Behind closed doors

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(No Au- festival, canon divergence, warnings: implies sexual content)

Izuku wasn't really sure why he was so surprised when he saw the end of the year festival. UA didn't do small.

UA's festival was huge, any and all space outside was packed with stalls and attractions.


The greenette turned just in time to see an energetic blonde crash in to him, Izuku struggled at first but managed to keep them both upright.

"See! I told you Izuku would catch me!"

Kirishima laughed as he jogged over to Izuku who was currently caring Denki. Katsuki was in tow yelling about proper manners.

"Sorry Midobro, Denki made a bet with Mina-"

"I won a bet with Mina you mean? A bet that our sweet and lovable Izuku would catch me the moment he-"

Katsuki smacked Denki across the head, very clearly annoyed.

"Don't just run into people Pikachu!"

Denki laughed as he was put down and the pink girl walked over with Jiro.

"I guess I'm out 500 ¥. Thank Midoriya."

The acid hero acted sad but she too was playfully hugging Izuku.

"Uh... is something going on here? They seem-"

"Clingy? Drunk? Yeah. You can blame Sero. Apparently his parents sent him some sake chocolates. Well these two idiots are the whole 3 cases. Usually the small bit of sake wouldn't do anything but it added up..."

Kirishima grabbed Mina, helping both his friends to not make fools of themselves even more.

"Are they... ok?"

"Tch. They better be. Fucking idiots! Who eats 3 whole cases of chocolates in general! We took them to the recovery girl and she said it'll be better to let them go through this to learn a lesson. It should be over soon."

Izuku laughed as he watched Mina and Denki get into a small fight over who got to hang on to their red headed boyfriend.

"You guys are falling behind."

"You guys don't even have anything to give Eri yet?"

The small group turned to see Momo, Jiro and Uraraka arms full on silly stuffed heroes.

"I could beat all you fuckers in any game!"

"You couldn't win when you tried to splash my father in the splash tank-"

A loud argument started that involved Izuku having to use black whip to restrain the loud blonde.

Todoroki looked around for a second before turning to Katsuki who was currently in the or restrained.

"Where's Sero?"

"Ah sorry Todoroki, Sero is under house arrest for sneaking in sake chocolate on school grounds."

The dual haired boy raised an eyebrow.

"Why did he have to sneak it? I just ask Hawks to bring them directly to my dorm."

The group stared at them as the same thought floated through everyone's head.

'He's using the #2 hero as a delivery service.'

Izuku's first mistake was getting distracted, allowing the loud blonde to challenge Todoroki to see who's team could get the most prizes.

Team A being Momo, Uraraka, Todoroki, and Denki.
Team B being Katsuki, Kirishima, Izuku and Mina. Jiro had to leave since she had an agreement with a stall.

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