Life and Death

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(Katsuki being the god of life, Izuku being the god of Death and how their relationship began, warnings: implied sexual thoughts? Dirty thoughts? I'm not sure, the point is Katsuki's thoughts are filled with wanting to make life with Izuku. Izuku is purely oblivious and doesn't understand anything. Purely fluff.)

Life and death have always been in love. Never one without the other. Life always sending gifts, Death keeping every gift they receive.

When Katsuki first met Izuku, he was a lowly human who had just finished his life on earth.

Unlike humans had thought of at that time, Katsuki wasn't the 'all powerful god' that humanity assumed. In truth there wasn't any god that was above any other god. There was always someone stronger, someone smarter, someone faster and etc.

So when Yagi, god of strength, brought someone to meet Katsuki, the god was less than comfortable.

The boy was skinny but was very clearly a warrior if his gladiator attire was anything to go from. His black curly hair was falling into red eyes scars nearly covered and visible skin.

"Who's this?"

The boy looked terrified. His form was shaking and his red eyes were wide with freight. His skin was pale as if he saw the worse thing possible in his existence. Well... Katsuki guessed that realizing you were dead would do that to you.

"Midoriya Izuku. He died a few weeks ago, stabbed in the back by his brother during a gladiator fight. He refused to fight and well...."

The older god leaned in to whisper.

"Well.... His brother hadn't been so reluctant."

Katsuki winced and looked back at the human.

"What's he doing here?"

"Well he was going to go back as a prophet, but I decided to teach him to be the next god of strength."

Katsuki nodded.

A god having a successor wasn't uncommon. There were a few ways gods could die. If people stopped believing in them was one and combat was another.

The god life looked between them, his eyes staring at the human longer than he'd like to admit.

"What's wrong with him? He's been here for a week, shouldn't the shock have worn off?"

Yagi nodded and sighed.

"Unfortunately I didn't hear when he died, I only just grabbed him from Death. He's.... A bit shaken up after meeting him..."

Katsuki winced again, remembering his own first encounter with the god of death.

Scar tissue covering his whole face, that creepy smile and bone chilling voice inviting Katsuki to shake his hand.

The thought made a chill run down the god life's back.

The blonde was lost in his thoughts as the god of strength carted the once human away.

A human who had already experienced the terrifying fears of death as a god of strength. That will be interesting.

Years passed, Katsuki saw civilization grow and fall.

He hung out with Izuku more. Well more so Izuku came and hang out with him. Izuku wasn't a god but he wasn't just a human anymore either. When it was time for Izuku to become the next god of strength, Izuku declare she didn't want to. So he didn't. Instead Yagi found another mortal who hadn't experienced death named Mirio to take over.

Izuku was so far used as a messenger for gods.

The boy had grown, he grew taller and because of the god process, his hair that was as black as ink was now as green as grass to match his now green eyes. His skin had grown darker giving off a scar free caramel complexion. The immortal soul looked completely different than he once did which was part of becoming a god.

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