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(Kinda like a Robin Hood of sorts Au.
No quirks, (thank you @idkmansoundskindagay for the challenge)
This is your warning for the following: (yes it's that bad that it needs its own warning) Strong language, Homophobic language, (sexual kinda but only in talking?) mentions of blood, mentions of abuse, implied deaths, mentions of slavery.

Izuku jumped down from the tree quietly.
His bow was drawn and he quietly snuck around the tree, watching the guard move.
"C'mon... I know I saw him here...!"
An arrow stuck out from the man's neck. A clean shot.
Izuku walked up to the corpse, staring coldly at the king symbol.
"I heard something!"
Izuku quickly grabbed the coin pouch and grabbed his arrow.
When the rest of the guard came, they didn't even see the man blending in with the foliage around him.
"Damn it!"
Izuku watched as the captain of the guard, All Might the famed 'hero of peace', crouched down and looked at the guard that was dead.
"Let's go find him!"
"No! He's long gone now. Dekiru is long gone by now."
"What do we do with-"
"Take him back to his family. Say he fought bravely."
The guards looked at each other and nodded.
Then they left, leaving All Might alone.
"I know you're still here Izuku."
Izuku stayed silent and close to the ground, not even daring to breath.
"You shouldn't kill my prodigies just because you-"
A throwing knife grazed the Leader of the guard's cheek.
"So that's where you were hiding."
Izuku stayed silent, clutching the bow.
"Look young Midoriya I know you're upset but-"
His words were met with the tip of an arrow.
"You put me through hell! You used both my mom and I until you couldn't anymore! Then you threw us away when it was most convenient! You called my mother a needed sacrifice to end what you said was a war but in reality was a petty argument!"
The old guard huffed as he stood up straighter with a glare.
"I don't expect you to understand, you're still a kid-"
"Where was this thinking when you had me fight in your war? Where was this thinking when you had any of your past prodigies fight in your battles? You never cared about us then!"
"You're killing them though!"
"I'm freeing them!"
Izuku reined his anger back in and set a cool glare at his old mentor.
"I'm freeing them from what you told them would be their salvation. That's what my arrows do. Painless yet instant poison. I know what happen to your old prodigies and none of them have a good ending. They all seem to die in a mysterious fashion. The 'ultimate sword' that gains powers as the one holding gets stronger never found with them. Which is strange because you promise it to your successor."
All Might glared as he grabbed his sword.
"I'm going to have to take you in young Midoriya."
Izuku smiled with a dark chuckle.
"Not on your life."
All Might went to slash at him but Izuku easily avoided the attack.
"You're getting slower."
All Might continued to try and slash him only to be avoided or blocked.
Izuku jumped up and pulled himself up onto the branch above him.
"Should I stay and wait for you to catch up? I was feeling a bit tired old man."
All Might glared as he threw his sword.
Izuku smiled as the sword missed him and landed on the other side of the wall.
Katsuki was minding his own business. He really was this time!
Just a short errand list for the shitty haired Prince and that was all.
What he wasn't expecting today was the need to dodge flying projectiles.
But there went All Might's sword, landing right in front of him from might have even been space for all he knew.
The blonde picked the weapon up and stared into the blade. The chain on the end clicking with each slight movement. A ghastly face appeared for a brief second before leaving.
"What the hell is All Might throwing his sword for?"
"It's Dekiru!"
"Get the guards!"
Katsuki turned with an annoyed expression just in time to see the famous killer land over the wall.
The man looked around after his perfect landing with careful eyes before zeroing in on Katsuki. Well what he held anyway.
The killer approached and tried to make a grab at the sword but the blonde didn't let go.
"I'm kinda in a hurry so if you could please-"
"Like hell I would dumbass, this isn't your weapon so fuck off!"
"Oi what are they doing?!"
"They're stealing All Might's sword!"
"Ha?! Get your heads outta ya asses I'm trying to help!"
But the guards slowly closed in around both of the boys and the sword.
"Oi I'm not the criminal here-!"
"They won't believe you so let's go!"
"Why in hell-"
Izuku quickly lifted the blade to block an arrow that was aimed at the blonde.
"Because these guys kill and never ask questions! Now let's go!"
Katsuki tightened his grip on the sword as Dekiru lead him running past guards and trying to get out of the town.
Dekiru led them into the forest and took a sharp turn and hid the blonde and himself behind a tree. A task that was hard to do since he was a whole head below the blonde.
The guards passed by. The boys waited 10 minutes before Izuku took his hand away from the blondes mouth.
"Okay what the fuck! I'm going back!"
Izuku held the sword up to the light, seemingly to not be paying attention.
"Uh huh."
The blonde glared and started to walk back to the walls.
"Hey how are you at running?"
The blonde looked back at the man in the green cloak. Staring at him with biting green eyes.
The green man took a step forward and the blonde took off running.
The green haired man watched as he left with a shrug.
"Pretty fast then."
The blonde grumbled as he kicked a rock.
When he arrived at the walls, yelling was what met him.
"Hey there he is!"
"Oi dipshits!"
Swords were drawn at him.
"The fuck-"
As guards charged at him, the blonde ran away.
When the blonde finally stopped to catch his breath, the masked man was there looking over the sword.
"Back already?"
"Shut.... The fuck.... Up!"
The man hummed as he stood up and began walking over to a large Boulder.
"Oi what the hell are you-"
The blonde was cut off as the greenette sliced the Boulder in two cleanly.
"As I thought, I need some other way to destroy it."
The killer looked up as if just noticing the blonde.
"Well I guess we'll both be going on an adventure. My name is-"
The blonde covered his ears with a glare.
"I do not want your fucking name! That would link me to you and I am not going to be linked to a dumbass psycho killer!"
The greenette stared for a second before laughing.
"Yeah. That makes sense. I'll call you Kacchan then."
The blonde huffed as he glared at the green.
"Let me see that-"
The blonde froze when he came in contact with the sword handle once again. It was different.
His hand touched it for a second before it was yanked away.
"You probably shouldn't touch it from now on."
The blonde held his hand in pain at the burn.
"Ya think fuckin dumbass shitty nerd...!"
The green huffed as he tucked the blade away at his waist.
He reached into a tree and pulled out a brown leather backpack.
"I think I still have.... Yep!"
The killer pulled out a potion that looked like sludge.
As he started coming near the blonde got defensive.
"If you even think about putting that shit on me I swear-"
The green grabbed the hand.
"Hold still. This is really hard to make and the ingredients cost quite a bit."
The blonde shuttered as the slimy liquid was poured on his hand. It had a strange weight to it and felt like a thousand needles entering his skin.
Katsuki tried to pull his hand away but the killer held his wrist, not even budging a bit.
It took a couple minutes but the pain resided.
When the hand grew lax Izuku knew he could remove the potion.
He dragged the blonde to a stream and placed the hand in the water. When the sludge was rinsed, the blonde's hand looked completely healed.
Katsuki took his hand back with a huff.
"What was that shit anyway?"
"That was a healing solution blessed by high priests for nine days straight. Of course mixed with holy water and other burn remedies."
The blonde glared as he held his hand close to his chest.
"And why the hell did you use such a costly potion on a small burn like that Deku!"
The green held up the empty bottle before rinsing it out thoroughly.
"Because the sword was forged from demons fire. As the sword takes lives, it grows stronger. Of course it bonds with a new person each generation sometimes not even. So, the sword has to keep whoever they bonded to alive. That burn you got would've slowly ate away at you from the inside out starting at that hand."
The blonde took a second to process everything.
"Let's go, the guards can't be far behind."
"Where are we going?"
Izuku took out a map and looked at it.
"Let's go to Elysium."
The blonde looked over at the map before nodding.
"Looks like a far ways away."
"About a month on foot. But we'll be stopping at smaller towns on the way."
The blonde glared and crossed his arms.
"And what makes you think I'm coming with you? The reason I'm on the run is because of you."
The green hummed as he put the map away.
He took off his mask and hood with a small huff of fresh air.
That's when the blonde recognized him. The long scar crossing over his face from the upper right of his forehead to the left side of his jaw. The curly green hair and the hard to come by emerald green eyes along with the freckles dusting each cheek.
"You're that kid. The one who's mom died in that freak accident. You're supposed to be-"
"Dead. Well I'm not. I'm heading to Elysium with or without you."
The green head walked away from the blonde showing his point.
Izuku hummed as he wrote down things in his journal.
"I can hear you following me Kacchan."
"I'm just going the same way stupid Deku!"
The green rolled his eyes as he continued.
The whole day was like that, the blonde following far enough behind to not be associated with the greenette but still in eye sight.
When the sun started to set, Katsuki doesn't think he's ever been that tired before.
"We'll be stopping here for the night."
The blonde grumbled about being able to go on.
The green put his arm straight up and watched the light.
"Couple hours of sunlight left. Do you want to set up the tent while I go hunting?"
The blonde raised an eyebrow.
"Hunting?" The blonde eyes the sword that supposedly could give a life threatening illness.
The green sighed and held up a bow and a quiver of arrows.
"You set up the tent. I'll go hunting."
The taller boy grabbed the bow and arrows with a glare and stalked off.
Izuku chuckled as he started moving the brush and placing stones to make a fire and set up the tent.
By the time he finished, it was about another hour before the taller of the two came back with a small rabbit on an arrow.
The blonde was grumbling about "the rabbit bastards being cowards and not facing him".
The green stared at the rabbit.
"You don't know how to hunt?"
The blonde huffed as he sat down in the tent.
"I hate it out here."
The green watched and sighed, guilt closing up his throat.
"Well it's going to be cold tonight so how about Rabbit stew? I think I saw some.... there they are."
The blonde watched as the green started pulling roots from the ground.
"What are you doing? The rabbit's dead if you're trying to feed it."
The green laughed quietly and held up the vegetables.
"Can you grab the pot out of my bag for me? And the cups. I can make a rabbit stew."
The blonde perked up.
"So you can actually make something out of that?"
The green hummed.
"I'm not that good and hunting so usually I have to buy the ingredients so you did really well for your first time."
"How'd you know it was my first?"
The green kept quiet about the rejected look the blonde had.
"Is it really? I was just taking a guess."
The blonde smiled a bit in pride as he got out the requested items.
A drawing caught his eye though.
He pulled it out and could see a younger Deku. He was in between All Might and who Katsuki guessed was his mom smiling.
"That was the first day All Might trained me. I was too tired to stand the next day. But I still went back. You should've seen the other recruits."
Katsuki glanced at Deku as he started preparing the rabbit.
"Go ahead and wash those vegetables for me please. Also cut those mushrooms open. If they're completely white on the inside they're good."
Katsuki looked at the vegetables and then back to the man's back.
Izuku was moving slowly with precision that you would expect to see out of an expert.
So Katsuki walked through the forest holding the vegetables. The knife given to him nearly shining in the light, in his other hand. He got to the river quickly and washed everything.
He cut the mushrooms, throwing away the ones that weren't completely white then started on the vegetables. Moving as quickly as possible to get back.
As Katsuki walked back with the cut vegetables in the basket, he watched as the killer moved with his back towards him.
His eyes wondered to the sword and other weapons still in the tent.
The knife felt heavy in his hand.
"Ah you're back. Go ahead and add them to the stew."
Katsuki was brought out of his thoughts and did as he was told.
A quiet humming quickly drawing his attention as he stirred the stew.
It was quiet and and sweet, but reminded Katsuki of when soldiers marched past as he ran chores for Kirishima.
He glanced back to see the killer hanging his hood and shirt up on a tree branch. He had left to the river a bit ago and came back soaked.
"If you hang them like that they'll never dry Deku."
Izuku glanced back with a raised eyebrow.
Katsuki huffed and walked over to fix the dumbass's mistake.
The greenette sat on the ground infront of the fire watching.
Katsuki's eyes couldn't help but glance back.
Lean muscles with more scars than even he could count.
Katsuki's cheeks burned as he forced his eyes forward.
"So the scars? Where'd they come from?"
Izuku looked into the fire as he tried to hide his head in his arms, his fingers playing with his hair.
"All Might's training wasn't easy. What came after wasn't either."
Katsuki stayed silent.
A hawk caught his eye. Mostly because of the red eyes glaring at him from up in the tree.
"Alright your laundry should get done drying soon, I'll be back."
Izuku glanced up and nodded.
Katsuki walked out away from camp a bit before the Hawk came down and landed on his shoulder.
"About time shitty hair...!"
Katsuki snatched the note and quickly read over it.
'Well Katsuki it doesn't sound like you're in danger. If you're coming to Elysium then we can easily set up a trap here. Don't worry, we'll send Jiro to keep an eye on you. In the mean time before you get here though don't do anything that would get yourself killed.
Sincerely, Kirishima'
The blonde crumpled the note with a sharp glare and a line of curses.
He uncrumpled the note and wrote said curses on the paper and sent it with the hawk.
When Katsuki got back, Izuku offered him a large bowl of the stew.
"You caught it, you get the first bite."
Katsuki was hesitant but the smell made him drool.
So his stomach won. The stew was quickly gone as he ate.
As Katsuki gathered the dishes, Izuku easily took them.
"I've got it. Go ahead and get to sleep."
Katsuki glared.
"I'm a grown ass man Deku I can wash the dishes. You already cooked."
Izuku smiled sweetly and then ran off with the dishes.
"Oi! Stupid nerd get back here!"
Jiro watched from the trees shivering.
It was going on to be colder in the nights.
Once the target was long out of eyeshot she casted a warming spell. Next was her famous hearing spell.
She zoned in on their conversation.
"Kacchan I can do this-"
"Like hell! I ate too!"
Jiro sighed.
'Bakugo is gonna end up dead.'
It sounded like a struggle until a splash.
"Then get the fuck out of the river!"
"I didn't fall in on purpose!"
Jiro deadpanned in their direction.
'Never mind..... they're both dead meat.'
When the two males trudged their way back to camp, Izuku was soaked to the bone and Katsuki held a pile of clean dishes.
Izuku's formerly freshly dried shirt now needed to be dried once more along with everything else except his hood.
"We can keep the fire going for a bit to get everything dried-"
Izuku shook his head as he kept his knees tucked into his extra shirt.
"Head hunters might be wandering looking for a free kill. You never know who could be watching you."
Katsuki nodded and glanced at the killer.
The shirt was too big on him, going well past his finger tips and reaching below his knees.
"Why'd you get a shirt that big for anyway? It doesn't look like it'd fit you in a million years."
Izuku pouted into his hood.
"During the freak accident I just grabbed as much as I could. I didn't realize until now that it's not my shirt."
Katsuki covered his mouth to hide his laughter.
Izuku buried his nose deeper into the cloth around his neck.
"Let's get sleep, we have more walking to do tomorrow. Then it's another day before our first town.
Katsuki glanced as Izuku crawled under the tent. The sword sitting by the fire.
The blonde stared up, meeting eyes with the purple haired girl in the trees before nodding and heading into the tent.
The other man was asleep, almost seemingly dead.
Jiro hummed to herself. Resting against the tree behind her.
A soft white glow caught her eye at the camp. She glanced down to see people moving around in the dark.
'They really are both going to die..!'
Jiro grabbed her book and got ready to jump down.
"Honestly if you're going to steal you could do a better job at it."
Jiro froze as she saw the sword's blade glow a wicked red, lighting up the green's face.
The unknown people paused before drawing weapons.
The killer stared at them before sighing and wrapping a red ribbon around his left hand.
Jiro hardly took a breath before the thieves were on the ground.
Dekiru was fast. Inhumanely fast.
Izuku stared at the man below his feet on the ground before placing his barefoot on the man's chest and applying weight.
"How very disappointing."
Jiro watched as the killer wiped the blood at the corner of his mouth. He took the blood and wiped it on the blade of the sword.
The blade glowed an even more wicked red.
The killer turned back and applied more weight on the man's chest.
"Next time I won't be forgiving."
With that Jiro watched as Dekiru went back to the tent and the thieves run.
But the sword still glowed wickedly as if waiting to cause a war that didn't need to happen.
Jiro watched them from up in the trees for the next few days until they made it to a town.
Izuku hummed as he payed for room for a night.
"This is the first of three towns we'll be staying in. Next one is a week from here and the next is even further than that."
They went out to town and bought Katsuki a new outfit and then went back to the room to change into more casual clothes. When it was getting darker then went to the Tavern downstairs
Katsuki groaned around his cup of alcohol.
"That sounds like a lot of walking."
Izuku hummed as he nibbled on his bread.
"Actually we might even get their before the month is up. We're making great time."
Katsuki huffed and ordered another drink.
Izuku slipped a piece of bread over to him.
"Careful not to get a hangover."
Katsuki rolled his eyes.
"So tell me dumbass, what are we doing after we reach Elysium?"
Izuku took another bite of the rolls.
"We go our separate ways I suppose."
"I always fix my mistakes Kacchan. I didn't mean to get you roped into this so I plan on restoring you to society like you wanted."
Katsuki looked away with a blush as he huffed once more.
"The quicker the better Deku."
Izuku laughed quietly.
"Excuse us!!!!!"
The blonde nearly spit his drink out as he saw a girl tugging another one over to their table and stopping infront of Deku.
"Could we have a dance?"
"Oh sorry I'm not into girls-"
"Oh if that's the case-"
The girls pulled up chairs.
Katsuki was completely invisible as he drank his beer.
"We know everyone has had their eyes on you-"
Katsuki nearly spat his drink out as he looked around. It's true.
Nearly everyone in the tavern had their eyes on the greenette.
"But our friend Shinsou-"
They went ahead and pointed out a man with wild dark purple hair.
Definitely a pirate. He had a white shirt with a red sash type belt around his waist and keeping a rapier in place. The gold earring in his ears gave him away though.
"Has been watching you this whole time and he's really sweet once you-"
Katsuki downed the rest of his beer before slamming it down on the table.
The smirk the pirate gave him getting under his skin.
"Move it extras!"
The blonde grabbed the killer by the hand and dragged him to area for dancing.
The green stared for a second before smiling.
"Alright, try to keep up Kacchan."
The blonde huffed as he took the held out hand.
"I would worry about yourself Deku."
The blonde noticed that the pirate left his solitary place in the corner and joined the group of dancers.
It was a breeze for Katsuki, he been to plenty festivals with Shitty hair when they snuck out.
The song was lively and Deku had the brightest smile on his face.
The two males spun around, sometimes with eachother, sometimes with others. But Katsuki was becoming freightingly aware of where Deku was and the amount of people leaving the dance as the music picked up. But as Katsuki was losing breath as the music sped up. In a final attempt he aimed to stumble and fall over the pirate but ended up failing and just faking into the crowd himself.
The bar cheered as the pirate jumped on the table and danced. Even more so when he held a hand out for Deku who accepted it.
Shinsou did a weird dance with his feet moving fast and smiled when Izuku copied his movements.
The other pirates in the tavern laughed as the new guy challenged their captain.
It wasn't until Shinsou hopped off the table and helped Izuku down that the room quieted. Only for Shinsou to bow and hold up Izuku's hand as the tavern erupted in cheers.
Katsuki had to push his way through the crowd to get to Deku.
His freckled cheeks were red  and his eyes were bright.
The Pirate talked as Katsuki struggled to get to the killer.
When Katsuki finally reached them, Shinsou smiled and gave Deku an earring and bowed. Then he left, him and his crew.
Izuku walked over to Kacchan with a smile, placing the dangly earring in his pocket.
"Want to head back to the room?"
Katsuki glared before walking back to the stairs.
"Hey-! Kacchan!"
Izuku hurried after the noble to their shared room.
The blonde was stubborn and didn't say anything even after Izuku left to get washed up.
It was later in the night when the killer came back to the room.
The blonde silently stayed in bed as the greenette flopped on his own bed with a tired sigh.
"You're sighing a lot for someone who spent the night with a captain of a ship," Katsuki grumbled.
Izuku hummed as he stretched.
"What was that Kacchan?"
Katsuki paused before saying anything more, his face going crimson as he realized what he had said.
"NOTHING! Go to bed useless Deku!"
Jiro watched from the roof top. The town was peaceful during the night, the only talk coming from the few drunk people here and there.
The next morning Katsuki woke up to Deku by the door.
"Morning Kacchan!"
The blonde mumbled something and stretched.
"One of the farmer's agreed to give us a ride on their cart for as far as they can so we should hurry up."
The blonde groaned as he got up and started getting ready.
Izuku left the room and returned the key. He was waiting by the entrance, quietly listening as people talked around him.
As a group of guards came in, Izuku pulled his hood lower over his face.
The blonde walked out and spotted the guards instantly.
He was frozen to his spot as it sunk in. He's wanted.
One guard slowly turned and Bakugo looked over to the green haired killed in panic.
Just as Izuku was getting ready the throw a punch, a loud commotion caught the whole tavern's attention.
"Ya filthy bastards really call this a fair game?!"
A table was kicked over making cards fly everywhere.
"I've seen a more balanced game on ship in thee stormy seas!"
Katsuki made a dash for it, reaching the greenette and leaving the building and heading into an Alley.
"Glad to see you're out safely."
Katsuki turned and scowled as he saw the captain from yesterday.
Shinsou smiled and bowed, taking his hat off towards the green male.
"Dekiru. I trust everything went smoothly?"
Izuku smile and bowed in thanks.
"Thanks to your crew Captain. Extend my thanks to Tetsutetsu and Monoma."
Shinsou smiled as he kissed Izuku's knuckles lightly.
"You all better be on your way before you miss your ride."
The blonde crossed his arms with a huff as the two parted.
"Right. Let's go Kacchan."
As the two passed the pirate, Katsuki glared.
When Deku was far out of earshot, Katsuki turned to the captain.
"I don't like you. You look smug enough to be one of those damned noblemen with their shitty lies."
Shinsou stared at him lazily, then smiled.
"You don't need to."
The blonde huffed as he turned around and followed Izuku.
They got on the cart of and elderly farmer who smiled kindly at the boys and the three started their journey. It was just getting the evening when it was time for them to part.
Izuku sat next to the man as Katsuki hung out in the back of the cart.
"You both have to be careful around these parts. Thieves have been running wild recently."
Izuku smiled sweetly.
"Thank you for the warning. Kacchan this is our stop."
The blonde woke up and looked around.
The boys climbed off the cart and waved bye to the farmer as he took the opposite road.
Once he was out of sight, the blonde hit Deku across the head.
"Dumbass! You could've woken me up before we got here, I could've taken bandit watch."
The green smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck.
"Yeah but Kacchan needs more rest than I do."
The blonde huffed as he looked away with a blush.
The two walked into the forest, the whole place seemingly to quiet down just for them.
Suddenly the greenette put his arm and stopped the blonde.
"Oi what the fuck is going on Deku!"
Izuku put his hand up to stop him from saying anything else.
"Someone's coming."
Katsuki glared at the path ahead, ready to fight whatever was coming at him.
Jiro came running down the path, her spell book clutched too her chest as she tripped.
The boys immediately ran over to her.
"What the hell happened to -"
Katsuki caught himself before he said her name.
Izuku felt her wrist quickly trying to locate a pulse.
"There's a pulse but we need to get that arrow out and patch her up."
"Oi. Look who we have here."
Izuku looked up and glared at the blue haired boy.
"Shigaraki. Can't say it's been a pleasure."
Katsuki looked between Deku and the bandits.
"Kacchan go get her patched up. I can buy you some time."
Katsuki absently nodded, taking a couple steps back with Jiro and busying himself with the task at hand.
"Oo! Is that Dekiru! Oh!!!! It is!"
Toga smiled widely as she approached.
"Shiggy can I have him this time! We never go to finish our session from last time!"
Katsuki watched the scene unfold as he looked for the supplies.
Izuku stared dead ahead.
"Hm... Sorry Toga but it looks like the little bunny grew up. We should get going."
"Awe but-"
Dabi placed a hand between the two bandits, his eyes going from blue to glowing.
"We should go. But have fun with the bandits Dekiru."
With that, the three disappeared in black smoke.
Katsuki finished wrapping the wound as they left.
"Kacchan protect her ok?"
"Wait who were those shitty-"
Katsuki got cut off by a rain of arrows. For the first time since meeting the killer, he saw him draw the sword.
It was like the world moved in slow motion for Jiro.
She had been up in the trees and decided to go ahead when she got shot down by the demons. Now she knows that they knew Dekiru, she needs to be more weary of the greenette.
But when she saw the rain of arrows she saw the sword light up. Not wickedly like before. No, the sword looked like it was pulsating with joy. It could sense it's task, the need for destruction, and was over joyed to comply.
Izuku swung the sword once. A large arc and the arrows disappeared into ash and scattered in the wind.
When Jiro looked up to urge Katsuki to run, she stopped herself.
The red eyes were wide with awe and a blush covered his cheeks as he stared at the greenette. The blonde's movements ceased and he just sat there.
Jiro glanced back to see the greenette standing, sword in hand. Not moving or doing anything, just standing.
Wind blew through the silent forest.
Katsuki held his breath as he watched silently.
A man walked out of the trees slowly.
Izuku looked him up and down.
"You're the only one?"
The man smiled and took out his sword.
"You weren't quite what I was expecting either kid. But while you're here..."
The man stared at the greenette, his bird like mask obstructing the bottom half of his face.
The man held up his sword and glared wickedly.
"You can all drop whatever you have on the ground for me."
Izuku glanced behind the man, sword clutched in his hand.
"Looks like you aren't actually alone."
The man stared for a minute before laughing.
He yanked on something and a little girl tumbled out of no where.
"Now how'd you see her?"
Izuku stayed quiet as he held up his sword ready to fight.
"Ah... I see how."
The man laughed as he held the girl by a glowing chain.
Izuku took a deep breath stared ahead.
Jiro could feel it in the air. Could feel the heaviness in the air, could feel the danger.
"Bakugo... we need to go..."
Katsuki blinked in a daze before glancing down at Jiro.
Jiro sat up, careful of her shoulder.
"This will be our only chance to escape. That's OverHaul. If he's dealing with Dekiru we can run before he catches us-"
"Wait but if Deku is in trouble shouldn't we pull him out of the fight-"
"Who cares about a serial killer and a kidnapper! I've seen what OverHaul does and we don't have a chance other than to run-!"
Katsuki stared at her before looking back up at Deku.
Jiro looked between the two boys and sighed.
"Guess we won't be going."
She grumbled as she grabbed her book.
Wind blew it out of her hand.
Jiro looked up to see both the boys were locked in combat.
Dekiru's left pupil was red as he casted spells.
"He.... Can do magic?!"
Katsuki stared in amazement.
Izuku wasn't focused on the man. He was focused on the Angel stuck in the demon fire chains.
So, the moment he got a chance, he lunged towards the chains.
Jiro and Katsuki held their breath as they watched the chains fall apart easily.
Overhaul stared at the broken chain stunned as Dekiru grabbed the child and focused on getting away from the man.
The small girl curled into her savior but something was wrong. She could feel the demonic energy coming off in waves. Strong enough that not even she could destroy it.
Jiro watched as Dekiru almost ended the fight in one blow.
Overhaul was destroyed almost as if he was just trivial.
Dekiru walked over to the two and carefully handed Katsuki the girl in his arms, then collapsed.
Katsuki moved quickly as he checked for a pulse.
The small girl walked over slowly and placed her hand on his head.
"He's going to be okay. He just needs rest. He absorbed to much demonic energy at once."
Jiro stared at the girl.
"Who are you....?"
The girl looked over, hesitant at first but relaxed once she felt her savior next to her.
"My name is Eri."
It was a couple of hours before Dekiru regained consciousness. It was well into the night and the stars were up in the sky.
Izuku looked around before spotting the girl who wasn't hard to miss as she barreled into his arms.
"Hello Angel..."
Katsuki and Jiro stopped as they stared at the girl.
"A-Angel?" Katsuki asked.
Izuku nodded and hugged the Angel.
"Are you alright?"
Eri nodded quietly and put her hands on his cheeks.
Izuku hummed as a warmth fell over him like a heavy blanket, making him drowsy.
"My name is Eri, I never got your name Mister."
Izuku smiled and whispered his name in her ear.
"But you can just call me Dekiru."
Eri smiled happily as she increased the warmth.
Izuku could barely keep his eyes open.
'It's been a while since I've gotten any rest...'
Izuku slowly slumped down on the ground asleep.
Eri turned towards the other people and smiled as she held a tiny finger up to her mouth.
Katsuki huffed as he ruffled her hair.
"You get some sleep to. I'll go to the bandit camp to see what food is left there. No doubt they abandoned it since Deku killed their shitty leader."
Jiro was left with the sleeping killer.
She stared at him, trying to figure him out.
"What spell did you use to get Katsuki like that...!"
Jiro leaned closer and poked the killer's cheek. I'm the dim light his scar looked even more grim yet you could see the eye bags. Could see every tense muscle, every frown line, every gray hair.
Jiro grabbed her book and flipped through her pages.
"Eternal sleep... that should be good enough for this monster."
Jiro started mumbling the curse but her eyes started hurting. The pain traveled from her eyes, to the back of her head, down her back and eventually she had to stop to take heavy breaths.
She stared at the killer, completely fine.
So, she tried to pick up her book but the atmosphere around Dekiru completely changed.
A sense of danger was in the air and something told Jiro that if she picked that book up, she would end up like Overhaul.
When Katsuki returned he saw as Jiro stared into a fire she had started. She was pouting and her book was a far away.
"Oi that book has a lot of dangerous shit in it why is it so-"
"Don't pick that up. Trust me on this."
Katsuki held his hands up and shrugged when Eri looked at him.
Jiro volunteered for first watch but Katsuki wasn't able to sleep.
His eyes watched Deku sleep.
"Why isn't he up yet..."
Eri hummed as she lifted her head up tiredly.
"The angelic energy needs to purge the demonic otherwise the sword would have control over him."
Katsuki stared at the sword glaring.
'Is that what happened to All Might? He was controlled?'
Eri rubbed her eyes as she sat up.
"I know what you're thinking and no, whoever had the sword before wasn't controlled. The sword whispers like a voice in the back of someone's mind. Offering deals, trades, trying to trick their chosen person to use them."
Jiro's face morphed to horror.
"You mean that sword is aware of its surroundings?!"
Eri hummed in thought.
"In a way I guess. It knows when it's in danger, and it knows the best possible host."
Jiro frowned as she glared at the murderer.
"Great. So a sword that knows when you try to kill it."
Eri hummed.
"Well not really. But this ones been around for a long time. So it might even be more dangerous than you think. It could probably take out a couple armies if given a few more years. Right now it could only defeat a few in the right hands at most it can do on its own though is curse a few objects with enough magic."
Jiro stood up and started storming to the blade.
Katsuki quickly blocked her.
"We need to destroy that thing! I know a spell just let me-"
"We can't touch the sword. I already tried and I needed a special remedy. Only Deku can touch it."
"And what makes you think the serial killer Dekiru would want to get rid of his strongest weapon?!"
Eri hummed as she laid back down on the animal protection found at the bandit camp.
"Well the sword has been around for a while but it seems this is the first time it's taking over. It's patience wore thin and it's growing tired of trying to make deals. It probably feels threatened but can't bind with anyone else."
Katsuki nodded along.
"He wants to destroy the damn thing too."
Jiro glared but backed off.
Katsuki sighed as everyone sat back down.
"You take over I'm getting some sleep."
Katsuki nodded and Jiro went to sleep.
Katsuki sighed as he leaned against a tree.
When Izuku woke up, it was still dark and only Katsuki was awake.
The greenette was groggy and his mind was covered in fog.
"Hey Deku... you alright?"
The blonde watched as the green looked around, his hair sticking in weird angles and his eyes seemed so far away.
"Oi, nerd!"
Izuku lifted his head again and covered the blonde's mouth with a giggle.
"Shhhhhh!! It's night Kacchan...!"
Katsuki watched with a slight smile, but at the same time even more annoyance.
The blonde sighed as he pushed the hand off his mouth just from the green haired man to slump over his lap and curl up there.
"Are you kidding me right now-"
"Shhh-! Sleeping time."
The blonde glared sharply.
"Nerd don't you dare fall asleep...! Deku! Hey! WAKE UP! DEKU!"
Getting Deku off him was a struggle as he seemed to cling to the blonde, after much struggle Katsuki got it down to where Deku held his hand but lucky the rest of the night was silent.
Izuku was the last to wake up. It was around noon when he did.
"Awake? Time to get up."
Izuku nodded and stood up, gathering his things.
"Deku this is Jiro. She was captured by the bandit fucks. I told her she could travel with us to Elysium."
Jiro nodded at Izuku timidly.
Izuku smiled brightly.
"Nice to meet you."
Jiro nodded.
Eri walked next to Izuku.
"Mister Deku, why can't I say your real name?"
Izuku smiled and glanced ahead.
Katsuki was glancing back but quickly turned his head back to facing forward.
"Kacchan doesn't want us to know each others names. I'm not exactly well liked in the kingdom."
Eri was quiet for a moment before look up at Izuku.
"Why do you blame yourself for your mom's death?"
The air around them was heavy.
"Hey Blondie let's go grab some of those fruits for lunch."
Katsuki nodded and followed Jiro.
Izuku sighed as him and Eri stopped.
"Angels can look into others minds huh?"
Eri nodded sheepishly.
"I'm sorry... I didn't mean to."
Izuku smiled and ruffled her hair.
"It's alright. I am responsible."
Eri was silent as she looked up. Her eyes going gold.
"You blame yourself because you had insisted on becoming All Might's disciple. You pushed to move away to the capital. And you were the reason she was there in that back alley fire. It happened when you were 14. Because the sword wanted to switch ownership, All Might went to kill you. But your mom followed you. She was the one who took the hit. But because she wasn't you, the sword killed her instantly. When you realized what was happening you had tried to attack All Might but he got you across your face as a reminder to never forget his so called kindness of to leave you alive and to use your blood to calm down the sword. He started a fire and burned down you house. You were confirmed as dead on the run. You were arrested for stealing when you were 15 but escaped. But you were captured for another 3 years by slave traders. You finally broke free when you got the the slave camp. Now here you are a year later."
Eri's eyes teared up as she watched the memories. Every hit, lash, every word, every struggle he went through.
Eri took a deep breath as her eyes returned to normal.
"I-I'm sorry Mister Deku I didn't mean-"
Izuku smiled and placed a hand on the young Angel's head.
"It's ok. You can't control your powers. That why we need to stop at the next town."
"Huh? Why?"
"There's a man there who can help you."
"Wait your.... Giving me up?"
Izuku smiled and ruffled her hair.
"Trust me. You'll like him, there's another kid there around your age that I met while I was stuck for 3 years."
Eri pouted but Izuku smiled down at her.
"Trust me, he's great. You have to be good for him though alright?"
Eri looked away with a huff.
Izuku needed down and held both her hands.
"Hey look at me Eri. I'm not abandoning you. I'll come back for you. Both of you alright? I promise. I swear upon the eyes of god."
Eri turned and smiled brightly.
The apples from Katsuki dropped and alerted Izuku.
"If that's all true then we need to report to-"
"To who? The commander of guards? The prince? Like he's believe a theif and runaway slave."
"But the Angel-"
Izuku glared at Jiro.
"I'm not making a child go on trial."
"But All Might can't just-!"
"He's not. He doesn't have his sword. He can't do anything anymore. Not anything he can't get caught for."
Jiro glared viciously.
"She has been sent by god! Clearly she's supposed to be here for this reason!"
"She's a child Jiro."
"No she's a gift that you need to use or you'll be sent to-"
Izuku glared at the girl coldly.
"I am not using a child."
Katsuki growled as he snapped.
"This doesn't matter right now! What matters is we get ahead of the psychopath before he can catch up! Jiro, All Might will suffer but not by forcing a child to read out abuse that Deku has been through. Another way can be found. We'll all be back to normal lives. That's the best way things should be."
Jiro couldn't believe what her child hood friend was saying.
Izuku nodded and picked up the Angel, placing her on his shoulders.
"We should get going."
Jiro hung back with Katsuki.
"Please don't tell me you like him."
Katsuki stayed silent.
"You know he-"
"I know."
Jiro fumed.
"Do you?! Look at him!"
Katsuki looked in front of him.
Deku was currently in a tree grabbing a flower Eri asked for.
"He's a good person..."
Jiro glared with a huff.
"Yes. But not even Dame Bakugo will be able to take him out of the eyes of the public. He's not one that would be able to sit in the lap of luxury comfortably."
Katsuki stayed silent.
"He said he fixes his mistakes, so I'll rejoin society and I'll take him with. He's going to need somewhere to be after he shows how bad All Might is. We can teach him then."
Jiro stayed silent before sighing.
"In a week we'll be at the next village Dekiru wants to stop at. It'll take longer to get to Elysium then before."
Katsuki nodded and then sped up to Deku.
A week on the road passed and Katsuki fell even harder. He became completely smitten.
When they reached the village a black haired man was waiting at the gates.
"Miso village doesn't this village have a-"
Izuku was jumped by a little boy with black hair.
"Hey Kota... Nice to see you too!"
The boy was on his back. It was only then that Jiro saw the horns.
"Wait he's-"
Izuku turned and smiled.
"Kota, that's Kacchan and Jiro. They're traveling with me to Elysium. Oh, and this is Eri."
Kota looked down and saw the Girl.
Eri shrieked back as the demon approached her.
"Of course problem child found another one."
The older black haired male sighed as he approached the little girl.
Eri stared as the man crouched down.
"You can call me Aizawa."
Eri was silent as Aizawa looked closely.
"I can't see your memories..."
Izuku smiled at Aizawa.
"Mr.Aizawa this is Eri."
Kota laughed.
"Mr.Aizawa is a fallen Angel! He's impervious to demonic and angelic energy."
"A fallen Angel?"
At that time is when a loud blonde walked out.
"Shooooo! Oh who's this cutie."
"And this Eri, is Mr.Mic. He's a siren."
Eri nodded and smiled.
Aizawa huffed.
"And meet the one I fell for."
"So Dekiru, how long will you be staying? I'm sure the village will be happy to see you though."
Izuku smiled.
"Only for a night. We need to go."
Aizawa nodded.
"Well let's get to the church. The twins have been asking about you."
The moment Izuku entered the village he was surrounded.
Jiro looked around, there were a lot of people.
"Ah Dekiru!"
A girl with a short brown bob ran over with a strict looking noble.
Izuku smiled.
"I'll introduce everyone."
Katsuki stared at everyone.
Everyone had something unique about all of them.
When Uraraka hiccuped, pink bubbles came from her mouth. She could even do it on command. She claimed it was a potion that went wrong a long time ago. The noble next to her had extreme OCD.
The one that caught Jiro's attention was a tall noble lady who had long black hair.
Katsuki glanced and laughed as he leaned closer to Jiro.
"You're drooling...!"
Jiro pushed him away with a glare.
Momo was blind but animals loved her and constantly brought her "gift" otherwise known as stolen items.
Jiro went off and hung out with Momo, figuring that she'd give the others space.
Katsuki walked around with Izuku quietly.
"This village, it's for those that were thrown out. Aizawa looks after everyone, of course it's where nobles send who they don't want. Like Kaminari."
They stopped at a blond who was hitting a pile of sticks with a bigger stick like it was a sword.
"He's not allowed to use metal in the village."
"Why's that-"
A lighting bolt struck the sticks making the blonde laugh.
"He's a nobleman's bastard child. With a god. But he can't really say that part."
Katsuki nodded.
"Y'know the palace is always looking for strong knights."
"I know but why are you-"
Izuku caught himself as he watched Kaminari look towards them.
"The prince doesn't care about origins either, as long as they have the skill and loyalty."
Izuku smiled as they walked away, his heart thumping happily.
They walked away silently.
"That was a nice thing you did."
"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about."
Izuku playfully nudged Kacchan with a playful grin.
The two smiled as it became a chase.
The next day was full of tears.
Eri said goodbye to Izuku and promised to be good for Aizawa. Jiro said goodbye to Momo, with the promise of returning soon. Kaminari declared that he was leaving to the capital with Mina, a girl who had spots of pale skin on her Carmel complexion and had a hobby of making different types of dangerous acid.
It took months. Luckily the longer way was just an extra week.
The three grew closer.
Jiro began trusting Izuku more and more, at the same time of Izuku and Katsuki falling more in love.
They arrived at a village, only a couple hour walk away from Elysium but it was turning dark.
Jiro sighed as she walked next to Katsuki.
"So? Do you really think he can handle being a-"
"I'm not going to try to teach him to be a noble."
Jiro was quiet.
"So? What are you going to do?"
Katsuki hummed and sighed.
"Jiro... I.... Just- traveling like this! Can you imagine it? Every night? Under the stars, seeing what we've seen? Trying all the foods, seeing all the different places?"
Jiro raised an eyebrow.
"What are you saying Kats?"
Katsuki sighed and raked his fingers through his hair.
The sun was setting and a festival was taking place for the beginning of winter.
"I want to stay with Deku. I'm not going to try to change him but this life- going everywhere, I don't think I can go back to running errands for Ejiro after this. Plus Deku... if I don't I'll just regret it..."
Jiro was silent before sighing and playfully nudging Katsuki.
"Just remember to come back every once in a while or I'll drag you back."
Katsuki laughed and nudged her back.
When it was time for the festival, Jiro decided to stay back so it was just Izuku and Katsuki going.
The two men laughed as they watched everyone dance in the square.
Katsuki took a deep breath and grabbed Deku's hand and pulled him out into the square as he copied the dance moves of the others.
Izuku laughed as he followed the moves.
Katsuki smiled as it was like the tavern all over again.
Only this time he could keep up with the faster music.
The lights hitting Deku's eyes reminded him of the emeralds in Kirishima's crown. His hair was pulled back by a pony tail. It had grown significantly longer since the start of their journey. Although Katsuki's own hair was the same.
The dance stopped and Katsuki smiled as Deku led him down a few roads.
Watching street shows and eating street food. It was like a fairytale.
Katsuki smiled as Izuku held up some skewers that had many different foods including shrimp, vegetables, pineapple, and other meats.
The two found a space in an alley where it was quiet. Although it was a dead end and it was more like a pause in the buildings.
The two talked quietly as they stared at the stars, the lantern lights only giving off a dim glow from where they were and the music nearly a soft buzz.
"Are the festivals like this in the capital?"
Katsuki hummed and swallowed the shrimp he was eating.
"Try bigger. The festivals there last for a week with these big fireworks, oh and dancers. This one is nothing compared the big one at the castle."
Izuku hummed.
"You must miss them. And your family huh?"
Katsuki smiled.
"Yeah but I'll see them when we get to Elysium. Then we can go to the festival there."
Izuku smiled brightly.
"I'm glad."
Katsuki smiled and nudged Deku.
"Don't worry Jiro and I will talk to the prince, we'll get him to get rid of All Might and you can just focus on destroying that damn blade."
Izuku hummed as he laid his head in the blonde's shoulder.
Katsuki blushed brightly and he slowly put his arm around Deku.
Izuku lifted his head with a hum and looked at the blonde.
The dim light made the usual bright red eyes into more of a wine color and Izuku couldn't help the blush as he heard his heart beating trying to escape his chest.
Katsuki leaned closer with a slight smile before the green pulled away.
"Ah sorry Deku I just- I thought- I should've asked-"
"No no no I'm sorry I just- you shouldn't be doing that with a criminal your family would hate you so would the capital and-"
"Wait do you like me?"
"That doesn't matter Kacchan if you're seen-"
"But do you?"
"Kacchan! I-"
"Deku do you like me?"
"Kacchan could you-"
Izuku's face was beet red.
"You do...!"
"Kacchan... yes but that-"
Katsuki smiled as he pulled Deku close to him and kissed him.
When he pulled back he pulled Deku closer to him smiling happily.
"Screw them. Forget status. Just kiss me."
Izuku couldn't form coherent thoughts as they kissed again, he just closed his eyes and enjoyed it.
"Oi what's that over there?"
"Couple of fags it looks like."
Izuku and Katsuki stopped and turned to a group of guards laughing at them.
"Oh but look at the small one."
One came up behind Izuku and held his face.
"This one's pretty."
"Ya sure that's a boy?"
"Has to be look at his chest."
"I can see why the blonde chose this one."
"Yeah he's as pretty as a girl do ya think he bought him?"
Katsuki was currently trying to push through the group of guards with no avail. Izuku, who was still dazed from the kid was slowly coming back, and he was not happy.
"Just what the hell do you think you're doing? Get the hell off me."
"Oh now he's mad."
"Ya sure that's not a kid?"
"Can't be look at him, he had to have his coming of age ceremony by now."
"How much for a night?"
The guards laughed as they continued to make jokes to eachother.
Katsuki looked at his hand.
"You know what? Fuck being nice."
Katsuki punched the closest guard.
"That feels so much better."
"Oi we're just giving him the attention he wants, can you blame us?"
"He should feel greatful, we aren't fags we're not usually interested in guys but we made an exception."
That guard was knocked off his feet.
Katsuki punched another guard and grabbed Izuku's hand and ran towards the place they were staying.
The two barged in, grabbed Jiro and there things and booked it.
Katsuki gave Jiro the rundown of what happened when they finally stopped.
Izuku was pouting in the tent he set up.
"Why ya pouting nerd?"
Izuku huffed.
"I wanted Kacchan and Jiro to sleep in a hood bed before returning to the capital."
Katsuki sighed as he crawled into the tent, Jiro taking first watch.
"Deku it's fine, besides we're leaving early tomorrow right? Atleast now we'll be a little closer."
Izuku turned and smiled brightly at the blonde.
"I'll get you back your nobleman status Kacchan. Then you'll always sleep in comfortable beds."
Katsuki took a deep breath and gathered his courage.
"Deku I-"
Izuku turned and smiled.
Katsuki ruffled his hair with a sigh.
"Get some sleep, I have something to tell you before we leave."
Deku smiled and nodded. He laid down quietly and drifted off to sleep.
Katsuki right next to him, fully content.
Jiro smiled at the two of them and got comfortable for the night.
"They'll be happy traveling."
It was when the sun was meeting the top of the trees when Katsuki woke up.
He stretched and noticed the place next to him empty.
Katsuki looked around, his panic growing when he sees Jiro fast asleep.
"Jiro! Oi! Wake up!"
Jiro woke up with a start and looked around.
"Huh? Where's Deku?"
Katsuki looked around.
"I don't know."
Katsuki looked around the camp.
"There's no reason for him to leave is there?"
Jiro hummed as she thought.
"I guess to go to the bathroom?"
Katsuki thought back to the night before.
It was night and Katsuki half woke up from the rustling.
"Deku...? Where are you going?"
Deku looked and smiled at the blonde as he kissed his hand gently.
"I'm just heading to the bathroom. Don't wait for me and go back to sleep ok?"
Katsuki hummed and hugged Deku.
"Why yer got your stuffs then? You can't leave without me nerd."
Katsuki began pulling off the covers before Deku pushed him back.
"So wolves don't attack me Kacchan.
The blonde huffed.
"You'll be back though?"
"You shouldn't take a criminals word Kacchan."
"But you will be back?"
Deku sighed and gently kissed the blonde.
"I'll be back."
Katsuki but his thumb angrily as he began packing their stuff.
"Damn fucking nerd uses his spells!"
"I knew that sounded like a final goodbye! He went to the capital!"
"Why would he do that?!"
Katsuki stopped as he realized something.
"Because he knows there's a trap."
"Huh? What do you mean-"
"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!"
Katsuki went over and punched a tree.
"He knew from the very beginning that the Ejiro would be at the capital! He trained under All Might! Of course he knows who I am! Of course he knows the prince would send someone after me! Of course he knows the messenger birds!"
Jiro's face drained of color.
"He knew I was there."
"In the beginning! There were some bandits that tried to steal your guy's shit when I first arrived. Dekiru beat me to beating them. He was giving me a warning! Multiple times he'd look behind him and up towards the trees. I just thought he was looking for hood hunting places."
Katsuki began packing up again, even faster.
"We have to get there before him before he does something stupid!"

Izuku stared in handcuffs.
He was sentenced to hang first thing in the morning.
All Mught smiled as he led Izuku down a long hall.
"We'll it looks like finally won."
Izuku thought back. Back to when he was a slave for the bandits. Being locked in a cage that was suspended from the trees. The cuts from Toga, the fire, everything. Compared to that, death seemed like paradise.
"We'll you can't always be right."
All Might glared as he led Izuku to the stage.
The king named all of his crimes.
Izuku nodded.
"Remember Bakugo Katsuki is in no relation to anything I've done. He is a captive."
The king sighed and waved his hand.
"Yes yes I understand."
The rope was placed around his neck and Izuku lowered his head. Glancing at the sword at All Might's waist.

Katsuki ran into the castle and nearly tackled Ejiro.
"Deku where is he? What cell?!"
"Huh? He's being hanged?"
"What's going on-"
But Katsuki was gone.
Katsuki ran down the halls, trying to find the place. But when he got there he was to late.
Deku's lifeless body hung there. Currently being taken down.
Jiro gasped beside him.
Ejiro who was caught up on everything placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.
"I'm sorry I should've stopped my dad- or delayed it until you got here but All Might-"
Katsuki glared and started marching towards the so called "hero".
"Young Bakugo how may I-"
"Drop the crap! You killed him."
"What? I'm afraid I don't-"
"He told me everything."
"What? You must be sick from the horrible-"
"How can you hold the demon sword it-"
Katsuki stared at the blood on his gloves.
Katsuki was quick with his movement, something he picked up from Deku.
He quickly grabbed a vial of blood from his pocket.
"That's blood you took his blood to calm the sword you can't-"
All Might calmly grabbed the blood back and smiled.
"Id be careful young Bakugo. You might give other people wrong ideas and those people who make mistakes will end up in horrible accidents."
Katsuki couldn't eat that night.
Early the next morning a commotion was caused.
Katsuki stopped a nearby servant.
"What's the matter?"
"All Might's sword has gone missing and he's dead! His head was cut off while he slept!"
Katsuki knew he shouldn't get his hopes up but he was still dashing outside. But not to the commotion but to the graveyard where he made Kirishima bury Deku, no Izuku.
But the ground laid undisturbed.
Katsuki laughed as tears came to his eyes.
"Right. You're dead. The sword must've picked someone else by now."
It was weeks later when Jiro, Ejiro, Kaminari, Mina, and Katsuki went back to the village.
Momo was happy to see Jiro again.
Katsuki prepared himself to tell Eri.
Eri smiled as she saw him.
"Has Mister Deku come back?"
"No I'm afraid he can't anymore Eri..."
Katsuki had tears in his eyes as he spoke.
His heart and head hurting and he broke down sobbing.
Unable to move from his spot on the cobble steps and unable to stop.
Eri laid a gentle hand on his back.
"So yesterday was his last day of being here?"
Katsuki almost didn't catch it.
"What- yesterday?"
Kota came and flicked her.
"Don't listen to that dummy! Mister Deku will always come back for us! He just has to go over sees with the pirate. Before coming back."
Katsuki looked between them before laughing and covering his face.
"So he's alive..."
Kota tilted his head.
"Huh? Of course he is. The sword wouldn't let him die."
Katsuki cried into his hand.
"He' ok...!"

Izuku hummed as he stared at the sea.
"So I guess you really will keep me alive no matter what huh?"
He looked at the sword and sighed.
"I miss Kacchan."
Shinsou laughed, approaching him.
"Don't worry you'll go back remember?"
Izuku laughed and nodded quietly.
The green haired male held up the earring.
"Would you like it back?"
Shinsou smiled before pushing it back into Izuku.
"You keep it, who knows when you'll need my help again?"
Izuku smiled and put the earring in.
"Let's find this treasure quickly so we can go back."
Shinsou bowed and led him to the captain quarters.
Izuku smiled and stared out the windows there.
"We'll be back guys. Hopefully then I can become a noble and be accepted by Kacchan's family."
With that, Izuku looked towards the map and started charting a course.

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