Love her

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(No Au, Married Bakudeku, Wholesome angst?)
(A/N: Fair warning, I almost didn't make this chapter because of how sad it was.)
3Rd Person POV
"Because you're sixteen! You're not old enough!"
Izumi huffed and stopped up to her room.
Izuku smiled and walked over to the angry blonde.
Izuku hummed and kissed his cheek as he hugged his husband.
Bakugo smiled and held his husband's hand.
"You guys are more alike than you think."
Bakugo huffed out a laugh and turned around.
"She's just as stubborn as I was when I was in U.A."
Izuku laughed and wrapped his arms around his neck.
"She has an explosive personality."
Bakugo laughed and nuzzled his love's neck.
"And as usual you are able to calm that down."
Deku kissed his husband and hummed.
"Want me to talk to her?"
Bakugo hummed and nodded his head.
"I love you."
Izuku hummed in agreement and kissed his eyes.
"You go ahead and make dinner Kacchan. We have a mission tomorrow."
Bakugo hummed and let go and walked over to the kitchen.
Deku laughed as the blonde tried to act tough.
Izumi and her pops were alike. To much alike that they butt heads nearly everyday.
Izumi was a sixteen year old U.A Student. Her quirk was explosions. She has long, messy blonde hair. Her red eyes often have her an angry look like her pops, but she inherited Deku's soft features so her freckled skin and big eyes made her have an almost trickster look.
A soft knock sounded across her room.
She got up and opened her door.
Her dad gave her a soft smile and she had never been more thankful for her dad's talent to put anyone at ease.
"Hey sweet pea."
Izumi wiped at her eyes and smiled.
"Hey dad."
Izumi moved and let her dad in.
Izuku smiled and sat on her bed. He patted the spot next to him and watched as his daughter sat down and leaned into him.
"He loves you, you know."
Izumi sighed and curled into her dad.
"I know he does. But how could you fall in love with a guy like him?"
Izuku tilted his head and smiled.
"Well he's a jerk. He's to loud, he destroys anything in his way and he's often to bone headed to know when someone is trying to help him."
Izumi nodded along.
"You're the greatest dad in the world. Pops is cool, but he isn't-"
Izumi looked at her dad as he combed through her hair with his fingers.
"He's so passionate-"
"Ew dad!"
"In his work!"
Deku's face went scarlet as he flicked his daughter forehead lightly.
"You're just as bad as you're father I swear!"
Izumi rolled her eyes.
"Kacchan has always been so passionate and sure of himself. It's the classic expression of fake it till you make it. But I don't know, I always saw past it. He does everything he does to protect us. Even in UA, if given the chance I'm sure he wouldn't do half the things he threatened."
Izumi rolled her eyes.
"He's strong, Kacchan has always been the only choice for me. He's smart and he can be caring if he chooses."
Izumi rolled her eyes and played with her hair.
"So am I in the wrong?"
Izuku sighed and cupped his daughters face.
"Sweet pea, neither of you are wrong or right. You both are to similar to not be on the same side."
Izumi smiled and hugged her dad.
"Always the peacemaker huh?"
Izuku laughed and kissed his daughters hairline.
"I'll call you down to dinner."
Izumi laughed and watched her dad leave.
Neither one aware of the blonde boy who had just left.
~Later that night~
Izuku draped himself across his husbands shoulders.
"Come to bed Kacchan."
Bakugo laughed and kissed his husband.
"In a bit Deku, go ahead and go before me."
Deku hummed and nodded.
Deku tiredly walked over and passed out on the bed.
While they both slept, Bakugo was up at the computer until his eyes could barely stay open.
He smiled at his finish project and walked back over to Deku finally done.
Deku hummed and was able to pull Bakugo into bed and Bakugo laughed quietly as he kissed his husband and passed out.
~In the morning~
"Izumi, remember to get Pizza. We'll be home late."
Izumi nodded and ate her pancakes.
Izuku kissed her cheek.
"Love you Sweet Pea. Make sure to be good for Aizawa. He still scares me..."
Izumi laughed and hugged her dad tightly before he walked out the door.
Bakugo walked up to his daughter and held her by the shoulders.
"Listen here you little shit..."
Izumi rolled her eyes.
"I-" he sighed deeply.
"Your dad and I love you ok? I know we don't always get along, but i do always love you, no matter what."
Izumi was stunned but smiled at her pops.
"I love you both too pops."
Bakugo smiled and stood up straight.
"Make sure to be in bed by the time we get home!"
The blonde male left out the door and Izumi was left alone eating her food. She's used to it. Her parents were the number one heroes after all.
Aizawa droned on about something involving a hero.
Izumi turned and saw Shiro Todoroki.
Izumi raised an eyebrow and laughed quietly as he made flame dance across his fingers.
"Guys! Come one!" Alia Kirishima whispered at them.
Her black hair covered her birth marks along her eyes that look like stones.
"Bakugo Izumi."
Izumi stiffened and slowly turned around. But she was surprised to see not only Aizawa, but her Uncle Todoroki, and Uncle Kirishima.
"Dad?" Alia and Shiro asked as Izumi asked.
The three adults didn't answer, they just stared at the ground.
"Izumi, y-you'll be going with them."
The three teens were surprised to hear there teacher stutter.
"We're coming too!" Alia and Shiro said as they stood up.
Izumi stood up and walked towards Shoto.
"Uncle, what happened?"
Shoto looked away.
"Let's go... we'll explain in the car."
The teens walked with the adults to the car and piled in.
Iida was the one driving, but there was a silence in the car that was suffocating.
"Ok, what happened Uncles?"
Ejiro looked at her from the mirror.
Izumi realized with worry starting to show, that he had tears in his eyes.
"S-something happened on the mission."
Izumi stayed silent as she thought of everything that could have gone wrong.
"T-that's not- no! P-pops would never let anything happen! Him and dad are too strong!"
The adults didn't speak as Izumi's knowledge of her parents being the untouchable duo started to shatter.
She was the first one out of the car at the hospital and she raced in.
She vaguely heard the room number and she didn't even knock.
She barged in and saw her dad in a hospital bed. Bandages were wrapped around his head and he was bruised.
Izuku looked up and stared at his daughter.
"W-what happened! How could pops let this happen! He's not even here- what?"
Izuku pulled his daughter close and sobbed.
Everyone stood at the doorway silently.
Izumi went limp as tears gathered in her eyes.
"Dad, w-where's p-pops..."
Izuku held her crying, unable to get words out.
After he calmed down a bit, he was finally able to look his daughter in the eyes.
"H-he.... he wanted me to tell you. He-he loves you... a-and this family...."
Izumi's world shattered.
Explosions lit at her hands but Izuku didn't care, he held his daughter tightly and ignored everything around them.

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