Rain Rain, Come to stay

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(No Au, Deku is Demisexual, I've returned with angst. All angst, no comfort. For my more mature audience, this is probably the closest I'll ever get to writing smut. Requested by: survivordogs_fanfic mentions the following: Suicidal thoughts/suicide, manipulation, sex, depression, unhealthy relationships, Self-harm. This is a dark one shot.)

Katsuki knew Izuku Midoriya.

He knew everything about Izuku, and honestly why wouldn't he? From friends to enemies, enemies to rivals, rivals to something more. They've always been together no matter the title they were given.

Katsuki knew Izuku's favorite food, Favorite place to eat. He knew Izuku's favorite color, favorite place to be. He knew Izuku's most traumatic memories and his favorite memories. But most of all, he knows Izuku lies.

Katsuki knows Izuku lies as if it's the only way to breath. He knows that because of Izuku being quirkless, Izuku did anything to fit in. He knew Izuku would put the wrong answers on tests so he would always average the same grade as the class. Katsuki knew that Izuku would tell everyone that his favorite season was summer because he loved the sun. Katsuki knew that Izuku would always blame the scars on his for arm on the cats in his childhood because as a kid he had wanted to pet them all. Katsuki knows how Izuku lies with a sweet smile on his face and his words dripping with honey.

Katsuki knew Izuku lied as if it was second nature. Katsuki knew that when Izuku would show up to school with blood staining his uniform at the knees or having cuts or bruises on his cheeks and head, it wasn't because he was clumsy and he fell. He knew that it was because of the things Inko would pull out from under her son's feet. He knew the she would act like her son just tripped over nothing and would apologize. He also knew that Izuku forgave her every time even though Izuku also knew.

Katsuki knew that Izuku lied so well that nobody even put any thought behind his words, even if someone tries to call the greenette out on his lies. It was easy for people to believe the words of Izuku after all. Katsuki knew better.

The blonde once was fooled by the same sweet smiles and honeyed words like everyone around him. He believed everything the greenette said without a single thought. If the greenette hadn't came to his house, knocked on his window, in the middle of the night, pants muddied, head bleeding and his lip busted, he might've stayed in his trance forever.

That night was when they first blurred the lines of rivals to something more. Izuku asked to stay the night. Claiming he had been caught in a villain fight and didn't want to worry his mom. That was the first time Katsuki called him out on his lies. Katsuki knew what had happened immediately, his mind pushing past all the words the greenette spoke and connecting the dots that were once hidden. The blonde had never felt more helpless than in that moment. When all he was able to do was bite his tongue and patch up the greenette.

Katsuki kept that night burned into his memory. A lot of things had brought the greenette to his house. Love was not one of them. So when the greenette had kissed the blonde, Katsuki knew it wasn't out of love. Katsuki knew he was being used as a distraction. But he was fine with it because it meant that he could provide even a small bit of comfort for the greenette.

Katsuki became addicted that night. He became addicted to the sight of Izuku. From the smell of his shampoo, to the feeling of the greenette under his finger tips. From the sounds of his voice to the feeling of warmth his body provided pushed up against his. Everything about him was addictive and it sent sparks throughout the blondes body. When he had woken up, the greenette was still beside him sleeping peacefully.

The blonde tried to help. But he couldn't help if the greenette didn't want it. He tried therapy and following Izuku home as often as possible to stop Inko from trying anything, but instead of helping the blonde could see the problems it was causing for the greenette so he stopped. So instead, he invited the greenette over to his dorm more often than not, and kept his window unlocked when he was at home. The greenette came over everytime, sometimes it was for sex, other times it was just to feel safe. As far as anyone else knew, Izuku was fine.

But Katsuki knew the truth. He knows that Izuku hates summer. He knows that Izuku loves rainy days and will sit out in the middle of storms to feel the rain, often with the blonde. Katsuki knew that Izuku's mental health deteriorated by the day. The blonde knew that Izuku's scars and cuts that covered his arms and thighs, even stomach, was never caused by a cat. Katsuki has tried to stop them from appearing but he was forced to watch quietlysince he couldn't help. Instead he just kissed Izuku's new cut, his new scar and would murmur softly about how Izuku did well in the recent villain fight or in class and would tell him about how strong the greenette actually was.

Most of all Katsuki knew that he was hopelessly in love with Izuku Midoriya. But he'd never confess and was happy to just provide the support the greenette needed. He was fine with being a distraction. He was perfectly content to just being able to stay by Izuku. He was happy to just be the one person that Izuku shared everything with.

They shared everything with eachother. They shared the same elementary school, the same middle school, the same highschool, the same dream. Their first words, their first steps, the first friend, their first kiss, their first night, everything was with the other side by side.

Katsuki knew Izuku Midoriya better than even Izuku knew himself. He knew Izuku's limits, he knew Izuku's body. He knew every scar he had, every thought tht went through his head. The only thing the blonde never knew was to make how to make the greenette smile happily. How to fill the greenette's eyes with only joy and laughter. Until he found out.

It was during a villain fight. Katsuki and Izuku were on their way back to the meetup point from their successful fight. Izuku stopped infront of the villain. The villain had committed suicide by inhaling their own poisonous gas, said gas was still surrounding them. It was a quick killing poison that was painless. Izuku stared at the villain for a long time before turning to the blonde.

Katsuki knew Izuku Midoriya better than anyone. That's how he knew the question the greenette was asking him without words being uttered. There weren't any lies, no sweet smile or words covered in honey. It was a simple straightforward question that was never spoken but the blonde heard it as clear as a sunny summer's day.

Katsuki immediately went to say no but stopped himself. He looked into Izuku's green eyes. For the first time since they were kids, he could see actual joy in them. A peaceful expression that the blonde only ever saw when the greenette was sleeping. So he swallowed the lump in his throat and closed his eyes when they filled with tears as he nodded his head and held the greenette's hand. The greenette took his gas mask off and smiled at the blonde as he gently laid a kiss on the blonde forehead.

Katsuki didn't cry at the funeral. Katsuki knew Izuku was happy. He knew that Izuku had been waiting for this day for a long time so he didn't cry as he saw Izuku smiling peacefully.

Katsuki Bakugo knew Izuku Midoriya.

He knew every habit the greenette had, every lie he spoke, and every time the greenette genuinely smiled.

Katsuki Bakugo was hopelessly in love with Izuku Midoriya. It was one sided, and hopeless to pursue but the blonde never even tried to stop his feelings. So he stood at the cliff smiling as the rain pounded on him and the wind at his back seemed to be egging him on.

So he did.
Katsuki smiled as he fell, his life flashing before his eyes and it all consisted of the greenette because they shared and did everything together. They even shared death. But what made Katsuki smile the most was feeling the rain on him as he fell.

"Deku always loved the rain."

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