We're just rivals

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(Abo au, basic abo (omega Deku and alpha Katsuki) Katsuki doesn't realize that half the things he does, isn't normal rival things.)

The bakusquad has discovered something about their favorite blasty blonde.

He can't resist dark chocolate and mint.

Nobody could figure out why but whenever it was in his vicinity he'd either eat it or take it for himself.

Usually this wouldn't have been a big deal, it's not like it's an unpopular flavor. His obsession with it was what was odd.

Well, the time came when the group got together trying to hide their giggles as they dropped a few drops of the essential oil outside the blondes door and carefully wafted it through the small opening in the door.

The group quickly ran when they saw the door open.

It was predictable but something was different about the blonde.

Mina held her breath as she watched. The red eyes were glazed over, his nose was high in the air sniffing very obviously but most of all, drool dropped down from his mouth.

It was hard for them to contain their laughter as they quietly followed the blonde. Only their amusement stopped and turned to curiosity when they watch their friend split away from the path they had made.

Originally the blonde was supposed to be walking into the gym where a bucket of ice water was propped on the door. But now he was heading to the lounge.

The group watched as he got to the sitting area and froze.

"Haha! Todoroki kun it's your turn!"

"Izuku I think you'd have a more interesting story then I would."

"Yeah! What about your first hero notebook? You said you did it for a while right?"

The group watched as Katsuki basically threw himself against the wall.

Izuku's laughter carried through the lounge as the blonde patted down any bed head he might have and wipe the drool off his face.

Mina excitedly hit Kirishima's arm a lot, to excited to contain it.

Katsuki took a moment to compose himself and walked in, acting annoyed with the smiling faces and conversation. He was acting as if he hadn't spent fifteen minutes making himself look presentable.

Sero watched as Katsuki yelled something then casually used Izuku as an arm rest.

Only the blonde pressed to hard so the poor greenette was fighting the weight of the blonde off his back.

But more importantly, Katsuki was smelling Izuku's scent glands on the back of his neck.

It happened for a few minutes, Katsuki yelling insults as normal.

Then, Katsuki yelled a loud "whatever helps you sleep" and walked off.

Katsuki walked back, almost catching them in their hiding place but there was a low sound coming from him.

Bakugo Katsuki was purring.

Purring was rare for Alphas, usually only occurring in omegas. Even then it was only when the omega was completely satisfied with everything around them and even then most don't do it. So for Katsuki to be purring he had to be over the moon ecstatic.

The group watched as the blonde walked away in his own world. The mysterious trail he was following previously completely forgotten.

The group stared at eachother for a few seconds.

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