Close your eyes, Shut your mouth

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Au: Deku takes others physical health a bit too seriously....

Bakugo woke up dizzy.
Yes it was true.
Bakugo Katsuki.
King Explosion Murder.
The future number one hero.
Possibly one of the most health conscious kids in UA.
Was sick.
Which is fine, he's allowed to get sick.
But there was only one problem....
"Bakubro! Drink your medicine!"
"No! Fuck off shitty hair!"
"Bakugo it's not that bad!"
"Dunce face it tastes like shit and you-"
Bakugo sneezed, explosions going up his arms from sweat.
"You know it!"
The Bakusquad didn't really know why he hated medicine.
Shots? Didn't blink.
Broken bone? Only the weak cry.
Blood drawn? Yawn.
Medicine of any kind? Get that shit away.
"Come on Bakugo just take your medicine like a good boy."
Bakugo glared at Mina and hunched over coughing.
"Just cause old hag used it in the past doesn't mean it works now! Get that shitty cherry flavored shit away from me!"
Bakugo easily swatted the medicine cup away from his face nearly hissing.
The Bakusquad groaned as they struggled at keeping the medicine in the cup.
That's when Deku walked in.
The squad could've cried from joy.
"Deku! Get Bakubro to take his medicine please!"
Kirishima slumped over on the smaller boy and started crying crocodile tears.
"Woah.... what happened?"
Sero walked up holding his arm.
"Bakugo won't take his medicine!"
Deku tilted his head confused.
"But Todoroki-kun just spent all that money on it just for him."
"Go make Half'n'half drink that shitty stuff then!"
Katsuki chucked the bottle out the window.
Everyone freaked out.
Luckily Sero managed to tape it just in time to save it.
"Are you insane! We know you're pretty well off but this costs more than all of us."
Bakugo huffed.
"Anything is worth more than you battery pack."
"Kacchan stop acting out and drink your medicine."
Deku held the cup of the cherry syrup for him and Bakugo stared at it for a bit.
Before he knocked it out of his hand.
"Tell Half'n'half that he can take his expensive medicine and shove it up his-"
Kirishima took that opportunity to shove cough drops into the blondes mouth.
Who immediately but him.
As Bakugo coughed the cough drops out, explosions lit up and the back of his shoulders.
"I am going to-"
He broke out into a coughing fit while pointing at Kirishima.
"Destroy you!"
Deku took that time to check his temperature and was surprised at how hot it was.
"Kacchan you should be in bed."
A violent sneeze caused the blonde to sniffle and sway in a dazed state.
Although he leaned into the cool hand that was pressed into his head.
"We could always pour it in his tea-"
"Dont you shitty extras even DARE try to spike my drink with that shit!"
Izuku sighed as he slumped down.
"Come on Kacchan."
"I don't want tooooo!"
A sudden wave of nausea cause him to slump over onto Izuku's back.
"Here I can take him-"
"Dont you fucking dare- hmph- touch me shitty hair!"
Izuku huffed but smiled sympathetically at Kirishima.
"He might just be delirious Kiri. He still-"
"No I don't! Dekuuuuu let's go......!"
"Alright alright jeez!"
Izuku huffed as he half way carried the oversized baby on his back.
"Oh. Hey Midoriya."
"Good morning Todoroki-"
Bakugo's hand went out quickly.
Izuku sweat dropped as a huge Explosion was released from Bakugo's palm and Todoroki just barely dodged.
"Sorry Todoroki! Kacchan's a bit sick."
Todoroki went up to them and pulled at a handful of hair.
"Todoroki-kun! No he's sick!"
"He's going to get you sick Midoriya if he stays on you."
Deku huffed and tried to stand up straighter.
"I can handle it, Kacchan apologize!"
Katsuki groaned as he was flicked.
"Don't make trouble for Midoriya."
Katsuki huffed.
"Yeah whatever take your fancy medicine and all your shit and shove it up your-"
A sudden wave of nausea caused Katsuki's stomach to constrict painfully so much that he puked all of Todoroki's shoes.
Katsuki wiped the edge of his mouth feeling sick.
Izuku sighed and began moving away from his friend.
"Midoriya we still need to talk about that thing from earlier remember?"
Izuku blushed and nodded.
Katsuki leaned further on the green boy completely worn out. All energy gone.
Izuku smiled and pushed some hair away from his damp forehead and continued to bring him to his room.
Arriving at the room, Bakugo immediately slumped down on to his bed and groaned.
Izuku sat down next to him and helped him get comfortable in his bed with a sigh.
The blonde seemed to be unconscious.
Izuku huffed and smiled.
Looking around, he could see the failed attempts at trying to get the blonde to take his medicine all across the walls.
"You never could make Kacchan do anything he didn't want..."
Izuku smiled as he saw a bowl of water and a cloth.
He picked it up and placed it on his head.
The cool water sizzled at the sparks that lit around his skin.
The blonde groaned.
"Kacchan you awake?"
The blonde groaned in response.
"You need to get better at taking your medicine. You threw the biggest fits when we were kids about it."
The blonde looked up through bleary eyes.
"If I did that then you would leave completely..."
"Nothing shitty nerd!"
Deku shook his head and kneeled by the bed.
"Is that what this whole fit is about?"
Bakugo huffed and turned over to face away from his old friend.
"Kacchan I'm not leaving."
Izuku half hoped that the fever would make him forget everything in the morning.
"Well you sure as hell aren't the useless nerd that follows me everywhere I go any-"
Katsuki held his stomach in a groan.
Izuku tried not to laugh. He really did.
"Kacchan don't be ridiculous. Of course I can't follow you everywhere. We're both busy people. Besides you have Kirishima."
Katsuki pouted stubbornly.
"Not the same."
Izuku dabbed at the sweat and smiled.
Katsuki held the hand and turned his head to stare at Deku.
"I love you Deku."
Izuku blushed brightly but didn't say anything.
Izuku brushed hair from the blondes face and smiled.
"Take your medicine and sleep Kacchan, your fever is making you delusional."
Katsuki scrambled after Izuku when he pulled his hand away.
"Then- then will you say it back!"
Izuku raised an eyebrow.
"Kacchan you hate medicine please just get some-"
Izuku glared at him smugly until he saw Katsuki take a solid shot of the cherry flavored medicine.
"Say it back."
Izuku giggled and blushed lightly.
"Get into bed you dumb dumb. Close your eyes-"
"Shut your mouth and say it back."
Izuku rolled his eyes and tucked the blonde into bed.
Izuku quickly kissed the blondes forehead.
"I love you too Kacchan."

The next day when the blonde was better, the class was confused by the sight of Izuku sitting on Katsuki's lap with a red face and the blonde not letting him leave.

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