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(Au- Steven universe)

Kaizku huffed as she picked up another bolder and crushed it.
Iidna hummed as she deflected any rocks flying her way.
"If you're done, I would like to go back."
Kaizku smiled as she punched another rock.
"Awe come on Specs, just enjoy your time out for once."
The aquamarine gem huffed and pushed up her glasses.
"Will you be more discreet please. Yellow diamonds weapons have been reported to being spotted."
Kaizku laughed as she broke another crystallized gem pad.
"Don't worry aquamarine, we'll get you back to your Ruby."
The blue gem blushed brightly and turned the page on her book.
A gauntlet smashed a pillar with a laugh following close behind. Kaziku ran up laughing to Iidna.
"I'm ready to go back if you are."
"You're not going to..."
Kaziku looked at the blue girl with a confused look. Her green and red eyes scrunched.
"Going to what?"
Iidna shook her head and stepped on the warp.
"Nothing forget it."
When the two gems got home, a bright red Ruby came charging up and jumped on aquamarine.
Kaziku laughed, her second set of arms coming to hold herself.
A set of small hands were suddenly on Kaziku's arm.
She laughed and held the Moonstone.
"Hello Eri."
Eri laughed as she was picked up and thrown.
"Kaziku! Can you tell me how you found eachother again!"
"Found each other?"
The four all turned to the pearl.
"Hello Uraraka."
Uraraka smiled and walked over to Kaziku.
"You didn't tell me you were an earth gem!"
Uraraka was new to the resistance, she had been stuck on earth deep in the sea, unable to leave, and was eventually found by a fisher who sold her as a pearl and she eventually ended up with them.
Kaziku laughed quietly.
"I forget that you all haven't been on homeworld for a while."
Coral walked in laughing quietly.
"Hey Todo."
Todo nodded her head towards Kaizku.
Kaziku giggled.
"It has been a while since I've seen the nerd... what do ya say Deku?"
"Deku?" Uraraka asked.
There was a bright light and suddenly Kaziku disappeared.
In her place was 2 gems. The bigger orange gem smiled as she kissed the green gems forehead.
"Wait you're a jade and-"
Uraraka's surprise dampened when she saw the orange gem.
She didn't recognize them.
"What are you?"
"Hey give her some space-"
The Jade stepped between the pearl and the orange gem.
"She's a fire opal."
"What but-"
"She's the first successful fused experiment."
The Jade glared at the coral.
The green gem waved.
"I'm Izu, and this is my partner Katsu."
The pearl laughed a little as she clapped her hands.
"Oh so Kaziku is a combination of your names."
Both gems blushed and laughed.
"Wait how'd you meet? Katsu would've been one of the lowest class. And you're a Jade!"
Izu smiled as the blonde gem hugged her tightly from behind.
"Well... it was a long time ago."

Izu grew up not defective but definitely different. The gem in her chest didn't give her any weapon. But it gave her light that shined off her gem and eyes to light her up beautifully. She grew up shorter than most and she just couldn't keep her hair under control.
But yellow Diamond saw her as an... accessory.
The most valued accessory she had.
So, she was kept under lock and key. Shut off from the rest with her own garden and her own room.
When she attended any ball, she stayed only at Yellow Diamond's side. She wasn't allowed to talk unless spoken to and she was only allowed to input any idea of strategy to her diamond.
But Izu wasn't happy. She hated being locked down under lock and key. Only being looked on like a new handbag.
Izu was sitting in her garden when she met Katsu...
Izu smiling as she patted the dirt and watched the flower. A strange flower brought to her from the first troops of earth.
"Oh Jaaade~"
Izu groaned as she turned to the Jasper.
"Hello Toga."
The soldier giggled and walked over, careful of whatever they had in their hand.
"Look what I brought you back!"
The Jade looked at the hands of the violence loving gem.
A rose that looked like it had seen better days.
The gem giggled and held it up higher.
"I had to shatter a couple gems for it! A few of the resistance almost stepped on it but I realized that you'd like it cause you like weird stuff like this! Huh my Izuuuu."
Izu took the flower carefully and watched as it bloomed more.
She bubbled it carefully and led the bubble to a small outdoor house covered in glass where other flowers were.
"I picked a good one didn't I Izu! Good enough for a light show?"
Toga went to touch the Jades gem before being roughly pushed off.
"Hey! Topaz!"
Shigaraki glared at Toga.
"You know the rules yellow diamond gave us. You can talk to Izu but you can't touch her."
The Jasper huffed and crossed her arms.
"Time is up. Please leave."
The Coral looked down with a glare towards Jade.
"Let's go."
"Alright we hear you Dabi."
Izu was left alone in her garden.
But it didn't last long.
Mostly because a craze gem came crashing through her house of glass's wall.
A gem on all fours like a wild animal.
Her hair was wild in blonde, wild.
She was wild as she growled at the Jade. She was much bigger than the Jade.
But Izu didn't feel any fear. Even as the gem roared in her face.
Izu quickly looked back and watched as a bunch of guards ran around.
"Are they looking for you...?"
The gem looked around quickly and rushed under a table with the covering.
Izu watched as the Ruby gems saluted to her.
"Have you seen a gem?"
"A gem?"
"Yes, really tall a fusion."
"A fusion? Are they in trouble?"
"Oh, no! She's a successful experiment. We're calling her Fire Opal. We just need to try another way to control her."
"Yes shes Yellow Diamond's newest weapon! Oh- but you don't need to worry about that. Just worry about your light shows."
Izu glared down at the Ruby.
"I see. Well no. I haven't. I was over at my pond and heard a crash. I came to make sure my newest flower was alright and found the glass shattered."
The rubies nodded and saluted.
"Please make sure that it's fixed."
"Oh but we-"
"Oh I would hate it if my physical form disappeared because I stepped on a glass shard. You know I'm not as strong as the other gems..."
Izu began to tear up as she looked over at the glass across the floor.
"My light can't do much against anything but I was so looking forward to the ball later tonight's show to keep everyone's morals up. I don't want to be seen as defective..."
"No! You're not defective!"
"Oh please don't cry!"
"Look! We can fix it!"
"It'll be better than before!"
"Please stand outside while we go get something to clear up the glass."
The moment the guards left, Izu smiled and picked up a shard of glass.
She threw it up and sent a spike of light to shatter it.
The Jade laughed as she leaned down and lifted the cloth to see the gem.
"Fire opal huh?"
She looked at the gem in the fire opal's hand.
"Well you need a name."
The gem glared at her.
"A name. Not a lot of gems have names. Only the important ones of a gem's kind."
The gem's hair poofed up more as it started to growl.
"Oh hold on!"
Izu ran to her room and searched through her bookcase before pulling one out and running back.
"Here look!"
She opened the book and pointed at one word.
"Dabi once told me about this animal called K-AT-S."
The gem peered closer and sniffed the book.
"Come on...! We gotta leave before the Rubies come back!"
The gem glared at her and scooted back.
"IZU! No get out! You're gonna get hurt!"
The Jade quickly dropped the cloth and smiled at the guards.
"I'm sorry. I was just checking on my plants... they prefer the dark so please leave them alone."
The guards nodded and gently nudged her out.

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