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AU- Soulmate Au where you get a soul mark representing your soulmate. A special marker has been created that can hide soul marks for a limited time. {Light Angst}
Katsuki's POV
Soulmate. I used to believe in one. I used to look for one everywhere. Ever since I got my soul mark when I was 5, I've been on the look out for my other half. My mark is medium sized in the middle of my right fore arm. It's a outline of a green bunny.

 It's a outline of a green bunny

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But in middle school I gave up. Too many girls had started drawing on their arms. They drew rubies, explosions, and sometimes the ever so rare fire. Some guys even did it too. But I always took water and it washed off. I don't have a soulmate.
I sat and watched as my arm slowly drew a green bunny on itself again. I traced it and felt the familiar of warmth. Then I glanced at my alarm. I get up and get outside my dorm. I took the marker out of my pocket and apply it to the mark. I watched as it slowly disappeared. I put my marker back in my pocket and looked back up. Just as I did, I see someone hold the elevator open waiting for me.
"Morning Kacchan!" Deku said happily.
"Tch, hey nerd." I grumbled. I walked into the elevator as Deku let's go of the doors.
As I glance over, my eyes get caught on his arm. He had a bandage covering his right forearm. I don't remember him breaking anything. Much less hurting anything. Instead of asking I just brushed it off.
We walked to class and I sat in my usual seat while Deku left to talk to Uraraka. I waited for class to start.
Izuku's POV
Hero training! One of my favorite classes! We were all sparing with each other as we waited for All Might to come back.
"Pay attention Midoriya." Todoroki said as he lunged at me.
I quickly move out of the way. Then All Might walked over and we all watched. Beside him was a girl. She looked no older then 13 years old. But she had this air of confidence around her like Kacchan.
She had dark Persian blue hair that reached mid thigh in a braid. She was covered in fair skin and she was fairly short. Her eyes were captivating to say the least. They were big with dark long eyelashes, but the color or colors themselves were cerulean at the top but faded into indigo that faded into a magenta as it went lower. But that was only her left eye. Her right eye looked milky white with a marbled like lilac color. She had a bit of a smug look on her face.
"This is Ryuu Sin. She wishes to be a hero. She will be joining us because she has a special quirk." All Might said stepping aside to let Ryuu-San introduce herself.
"My name is Ryuu Sin. I also go by Sinning dragon. My quirk is called take over. I can get in someone's head and-"
"Isn't that basically what Shinsou does?" Denki interrupted.
There was mini explosion as he was told to shut up.
"Anyway, I can get in someone's head and can instantly find someone's weak point. I use it against them until it's all they can think about and weaken them. They become so worried that they have trouble staying focused since the thought of that thought takes over their mind. A drawback is that I have to be able to maintain eye contact or else the connection to someone's mind is broken before I can find the weak point." She says laughing.
She wasn't wearing a UA uniform. She wore a black crop top that sleeves ended mid forearm. She was also wearing dark blue shorts that folded at the bottom. Under them was white leggings and at her hip was a red sash tied to the right with some extra hanging off the knot. On her feet were black and white sneakers.
"So, who will be the first to fight her?" All Might asked.
There was silence. Nobody moved. Until Kacchan raised his hand.
Katsuki's POV
I stared at the new extra. She smiled and walked towards me. Then we got ready to fight.
'I'll show all of them that I'm better.'
Then I charged.
Izuku's POV
They had built a rhythm. They seemed evenly matched. The fight carries on for a while. Kacchan landed a hard blow that sent her back and made her land on her back. Kacchan stood over her smirking.
"That's a mistake." I stated before I could stop myself.
"What? What do you mean? Bakubro got her!" Kirishima said laughing.
I shook my head and pointed. Kacchan stood over her ready to set off an explosion. When she opened her eyes. There was a moment of silence before Kacchan realized what she was doing and used an explosion to propel himself back. But Ryuu-San smirked.
Katsuki's POV
"So, your never going to find you soulmate?" She asked.
My eyes widened. I charged at her but she dodged.
I'm never going to find them. I'm sick of losing 'soulmates'. There's too many fakes in this damn world!
I felt myself growing angry.
"So many other people have found their other half. Wonder why you can't. Maybe your soul mark was a mistake?" She said laughing.
I stopped attacking.
"Shut the hell up." I grumbled.
"What was that?" She asked coming close to my face with the same smug smile.
"I said to shut the hell up!" I yelled.
She smiled and leaned closer to my ear.
"You aren't scared of never finding one. Your scared that when you finally do, they'll hate you and that they will grow tired of your temper tantrums and just leave you." She whispered amused.
That was what snapped the thin thread holding me together.
I punched her. But I didn't stop there.
Izuku's POV
Everyone watched as Kacchan started a series of attacks on Ryuu-San. He never gave her enough time to comprehend one attack before firing another melee attack. Then she was on the ground, too in pain to move. Katsuki was getting ready to do a huge explosion.
I quickly move in front of Ryuu-San with my arms up to protect my head.
Katsuki's POV
I stood their calmed down. Deku stood in between me and the extra with his arms protecting his head. The bandage on his arm previously, was now shredded and fell in strands off his arm.
*start music*
I stared at the burnt skin in quiet astonishment. As I saw something slowly re-draw itself on his wrist.

It wasn't in color like so many of my old classmates had assumed

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It wasn't in color like so many of my old classmates had assumed. It wasn't big like they thought it would be. Or detailed. If was barely the size of the pad of my thumb.
I pulled the arm towards me. Examining the mark. Deku looked at me warily. I dragged him over to the side and grabbed someone's water bottle. I dumped the cold substance on Deku's wrist and began scrubbing at the mark. It didn't vanish.
I stared at the mark beginning to feel happy.
But then the arm was torn away from me. I looked up at Deku to find him crying and holding his wrist. He was staring down at the ground.
"I-I'm sorry Kacchan." He whispered.
I stared confused. I was about to ask what he meant but he just ran away.
I stared after dumb founded. I dumped the rest of the water on my arm and watched as my soul mark appears. Then I ran after him.
{Time skip}
It was getting dark. I looked everywhere I could think of. I walked around heading back to the dorms. That's when I saw him. He was at a beach looking out at the water.
I ran over to him and stopped when I was behind him. I slowly snaked my arms around his waist and held him close to me.
"Kacchan..." Deku said quietly.
I dug my nose into the nape of his neck.
"When did you get it...?" I asked quietly.
He sighed and ran his fingers through his hair.
"About the same time as yours. Maybe a day later." He said quietly looking down at my hands meeting at his lower stomach.
There was silence as we listened to the water.
"Shitty nerd. And you never told me?" I asked a bit heartbroken.
I was met with silence.
"If it was in middle schooler towards the end of elementary I would've understood. But around the same time as mine?" I asked him, holding him tighter.
I was met again with silence, but I felt water droplets on my cheek and my hands.
"It would've changed everything if you had told me." I said quietly looking down at the sand.
Then I finally got an answer.
"I didn't want that to change everything. I-I wanted you to change it because of your reason. Not because your soulmate was a quirkless nobody." Deku choked out.
I turned him around and stared at his eyes.
"I wanted to tell you when I deserved to have you as a soulmate. Not to change the bullying or to stop your hatred for me. I wanted to work for your affection instead of just be given it. I'm sorry Kacchan." He said quietly sobbing.
I stared at him eyes wide.
"I'm sorry your stuck with someone as useless as me forever. Maybe I should've taken that dive... We can pretend like this never happened! I won't tell anyone I promise. Nobody else knows about it. We can go back to how everything was. I don't deserve a soulmate. I'm worthless. You would be to embarrassed to even be seen talking to me." He said stumbling over his own words.
I felt tears well up in my eyes again.
'Am I the cause of this thinking...?'
I fell to my knees. I stared as my tears fell into the sand.
"K-K-Kacchan...?" Deku said quietly.
"Shut up. Just shut up!" I yelled.
I saw Deku get on his knees and stare at me. I lunged forward hugged him as he fell back into the sand. I held him tightly.
"Don't you ever say any shit like that understand! You are worth so much more then you think! I never should've said that shit back then. If I could take it all back, I promise you, I would in a heartbeat. There were so many fakes trying to claim I was there soulmate! I never thought I'd find you! But you were right there the whole time! Right in front of my face! You should've told me! I would walk with you by my side and proudly yell to the world your my soulmate. Deku I was jealous of you. You never got your soul mark. Meaning nobody could pretend to be your soulmate. Nobody could trick you only for you to find out they were lying." I whispered.
"You deserve a better soulmate then me." I said quietly.
I felt him gently pat my back. I propped my self so I was leaving over him. He was also crying. I gently used my knuckle to brush the tears away. His skin was so soft. He looked up at me softly smiling while sniffling. I slowly leaned down and laid a gentle kiss on his lips.
After a minute I pulled away. He smiled softly and held me cheek. I leaned into his touch. Then I gently laid down beside him, holding his hand. As I heard light snores, picked him up carefully and carried him back to my room.
I took his shirt off and blushed as I decided to leave his pants alone. I took his shoes and socks off him though and laid him on my bed. I took my own shirt off and laid down next to him. I gently traced this chest muscles with my fingers. Then held his wrist with the mark up to my lips and lightly kissed him smiling.
Then I nuzzled into the back of his neck and held him close. I'm not letting him leave me again. Now that I have him, I'm not going to let him disappear on me. I growled lightly as I nipped at his shoulder lightly, and left a small mark. "Goodnight Deku. Hope you realize this means I'm not letting you out of my grasp again." I whispered in his ear.
"Night Kacchan... I'm fine with that." Deku whispered in and out of sleep.
I blushed deep red as I fell asleep smiling.

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