickly.

"Tomuraru-kun, what did you ruin?"

Shigaraki pointed shakily to a stain in the grass.

"S-statues. I-I was supposed to g-give them to I-Izu so h-he could i-i-infuse them. B-but I t-tripped and c-caught them and they d-d-broke!"

Inko in that moment didn't see a villain feared by everyone.

She saw a boy who was wronged by those he should've trusted. A boy who was saved by a bad influenced and was nearly forced on to the road he was on.

"Shiggy! We got more clay and we though- Ms.Midoriya!"

Inko stood up and looked at the Toga and Dabi.

She knew there was more to thier story than what showed on the news.

"Well you didn't ruin anything SHigaraki-kun."

Tomuraru looked up confused.

"H-huh?" He hicupped.

Inko smiled kindly.

"Those statues were useless to him."

"What?! How-"

"You misunderstand Dabi-kun. They were cooked. Izuku couldn't used them if they were cooked. I've seen your work and it's gorgeous Tomuraru. But If they hadn't had broke you wouldn't get to make new ones that Izuku could make come to life."

Shigaraki rubbed away tears and sniffled.

"S-so he won't be mad that his hero figures won't be here today?"

Inko smiled and ruffled his hair.

"Of course he won't! Izuku is to sweet to hold that against anyone. Now, aren't you both supposed to be in class?"

Tomuraru laughed quietly as he saw his two friends being scolded by their friends mom.

"I'm nothing but a human kilm for them! I can be here!"

"No excuses! And Toga-chan you got paint in your beautiful hair!"

Inko took out a handkercheif and dabbed the paint away on the blonde's hair.

Toga laughed and let Inko try to get the paint off her.

Inko smiled as she saw them lighten up.

'All they needed was a bit of love,' She thought.

Inko smiled and leaned back a bit to see Izuku drawing by the fountain on his arm.

Inko wanted to teach him how to read and write, but he insisted that it wasn't necessarry since to write notes he would have to look up and back down. He said that he had no prpblem comunciating with his soulmate.

Inko slowly learned more and more of the three villains. Each story broke her heart and reneforced her thoughts of them needing to be kids. Needing to be encouraged, loved, and cared for.

Inko snapped back to reality when Katsuki yelled something at Dabi.

"Shigaraki-kun. Can I talk to you?"

Shigaraki looked at her with wide eyes and cleared his throa.

"Sure thing."

Inko smiled and walked back into the kitchen.

Shigaraki scratched at his neck feeling eyes on him suddenly as he walked into the kitchen to see Inko holding a cup.


Shigaraki's eyes widened as his instincts took over and he caught the cup in his hand and it decayed before his very eyes.


Shigaraki looked at Inko with pure fear.

Inko nodded and pulled out a box.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't mean- if you want us out I can-"


Shigarki eyed the box then looked up at Inko.

"I don't know your guy's birthdays. But I thought that you would get yours now."

The teen opened the box and his eyes widened.

There was lotion. But there was a smaller box next to it.

Inko sipped tea.

"You have extremely sensitive skin so I thought some lotion would help the irritation along with moiustrizer specificaly made for quirk users that fry out their skin. But these. These I made just for you."

Inko walked over and pulled out the smaller box.

Inside was a pair of snow white gloves. They were cut to only cover his pinky and ring finger.

Inko helped the boy put them on and he was amazed at the feeling. The fabric was smooth and silky. They were cold but most of all his whole hand wasn't touching them. So he would never be fulling touching anything with his hands.

Inko smiled and petted his head before cupping his cheeks like a mother would do to her child.

"I'm not telling Izuku about any of you. I'm sorry but I can't take the risk of you laying your full hand on him. So these fix it. But just know that you all have a home here. It's never to late to turn things around."

Inko kissed his forehead and walked out of the kitchen.

Tomuraru sat in the kitchen feeling tears fall down his face with a smile so big it almost rivaled Izuku's.

Inko looked over her shoulder and smiled as she walked out and told Dabi and Toga about Shigaraki's state. The two walked into the kitchen.

When the three came back out they gave a smile to Inko and sat on the couch any tension gone in an instant.

They ended up passing out around 1 am. In a mess of blankets and pillows all over the floor, face masks long washed off and a quiet movie playing.

The only person in there actual bed was Inko since she had work the next day.

Izuku was curled into Katsuki's side, Shigaraki was asleep with Toga's head on the left side of his stomach and his head leaning on Dabi's shoulder while Toga was curled up between Shigaraki and Dabi.

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