Ding Dong

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(This is your warning)

Katsuki sighed heavily as he walked around the store.

Katsuki cursed under his breath. "Deku better be fucking grateful! Does he even know how hard it is to find his stupid ass American snacks?!"

Katsuki found the extremely unhealthy American snack and made his way back to the register. While he paid, he could hear yells and fighting coming from outside. So, he did what any hero would do and followed the noise.

When he got there, the blonde decided to help just a little bit, even though it was his day off. It's not like Deku could complain if his American treat got smashed because of a villain, god knows how many times Izuku came back from grocery shopping with no food and looking half blown up.

Katsuki propelled himself forward into the air. The heroes consisted of soy sauce guy, dunce face, and shitty hair.

Thanks to the villains over confidence, he didn't even listen to the explosions happening behind said villain until Katsuki propelled himself downward and knocked the guy out.

The heroes stared at the villain in shock and looked back towards the blonde, expecting a lecture about not letting down your guard and what not.

"K-Kacchan... Y'know you can't be fighting villains you're-"

Kaminari was cut off as the other blonde clicked his tongue.

"I'm on my break I know I know, but it's not like anyone got hurt. Plus the break is almost over. Then Deku and I will be back to kicking your asses in the heroes league."

The heroes stared at the back of the blonde surprised as he walked away.

Katsuki was basically running back, he did have ice cream after all and it was currently melting.

Moment he entered the apartment, he called out to the greenette who was still sleeping.

"Deku get your ass out here!"

Katsuki wasn't paying attention as Izuku came and sat down at their bar. He was still half asleep so Katsuki wasn't to surprised when he saw the greenette sleeping at the counter.

"Oi! I got your special American snack."

The blonde plopped the box of chocolate cupcakes that had a creme filling as he sat down next to the greenette.

"Oh!! Thank you Kacchan!"

The greenette smiled tiredly and it in turned made the blonde smile back.

Izuku yawned loudly before leaning on Katsuki's shoulder and drifting off to sleep. It made Katsuki smile but at the same time, the blonde knew it'd create problems with the nerd's neck.

"Oi! You've been sleeping a lot these days. You ok?"

Izuku hummed as he sat up right.

"Sorry Kacchan, I've just been sleepy. I've been staying up late to work."

Katsuki smiled and remembered being woken up at nearly 5am by Izuku.

The greenette was smiling at him tiredly and had kisssed the blonde's nose as he was wished a good morning. That small gesture filled the blondes stomach with butterflies. His fiancé was probably the cutest person on the planet.

Katsuki smiled and blushed lightly at the find memory that had only happened a few hours ago.

"Let's go on the couch at least then, I think the All Might movie marathon will be happening soon."

Izuku smiled and hummed as he walked over to the couch and motioned for the blonde to follow.

Katsuki watched as Izuku walked over. The greenette was only in a pair of sweats and a dark red hoodie that was on of Katsuki's. But he looked elegant. He had let his hair grow longer since UA and had recently been putting it in a bun. His nails were painted black and he had a few piercings in his ears.

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