Bitter Grapefruit

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(Au- Zombie, No quirks, everyone's aged up, Katsuki and Izuku haven't really seen eachother since the beginning of middle school, infected Katsuki. Warnings: gore, Word count? 10856)

The blonde huffed as he stood up. His body ached and even worse, he was hungry.

Katsuki refused to eat humans, any time he even thought about it, his best friends sad smile stared back at him as zombies ambushed his group in the middle of the night.

His group had been overpowered easily.

Thinking they were gonna die, his friend had asked Katsuki to shoot him while he was still human. Katsuki did, accepting his death that would be only moments after his friends. But it never came.

Katsuki was a zombie. But he was still in control of his mind. It was wrong. Everything about it was wrong.

The blonde sighed as he walked out the door from the building that was quickly becoming dilapidated.

The zombies appeared about a year and a half ago. Katsuki became a zombie a little less than three months ago.

The blonde walked out into the street, a horde roaming aimlessly around him as Katsuki searched for some type of food, hopefully meat, he would be able to eat.

Luck was his side today as Katsuki shoved a piece of building out of the way of a corner store that was still semi stalked.

The bombs that fell a year ago in an attempt to rid the world of the zombies had caused most of the beautiful city to become broken down, killing both humans and zombies. Those who survived stopped reaching out to the government for help after.

Katsuki kicked a can as he walked down the isle. Mindlessly, he shoved anything and everything into his huge backpack. He opened a pepperoni and chewed on that as he cleaned out the store.

When he got to the medical supplies he hesitated to grab them. He wasn't sure if he really needed them or not, any small cuts or bruises healed almost before he could blink.

Katsuki took a look around before deciding to grab them. It didn't look like the store was going to last much longer either way.

Katsuki headed out of store, finishing the American snack and opening another. He got a bit away when he heard it.

The familiar sounds of a gunshot.

Katsuki wasn't planning to save anyone today. Why would he? It's not like the survivors would welcome him once they catch a single glimpse of the black veins that covered his back like scars or his eyes that had turned red and black.

But as he got closer to his base, the louder the sounds were. The more he was able to hear the distinct sounds of yelling.

He sighed as he decided to just go figure it out.

The blonde lifted the mask up over his mouth and nose, lowered his goggles, raised his hood and finally, took out the bat he'd been using these days.

He approached the area and spotted the survivor almost right away.

He was on top of a truck with a shot gun that seemed to have either run out of ammo or the guy really just didn't understand how guns worked.

The man was older than him, way older. Long black hair that was pulled into a bun, tired dark eyes and a scar under his eye. The guy was wearing the same tactical military get up you'd see in video games but without the cool armor. Nothing too eye catching, the dude was wearing enough black to be considered a shadow. What the blonde did see was the dog tags hanging around the guys neck.

The blonde made a small pros and cons list before ultimately deciding to help when he heard the guy let out a curse.

He took his bag off and pulled out a few hand made bombs he had been working on.

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