Soulmate AU (valentines special)

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(Au-ever since you're born you get a black mark on your skin where your soul mate will first touch you and glows white whenever your soulmate touches you in the same spot but fades over time)
Izuku had a.... weird sould mark to say the least.
Across his left shoulder was a solid black mass that stopped at his neck and continued to the back of his shoulder. But the middle of his forehead was also black like an upside down triangle.

Katsuki showed his off with pride and didn't let anyone touch his soul marks.
His were just under his chin and went to the bottom of his chest. He had gotten a better deal than most.

"Hey Deku!"
Izuku flinched and glanced back at his childhood friend.
Katsuki huffed with a smiled and walked around the scared green boy.
Izuku sighed and walked behind the blonde.
"Woof woof."
"Oh look it's dog boy."
Izuku wanted to hide even further. He bowed his head as he walked into the classroom and hoped his hair would cover his soul marks.

Katsuki glared at Izuku.
Not only was the nerd useless but by hiding his soul marks showed that he was ashamed of his soulmate. It pissed Katsuki off.

Izuku got to his desk and immediately put his head down.
The loud blonde made a show. He watched for anyone that could have a similar mark as him but as usual nothing.

When Katsuki got into UA, he expected to find his soulmate there. He really did.
So when he saw a the red head with soul marks like someone was hugging him, Katsuki got excited.
Kirishima saw the blonde and smiled as their soul marks seemed to match up.

Izuku on the other hand just smiled and waved. No one else had a soul mark anywhere near their forehead.
One guy had a handprint over his cheek.
A few had their hands covered in a soul mark. Some even had just a few finger covered.
Izuku was prepared to be teased, to be made fun of. So much that he almost cried when he got a compliment on his soul mark.

Katsuki watched the boy out of the corner of his eye and it made him almost smile seeing how Izuku now held his head and his soulmate up high proudly.

After UA, the duo heroes still didn't find their soulmates.
Katsuki was getting annoyed since both of their soul marks were fading to nearly nothing already.
Izuku panted as he tried to catch his breath.
"I win that one Kacchan!"
Katsuki huffed and rolled his eyes.
"Yeah, maybe in your dreams."
The two laughed as they began walking to their shared apartment.
Katsuki patted Izuku's back with a wicked smile.
"I call shower first!"
"Wah!? Kacchan!"
But Katsuki was already in the bathroom laughing to himself.
Katsuki stared into the mirror really hard.
He saw the faded black mark right below his chin and extended to his chest.
It made him sad as he brushed his fingers across the mark.

Izuku huffed and ordered a pizza for Katsuki and him to share.
The pizza was set to arrive in about 20 minutes Katsuki just got out of the bathroom wearing sweats and a towel over his shoulders.
Izuku huffed.
"Pizza is getting here soon, the money is in my wallet."
Katsuki smiled and stuck his tongue out as Izuku did the same.
So Katsuki was stuck with nothing to do.
So what do you do when you get bored?
Annoy the shit out of your roommate.
So Katsuki made his way to the door of the bathroom and started knocking.
"Kacchan what do you need?"
"I'm bored."
"Go find something to do than."
"Dekuuuuuuuuu I'm bored."
"How am I supposed to solve that?"
"Well you could-"
"I'm not fighting you."
"That's not what I was gonna say!"
There was silence coming from the bathroom and Katsuki could feel the glare Izuku was sending through the door.
Then, the door opened.
Katsuki stared at the shorter male as a blush took over his cheeks.
Izuku had a towel over his shoulders and a loose muscle tee on. Only it was wet from his hair and pajama pants on.
Katsuki smiled innocently and Izuku glared.
"Go get the door nerd!" Katsuki called when they both heard the door bell ring.
Izuku sighed and received the pizza from the delivery guy and paid.
He was also the one to push Katsuki away when he tried to steal a piece.
"Hey!" He growled.
Izuku stuck his tongue out.
"What happened to 'ew you eat that grease shit?'"
"So what?! I'm hungry!"
"If you can't appreciate Pizza Kacchan then you shouldn't get pizza."
Katsuki huffed as he lunged forward and stole 2 slices of pizza.
Izuku gasped as he watched his friend basically devour the pizza.
A ringing caught his attention as he picked up his phone and answered the face time call.
His mom smiled brightly at him.
"Hey mom!"
"Hey Auntie!"
"Kacchan! Stop stealing my pizza!"
Inko laughed as she saw her son grab the half empty Pizza box from the blonde.
"Sorry to bother you both but I was going through hold photo albums and found this picture of when you were first born. Oh you two were inseparable!"
Katsuki and Izuku watched the phone as they saw a picture of two baby's.
The one with tufts of green hair was curled up and nearly nuzzling into the blonde baby's neck as the blonde had his arm around the green.
"Wait when was this mom....!"
Inko smiled at the two boys.
"This is when we first brought you both home! Do you both want me to send you a copy?"
Izuku nodded his head and smiled as his brain racked itself for information.
The call ended and the boys stayed silent. Pretty much to shocked to move.
They both stared at the picture in silence.
They turned to each other and just stared.
Slowly Katsuki reached for the greens soul mark. Almost as if he thought he was gonna explode, and poked it.
The spots began glowing a soft white light as Izuku's skin warmed up.
The two boys stared and blushed at eachother with wide eyes. Neither not really knowing what to do.
Deku was a spluttering mess as he faked a yawn.
"I gotta-"
"Yeah me too-"
"So we agree that-"
With that Izuku backed up and nearly tripped on his way of walking to his room.
Both boys laughed awkwardly.
Izuku's door was shut and he was suddenly alone in his dark room as he calmed his beating heart.
The glow from his forehead and shoulder lit up the room dimly.
Even after he tried to pat down the glow and take a deep breath.

Katsuki was left at the couch staring at his hand as if it grew a second arm.
He turned his hand all around and found nothing unusual about his hand.
Katsuki was stunned.
Even as he shoved another pizza slice into his mouth and walked to his room and closed the door.

It was 3 weeks after that incident and they both felt like they were walking on eggshells.
Whenever they saw each other they began an awkward pointless conversation.
"Oh... hi Kacchan..."
"Oh, heeeey Deku."
The two laughed awkwardly as they avoided eye contact.
"Soooo.... where you heading ne-Dek- Izuku.....?"
They both cringed as they heard that name being forced out of the blondes mouth.
"Oh uh... just to the gym... Ka-Katsuki..."
The blonde cringed as the green forced a smile.
"Ah, I gotta-"
"So you understand-"
"Yeah. Don't let me stop you."
The blonde nodded and waved bye as he went to the kitchen.
Uraraka stood at the door watching the whole transaction with a wince.
She was not going to survive if they were going to be soulmates like this.
Kirishima was on the phone. Also wincing.
Needless to say the best friends made a plan.

Uraraka sighed as she paused to take a break and breathe.
"Soooo you and Katsuki?"
"Please don't say it like that."
"Say it like what?"
"Like you knew."
Uraraka laughed and sighed.
"I have to admit, it was weird that you both were so close."
"But it wasn't! 23 years. 23 years and we're just finding out."
Uraraka hummed as she watched Izuku lift up the weight before putting it down sighing.

"It's just weird."
"What is Bakubro?"
Katsuki sighed and spammed a button.
"That Deku and are supposed to be soulmates now."
"Supposed to be?"
Katsuki sighed and smiled as he got ahead.
"Yeah. Everyone expects it now. But just yesterday he was plain old Deku. Now he's supposed to be the love of my life."
Kirishima hummed and glared at the Tv.
"Well he isn't just suddenly different, he's still the same."

Deku laughed as his friend suggests that nothing had changed.
"Uraraka everything has changed. We were always sure that we weren't each others soulmates. Ever since we could remember our marks never glowed. Now it's like we never knew eachother."
The brunette stayed quiet as her friend quietly worked out.

Kirishima sighed as he stretched out.
"You guys shouldn't let it ruin the friendship that you guys spent years rebuilding. Nobody is saying to instantly get married. A lot of people start off slow with their soulmates."
Katsuki sighed and paused his game angrily.
"It's not about taking it slow. Just... fuck!"
Kiri winced as Katsuki got up and punched the punching bag in his room a couple times.
"I've been waiting for my soulmate to show ever since I can remember. And now-!"
A particularly hard punch caused the bag to hit the wall.
"Now you find out that they've been with you the whole time."
Katsuki stayed silent as he watched the ground.

"Is it that bad though?"
Izuku looked up from the ground at his friend.
Uraraka smiled as she stood up and infront of her friend.
"Now you just get to see a side of him you've never seen before."
She smiled brightly and Izuku smiled a bit at that.

"And it's not like you need to get together instantly. It just means that he's your soulmate, take your time. Izuku's a nice guy and he'll understand."
Katsuki smiled and looked over at his friend gratefully.
Kirishima smiled teasingly.
"And besides, don't pretend you haven't gone on a rant about how you think he's attractive."

Both friends smiled as they saw their best friend release some of the stress in their shoulders.
"You both just need to talk to each other."

Izuku got home the same time Kirishima was leaving.
"Good luck Bakubro!"
Izuku didn't know what that meant but Katsuki seemed to.
The green took a deep breath.
"Can we talk?"
Izuku nodded.
The two sat down on the couch silently. Both awkwardly waiting for the other to start.
"I don't want to rush things!"
Izuku gasped as he rushed the words out.
"Katsuki stared at him with a surprised face.
"Nothings wrong with Kacchan! But I-this is weird... everything is so awkward now and it's horrible! I just want to go back to before we knew."
Katsuki nodded and smiled.
"Thank god you want that too!"
"I just want to take things slow. We're both young and we have time."
Katsuki smiled at Izuku.
"Yeah, now that we know who our soulmate is, we have time."
Izuku smiled as Katsuki held his hand and ran his thumb over the scarred knuckles.
"We can take this whole soulmate thing at our own pace Deku."
Izuku smiled brightly and nodded his head.
"So what's for dinner Kacchan?"
"Maybe pizza?"
"Huh?! No! You always steal mine!"
Katsuki laughed as he pushed Izuku away as it became a fight for the phone.
They have time for the lovey dovey mushy crap. But for now.... he just wants to enjoy these ones first.

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