Bakugo has a booooooyfrieeeeend~

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(Au- All hell breaks loose when Katsuki keeps sneaking out of the dorms to go visit someone and the class follows)
Katsuki bounced his leg waiting for 2:00pm.
Time needed to go faster.
Kirishima glanced at his friend as school finally let out and he bolted out of the classroom.
He sighed as he walked with Jiro and his best bro.
The whole class was in the commons when they saw Katsuki rushing out juggling baskets and a phone with flowers.
Needless to say, everyone watched as he walked out the doors and got on his motorcycle, barely remembering his helmet.
"Was he..."
"Dressed nicely?"
"Holding a picnic basket?"
"And he-"
"Took his motorcycle-"
"That he's only supposed to use for hero work?"
"Yes he did."
The whole class sat there dumbfounded.
"He does this-"
"Something new each day."
"Like he has a"
"Significat other that-"
"He's been hiding?"
"Uh huh."
The class slowly looked at eachother and nodded, then ran around to get ready to follow him.
When they found him, he was checking his time outside a house and smiled when someone walked out.
They exchanged a playful conversation then, the blonde gave him his helmet and had the guest sit in front of him with their hands overlapping.
The class barely kept up with the blonde as he drove wildly to a far off park.
There, he rushed around getting a whole picnic ready.
"Hagakure go hide in the bushes and keep us updated ok?"
The invisible girl may have given a nod but nobody was sure.
The rest split up to find their viewing points.
Hagakure sneaked near the two and watched as they cuddled up.
The unonown person had fluffy green hair and look thin. His clothes seemed to hang off his body.
He stifled his laughter as the blonde fumbled with a sparkling cider and it overflowed from the bottle.
"Kacchan calm down."
Bakugo's shoulders were dusted pink all the way up to his ears.
The green giggled as he helped dry up the puddle of the sparkling juice.
"It's ok, let's just enjoy our date ok?"
The blonde hummed and held the green in a loose hug.
The invisible girl slowly backed up and texted the others everything.
"Uh Kacchan am I seeing things...?"
Hagakure stopped hearing the green suddenly closer.
"No. But there's only one person I know who has the good of an invisibility quirk...!"
Hagakure turned and smiled a little at the angry blonde and hid her phone.
"Heyyy Bakugo! What brings you here?"
"None of your business-"
"Wait Hagakure? The one in your class?"
The greens eyes lit up and the invisible girl had to forcibly stop herself from grabbing at her heart.
"Kacchan has told me all about you! He said your quirk is unbeatable when it comes to stealth. He-"
The blonde covered the greens mouth quickly as the girl giggled.
"Well you know me but I'm afraid I don't know you."
"Oh! My name is Izuku Midoriya I'm Kacchan's boyfriend."
The blonde blushed as he refused to make eye contact and held the greens hand tightly.
"Oh I'm afraid he hasn't told his class anything about you."
The green turned to the blonde with a little pout that made him physically weak.
The green smiled and turned to the invisible girl (or where he heard her voice).
"He probably wanted to tell you guys when I got better. I'm a bit sick at the moment."
The green put out his hand and the girl took it and shook.
"Well I'm sorry to hear that."
The invisible girl could feel the bony hands but smiled at his smile.
"Hagakure there you are!"
"Shitty hairs here too?"
The whole class came out of their hiding spots then.
The blonde glared at them all in turn.
The class stood awkwardly watching the greenette almost hide behind his boyfriend. A look of shock still on his face before he broke out into a bright smile.
Bakugo watched as Izuku nearly thrived in all the attention he was getting as the girls started to fire on him.
"Bakubro I didn't know you had a boyfriend."
The blonde huffed and watched his boyfriend.
"I was going to tell you all when he got better. He's really sick.."
The redhead glanced at his friend and smiled in sympathy.
"He'll get better."
The blonde smiled and played with a small box in his hand.
"He is."
The redhead looked at the box and gasped.
"Bakubro are you-!?"
The blonde covered his mouth.
"I will shove this ring so far down your throat it's going to be stuck in your ass if you say anything."
The red head nodded with a smile as the blonde pulled away.
As the blonde pulled away the red head was beaming and could hardly hold still. It almost looked like he had to go the bathroom.
"When are you going to tell him?!"
The blonde huffed and glared at his class.
"Tonight. About right now."
"Oh! Oh.... Oooh!
The blonde nodded.
The red head sped towards his class and whispered everything.
The class immediately began to try to excuse themselves awkwardly until it was just the boyfriends left.
Kirishima smiled and winked with a thumbs up before leaving.
When Katsuki dropped Izuku off, he gave him his leather jacket and smiled at the greenette who took it happily.
"Let's hang out tomorrow. I have something I wanna tell you," Katsuki said as he ran his thumb over the freckles cheek.
Izuku smiled and kissed the palm of his boyfriends hands.
"Of course Kacchan. I...I also have something to say."
Katsuki smiled. In the street lights Izuku's cheeks almost looked sullen and his eyes sunken in. But he had the brightest smile.
"Tell me tomorrow nerd. I'll visit you first thing in the morning."
Izuku smiled and hummed as Katsuki kissed Izuku's head.
Katsuki smiled and kissed Izuku's nose.
"You'll get your kiss tomorrow ok?"
Izuku giggled quietly and nodded.
"Goodnight Deku... Love you."
"Night Kacchan, I love you too!"
The blonde smiled and kissed his boyfriends cheek.
With that, the blonde put his helmet on and rode back to the school.
Needless to say the class was waiting in the common room when he walked in.
"We heard-"
"Shitty hair."
"But when-"
"Stop round cheeks."
"But the ring-"
"I swear battery pack-!"
"You want to give Izuku a promise ring!"
"Damn it tails!"
The class immediately grabbed the blonde and forced him to sit down on the couch."
"Ok we know we messed up and ruined it but think about it! Please let us help! Izuku is so adorable and deserves the best please!"
The blonde groaned as alien shoved a whole Plan into his arms.
The blonde looked over the plan with a blush as his class half explained and half held their breath.
"You all met him for five minutes."
Momo fiddled her thumbs.
"We feel bad for messing up your plan so we want to help to make it up to you."
The blonde covered his eyes with his hands and huffed.
The huff quickly turned to grateful laughter.
"Sure. The nerd would love that."
The class buzzed planning, making calls, going out to the store. Everything as quickly as possible to get everything ready for the next day.
Early morning the class arrived at the hospital.
"Bakubro why are we at the-"
The class stayed silent as they watched the blonde walked the hall he's walked for a while.
"I told you, he's sick but getting better..."
Kirishima put his hand on his friends shoulder.
They arrived at the door.
Bakugo smiled as he knocked and waited for a response.
Jiro paled as she plugged herself into the wall.
"Kirishima get a doctor!"
Katsuki didn't waste time.
He took a step back and kicked the door in.
As the door swung open, the group paled as they got images of Izuku's bed. A long flat beep ring throughout the room.
The green boy laid in the bed. Pale and sunken skin. Leather jacket around his shoulders and a peaceful look on his face.
The door swung lifelessly, each closing getting a little slower until stopping.
But the look on Bakugo's face never changed.
Kirishima, who sprinted for a doctor the moment they got the first glance, was back pulling along a nurse.
Bakugo stayed motionless as he stared at the door.
Izuku Midoriya was pronounced dead.
Katsuki turned to the doctor with a glare.
"I thought he was getting better. He told me he was getting better."
The doctor and nurses stayed quiet.
"Stage 4 Lung cancer. He didn't want treatment."
The class was distraught, most crying, others trying to cheer up the blonde.
"He knew about aunty... didn't he...?"
The doctor bit his lip but nodded.
"Bakugo what do you mean?"
Tears were finally falling from the red eyes of his.
"Aunty was having a hard time keeping up with Izuku's medical bills. The old hag tried to help... but Aunty knew she was getting me through school and.. Izuku knew she couldn't afford the treatment."
A ring through his phone ring out in the halls. As people prepared Izuku's body to leave the hospital.
The blonde cried as he picked up the phone.
"Hey old hag..."
"Sooo! What did he say?!"
Crying was heard and that's when Mitsuki and Inko got the first clue.
"Oh honey, did he say no? It's ok, he probably-"
"Izuku died mom."
The phone was silent as it dropped to the ground.
Katsuki was sat beside Izuku's body as the nurses and doctors who were prepping him were told to stop so his mom could arrive.
The blonde held on to his hand tightly, now both wearing plain silver rings.
The blonde was holding the leather coat crying.
When the parents got there, Bakugo barely noticed. He was just staring at his love for a while. Deku was diagnosed when they had reached the fourth grade.
Katsuki leaned forward and softly kissed Izuku, just barely lips brushing together a tears fell on the dead boys sunken cheeks.
"I promised you a kiss. I would've done so much more if I had known. Why didn't you tell me..?"
Kirishima laid his hand on the blondes shoulder for comfort.
The blonde turned and was hugged by his class, everyone there for him.
When it was time for the funeral, the whole class came along with his doctors and a few nurses he was close to. But the funeral was pitifully small. Izuku never got to make many friends.
The blonde cried as he placed the leather jacket in the coffin.
"H-here... you said I-it was y-yo-your favorite."
Kirishima comforted Katsuki the best he could.
Everyone did.
Even years later when he was the top hero, it wasn't unsurprising for the blonde to show up at a classmates door in the middle of the night seeking comfort.
The class didn't understand at first but after a while, they also knew Izuku's story.
They knew that he was Bakugo's first childhood friend. They knew he was Bakugo's first crush. His only boyfriend. His motivation to be a hero. And he was the strongest anchor Bakugo would ever have. They knew the boy wanted to be a hero and admired all of them. They knew he was born quirkless and was diagnosed with lung cancer. They knew that Katsuki still visited his grave everyday.
Kirishima would go so far as to drive Katsuki back from the grave yard he had walked to in the middle of the night.
But the blonde was better. Some days he just needed someone there. Someone to assure him everything was alright. Someone that would just comfort him without judgement of anything. Someone to tell him that he was doing great and to keep up the good work. Someone to encourage him.
Although the whole class knows who he'd prefer to be the one to do it, they're happy to substitute for the greenette and watch over the blonde for him. That's what the small green boy did ask the one time that the class met him after all.

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