Down the rabbit hole

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(Au- vigilante, Deku has no quirk, Deku and Katsuki don't know about each other, pro hero Katsuki, this is your warning)

"Listen up everyone, we need to stay vigilant. There's been a vigilante running around that we need to take care of as soon as possible."
Katsuki sighed as he listened to the same speech over the phone.
"It's been a month Iida. How do they expect us to catch him?"
Uraraka yawned as this was her third night up in a row.
"He's extremely dangerous! We can't just-!"
"But why is he even dangerous? Isn't he taking out the villains?"
"Because of his quirk. He has had no training but we think he can see the future. He always takes out heroes or civilians and only then when we investigate them do we find out that they've been involved in something illegal."
Kaminari was tired and the chilly air was getting to him.
"Oi! Shift change nerds."
Katsuki showed up from behind a corner, completely relaxed in his tank top. It was early spring.
"Bakuhoe how can you even wear something like that in this weather?" Uraraka complained.
Katsuki glared and flicked her head.
"Keep talking shit round cheeks and you're not getting your coffee."
Uraraka perked up and bolted over to the blonde.
"I am truly sorry for any inconvenience and insult I have ever given and thought about you."
Todoroki glared as he walked over with Coffee.
"Ah Katsuki is truly the best person to have a shift change with."
Kiri glared, showing up with the other two boys.
"Sing your praises when he wakes you at 7 for exercise."
Kaminari glared and stuck his tongue out at his boyfriend.
The three sent the tired heroes away and split up.
Kirishima was quietly singing baby shark to the point Katsuki shut off his ear piece so he didn't have to hear it.
"I swear shitty hair will be killed by me."
The sound of a trash can falling over caused him to turn quickly only to see a cat crawl out of a trash can.
"Fuckin hell that scared me..."
Katsuki mumbled to himself as he put his arm down.
"Pspspsps Mr.Whiskers..!"
Katsuki froze as he heard the distorted hidden voice.
He froze as a guy came into the light of the alley way.
He had a dark green bunny hoodie with ears and even a tail. With black fingerless gloves and wooden bats secured to his back.
Only his piercing green eyes were visible from under the hood.
"Shit... you weren't supposed to see me...!"
"Oi!...OI! ITS 3am where the FUCK ARE YOU RUNNING TOO!"
Katsuki ran after the vigilante.
"Yeah this is Dynamight, I've found the vigilante "Pet" and he's currently heading towards the outskirts of town at the forest-"
Katsuki was trying to keep up but the guy was doing parkour and jumps that even cause Katsuki to hold his breath in anxiety.
His earpiece stayed quiet.
"Oi! I swear if you both wore your batteries out singing!"
The vigilante ran up the side of a wall and jumped over Katsuki so he was behind the hero.
"Oh you little shit!"
Katsuki blasted to a wall and shot himself away from the building at blinding speed. But he lost the guy he chased.
Katsuki was on the edge of the city, where it meets the forest.
"Oi! Shitty vigilante! I know you're here! Come out!"
Katsuki walked through the forest on high alert,watching for any abnormalities. Any sway in the leaves, any hidden figures in the shadows, anything.
Not the hood in front of him though.
He fell down it and landed unceremoniously on the bouncy floor.... That's a weird floor choice for a forest.
"Ah Pro hero Dynamight, so you've found my place."
"Pet! Give up now or else I'll blow you to shitty bits!"
Katsuki smiled wildly as he lit his palms up to show evidence.
"I can't just give- wait I'm sorry what did you call me?"
Katsuki paused for a moment. This was not how it usually went.
"Uhm... Pet?"
The vigilante stared at him and sighed, a silly sound with the voice filter.
"Uhm.. so why? Like why Pet?"
Katsuki lowered his hands slowly with a raised eyebrow.
"That's like your name... isn't it..?"
The vigilante sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.
"No. No it's not. It's supposed to be Deku."
Katsuki stared dumbfounded.
"Doesn't that mean useless?!"
The vigilante sighed and waved his hand.
"Yeah that's the point! It's supposed to tie into my whole backstory and my monologue of being called useless-  why why pet?"
Katsuki shrugged.
"Well you have the bunny ears and the tail."
The vigilante sighed frustration clear.
"Yeah because people see bunnies as useless! I had the whole monologue and everything prepared but I'm supposed to be called Deku. Didn't you guys get any of my calling cards?"
Katsuki tried to think.
"You mean the spray paint?"
"Yeah! Those clearly said Deku."
Katsuki shrugged with a confused huff.
"Well we kinda just Y'know... assumed that you were calling us useless..."
"No heroes aren't useless they help keep the public feel calm- why would I be calling you useless?!"
Katsuki almost looked offended.
"I don't fucking know! Why would we think you'd call yourself useless!"
The vigilante, Deku, huffed out a laugh.
"What about All Might? This is all tied to him in the end did he really not understand anything?"
Katsuki sighed in thought.
"I don't think he's even picked up your case file to be honest he's been busy."
The vigilante sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose with an angered sigh.
"That is so in character for him that I can't even be mad."
"What does this have to do-"
Deku waved his hand around dismissively, "it would've made sense with my backstory and everything."
Katsuki feel like he was in an awkward situation.
"So uhm... do we fight now or-"
Deku sighed and pressed a button and Katsuki immediately dropped into another hole.
"Hey I can!"
Goo started to rise, it didn't rise past his waist and quickly disappeared, but stuck to his hands and feet.
"Sorry Dynamight but I still have work to do and we'll you know how it is and everything, it's just a temporary safety precaution."
Katsuki was very clear in his dislike for this but it fell on deaf ears.
The hole was closed and the young hero was left in the dark.
When Katsuki saw light again, he was in a cage with bars made from light except there was water that went up to his wrists.
"How dumb are you I can-"
"I wouldn't."
Deku grabbed a, what looked like and architecture book, and tossed it into the bars where it was sliced cleanly through
"Did you know light can get can get hot enough to do this? Almost like a laser. I like to think of it like Iron man's beam though. The heat can make you dehydrated though so I added plenty of water bottles in there and even if you do get out your hands would be to wet to do an explosion. That water your hands are in takes your sweat and- ah I'm rambling."
The blonde glared and sat in the chair provided.
Deku made a phone call that the hero only heard part of.
"What do you mean you won't be here for a week?"
Katsuki's ear perked up.
"Oi fucker are you in human trafficking what the fuck!"
Deku ignored him.
"I can't watch him for a week!"
"What do you mean why?! I have classes- I have homework!"
"Well no I don't but I-"
"But I can't just-"
"Ok what about his food-"
"I know he's not a pet- Hey wait that reminds me! Are you one of the guys who-"
"Don't hang up-"
The vigilante glared at his phone before shoving it in his pocket.
"Looks like you're staying here longer than expected."
"The moment I get out of here I'm blowing your ass up along with the buyer!"
Deku rolled his eyes and huffed.
"Yeah yeah I'm well aware of your history of violence. Don't worry I won't-"
Deku's voice hider made a loud static noise before going mute.
Deku made motions with his hands and then looked towards the blonde questioningly.
"Uh... I think you're mute...?"
Deku blinked at him once before hitting the device at his neck.
He held up a finger and then turned around.
The lights turned off and Bakugo could only see a bit in front of him. A light shined at the opposite side of the room, drawing his attention.
A lamp at what looked like a work station was on and he could see the back of who he guessed was Deku, working on what he guessed was his mask.
From what he could see on the wall, it was covered in webs of red string. Almost as if a spider had been there.
"What the fuck...."
A loud breath of air drew his attention.
"Testing... testing... 1,2,1,2."
"I can hear you now."
Deku turned and waved.
"That's good! My tech goes out sometimes."
Katsuki blinked as the lights turned on.
"Did you-"
The vigilante panicked as he waved his hands around frantically.
"It's Latin!"
"You're Japanese! You're a fuckin' Harry Potter nerd!"
Deku made a groaning sound but through the mask sounded more like a creak.
Katsuki looked at the vigilante, not just quick glances, but just stared at the vigilante hiding his face.
Katsuki glared before looking at his own hand before looking back.
"You're a fucking tiny ass nerd."
Katsuki motioned to himself.
"I'm not the tallest guy I know but look at your self! You're like the third shortest person I know! What are you a kid?!"
The vigilante huffed and crossed his arms.
"Hey you're the one who got captured not me."
"And yet I'm somehow in control of this situation."
"Huh?! No you're not! You're my prisoner-"
Deku stopped and looked towards Katsuki, clearly waiting.
The blonde smiled and started to laugh a little bit.
"What? What's funny?!"
The hero snorted as he watched.
"You're definitely in control, don't let me stop you, go ahead."
"Thank you, I am in control. I control when every-"
"Hey Deku."
"What is it?"
The blonde started laughing louder.
"Sorry I forgot what I was gonna say, please continue."
"Oh it's fine I guess but I control-"
"Oh wait a second!"
Deku stopped and looked to the blonde with his head tilted slightly.
"Do you have something to say this time? I am kinda busy..."
The blonde laughed under his breath.
The bunny ears moved with his movement and Katsuki just couldn't help but smile at the scene.
"Do your ears and tail actually do anything or are they decoration?"
"Oh... well if you're actually interested, this hoodie isn't just cloth. It's actually sewn with strings of iron. It's more like armor. The ears are actually gloves that helps me grip on to walls and—"
Katsuki listened as the man raves about his technology. The young hero listened carefully. The technology was impressive.
An idea popped into his head.
"Can I see the ears?"
Deku, who was happy to have someone to talk to nearly ran over to show his creation.
He bowed his head so the hero can touch them easier.
"There now-"
Katsuki grabbed the ears and pulled the vigilante close to the bars. Close enough so Deku could feel the heat radiating from them.
"How long do you think that hoodie can protect you from the lasers?"
Deku, who realized that the hero wasn't actually interested in what he had made, calmed down from the initial shock and made the creaking noise.
A click was heard and the bunny ears detached.
Deku took a step back and Katsuki almost felt sorry for the dejected look in the vigilante's eyes.
He got over it quickly of course because he was trapped in a prison by him and being sold.
The ears went through the bars and stuck to the hoodie with a small metal thump. Clearly the work of magnets but the nerdish side of Katsuki really wanted to see what other Harry Potter spells he had used.
The ears flew back up to his head and re attached in their spot.
"You should get some rest."
"Where am I-!"
"Figure it out or something, maybe just ask."
With that, the vigilante left over to the corner.
Katsuki watched as he climbed up a rope onto a small loft.
The lights went out and Katsuki was left in a dark room, only with a few lights lining the ground.
Katsuki smiled as he reached for his grenades.
If he could destroy the machine generating the bars then he could easily escape.
One problem stood in his way though, his grenades were gone. Katsuki looked around at what he could see and saw the shape of his grenades across the room.
"When the fuck did that nerd get them...!"
Katsuki cursed under his breath.
Katsuki spent hours, to proud to ask Deku for a bed, but eventually his tiredness won out.
"Can I get a bed.....please....!"
It sounded forced even to him, but luckily the computer didn't pick up on that.
The water drained, the same slime filled the bottom of the cage. The chair from before disappeared into the ground and a bed room it's place along with what seemed like floating curtains around the bed.
He was released from the slime but it almost felt like his hands were covered in super glue. But at the point he was to tired to even think right.
He chucked off his boots and hero costume and put on the clothes that were to tall for him but otherwise fit.
The moment his head hit the pillow he was out.
When he woke up again the vigilante was still sleeping.
His stomach gurgled, demanding food.
"I want food..."
A series of clicks were heard as a small table appeared with a breakfast bar.
Katsuki ate it, growing more curious with what the cell wasn't able to do.
When Deku woke up, it was to an alarm.
The vigilante used the rope to lower himself to the ground as he headed to his work station.
"Oi- what the?!"
Deku jumped as he heard a voice other than his and looked towards the cage.
"Oh... yeah I forgot that you were here. Just ask for breakfast and-"
Deku blinked a couple times before he felt around his neck for his voice changing mask. Then reached towards his shirt to notice it wasn't his hoodie.
Katsuki stared in disbelief at the vigilante.
"How have you been eluding us for so long?" Katsuki groaned into his hand.
"I'll be back..."
"Oh yeah putting your disguise will really help now!"
The greenette pouted.
The vigilante in question had messy green hair with the sides shaved. He had chubby cheeks littered with freckles and wearing thin gold glasses. Unlike his cheeks, his body was well built with lean muscles.
Katsuki had to admit he was cute.
"So mind explaining these?"
Katsuki held his hands up to show the black skin (literally) tight gloves.
"Oh they block your quirk."
Katsuki crossed his arms with a huff.
"I need to study so be quiet for a bit ok? I'll let you out after-"
Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
"Of the cell. I can't let you out of your base."
Katsuki pouted more.
Deku laughed as he walked over to a device and pressed a couple buttons.
The bars disappeared and Katsuki slowly put his arm where the bars were. They were actually gone.
Katsuki ran at Deku quickly, trying to land an attack, but Deku was fast.
The blonde's hits were blocked easily and made the green laugh as if they were playing a game.
Katsuki had to stop eventually, tripping over his own feet seemed to be what finally brought him down.
He was tired.
The green leaned over the blonde.
"Done already?"
Katsuki glared as he tried to drag the green down but the guy stepped back.
The green shrugged and stood up straight to stretch.
"Only 6 days left till you're gone so don't get comfortable Kacchan!"
Deku shrugged as he sat down infront of his wall covered I need string."
"Well I can't know your name."
"Shouldn't you know my name if you're selling me?"
Deku turned with a raised eyebrow.
"Now you're the one being stupid. You're not being sold and you're not gonna get hurt either. You only need to stay here."
The blonde huffed.
"Oi dumbass, my friends will be looking for-"
"As far as your agency and friends know, you'll be going on a week long vacation for anger issues."
"I don't have-"
The green turned and raised an eyebrow.
The blonde quieted down as he walked around to explore.
The blonde watched throughout the day.
The greenette would go from mumbling at the wall, connecting strings, to reading a book about architecture and fighting, to reading fantasy books.
"I'm bored."
"Deku! Deku!"
Deku ignored him and flipped the page.
Katsuki went up and grabbed the book.
Katsuki ran off with a laugh, holding the book up and out of reach.
"I'm bored, don't blame me!"
"Then entertain yourself!"
The green ran after him.
Katsuki laughed as he tripped the vigilante.
"You'd think someone that can see the future would know what was happening."
"What?! I can't see the future! Why do you think I can?"
Katsuki blinked.
"Because you take down all those villains and civilians and even heroes! But we only find out about their dark side after you I catch them!"
Deku raised an eyebrow.
"Yeah because I get tips and research them. It's easy enough."
"What but-"
Deku quickly grabbed the book and held it up sticking out his tongue.
"You little-"
"Come get it hero!"
The greenette ran off, using the bars and training equipment to his advantage, easily doing parkour around the base.
The day/night was filled with that same game of keep away.
When Katsuki could catch up it was only because the greenette was busy yawning.
"Game over I win!"
The green pouted.
"That's not fair Kacchan I had it through most of the day!"
The blonde stuck his tongue out as his stomach grumbled.
"Shit I'm starving, where's your kitchen?"
The vigilante motioned over with his head.
It was just stack upon stacks of cup of noodles.
"You're joking right?"
Deku sighed with a shrug.
"I don't have a lot of time..."
Katsuki sighed as he trudged his way over and looked through the fridge. There were ingredients, mostly vegetables and jerky in the cupboards.
"Oh this are snacks?"
Deku nodded with a smile.
"The agency that brought me here said I need to get as strong as possible."
Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
Deku hummed and grabbed a pepper and began eating it.
"Of course, how did you think this place was built? I was lucky to find a big underground storage area outside town?"
Katsuki turned with a huff.
"Whatever nerd. At least I can make stuff with these and the leftovers, go sit down."
"Kacchan can cook?!"
Katsuki huffed and playfully pushed Deku away.
"Not for you if you don't go sit down."
Deku walked over to the couch.
Katsuki glanced back and watched as he tried to get comfortable.
The couch looks as if it hadn't been used since getting there for any other purpose than hold papers.
Katsuki cooked stuffed Bell peppers so they took a bit.
Deku's stomach loudly grumbled as the smells filled the air.
When Katsuki turned around with the stuffed peppers, Deku's leg was bouncing and he looked like he wanted to stand up and rush over.
The blonde sighed as he walked over and gave the man his pepper.
Deku cheered as he ate quickly.
"Woah! Slow down! Geez I've never seen anyone eat that fast..."
Deku had ate the pepper in what looked like was less than a minute.
"We're you that hungry...?"
A flip was turned in Katsuki as he held up Deku's arms inspecting them to see if he could find any signs of weight loss or anything to suggest he wasn't being fed by this "agency". Deku licked his fingers and smiled brightly.
"It was really good Kacchan!"
Katsuki nodded, still trying to figure out the puzzle.
"You... you can have another one if you-"
Deku was already half way done with his second.
"Hey! Slow down before you choke!"
Katsuki was already up grabbing a glass of water before rushing back.
Deku took it with a smile, completely done with his food, and drank the water happily.
"You know I'm not gonna fight you for your food you can have mine too if you want..."
In Katsuki's house his mom, despite being rough with him sometimes would always make sure he was fed, his dad would even bring people in that wanted food. Nobody would go hungry in his house, it was the number one rule, so it was natural for the blonde to check over the green to make sure he wasn't starving.
"Huh? Oh no that's Kacchan's, I just grew up and the agency was very strict, if I didn't eat fast I didn't eat so I learned pretty quickly."
The green smiled so sweetly and the blonde thought that that might've been what lowered his guard.
Such sad words were said with such a happy smile.
They were quiet the rest of the night, each doing there own thing until falling asleep.
The two got more used to eachother by the day, until the seventh day came around.
"Kacchan he's here!"
"Huh?! You're still-"
The 20 year old hero was expecting a lot of things but his old teacher wasn't one of them.
"Problem child..."
Aizawa nodded before turning to the vigilante.
"Sorry I'm late Deku."
Deku smiled at Aizawa and smiled with the hair ruffle he received.
"I don't understand-"
Aizawa turned and motioned for the blonde to sit.
"When I was in school, All Might's agency contacted me."
Aizawa could still remember it.
He was pulled out of class for it, only 14 at the time.
All Might was 33.
Aizawa was greeted with a warm smile and was asked for help.
Aizawa was more than happy to help the hero, he was still naive after all.
He had no idea where he was going, he felt many turns and many dips until they arrived.
But when he let out of the car he was confused.
He was handed a baby.
A little human that stared at him with big green eyes and was eating his hand.
The baby babbled and pulled on the black hair with a giggle.
"I don't understand."
"Well you see-"
A masked man smiled and placed a brief case on a nearby table.
"All Might has a special power, when he gets older he will have to give his power to someone else. So we've-"
"You chose a baby?"
The men looked at eachother and slid the 14 year old the brief case.
"His mother, Ms.Midoriya, passed away at his birth. He doesn't have a father nor any god parents. No one to take care of him we decided to take him."
Aizawa stared from the brief case up to the men.
"You guys plan to train him when he's still young to take over All Might's  power?"
Aizawa glared at them.
"Why not just let him grow up and then-"
"You're to naive boy."
The adults looked down in him.
Aizawa stared up at them and felt his power try to surge up.
"This isn't a good idea. If one person decides to investigate you'll-"
"No one will. Because there's no record of him. We just need you to babysit him until he's old enough for his quick to show. Until then you'll be paid a handsome-"
Aizawa stood up, holding the child, "I said no. This is a bad idea. The kid doesn't deserve this."
Aizawa tried to leave but was quickly blocked.
"Do you know why no one will find out about this?"
Aizawa stayed quite.
All Might smiled politely.
"Because we know how to burn evidence."
Aizawa thought about what they could've meant before holding the baby closer to his chest.
"Yo-you're bluffing.... You wouldn't...."
All Might waved his hand and the men moved away.
"Go ahead and find out."
Aizawa stared at the exit and then to the baby you looked up and smiled, clapping chubby hands at him.
"Fine. But you can't-"
"Oh don't worry."
All Might smiled.
"We won't burn what's been useful so far."
So, everyday Aizawa went to look after Izuku, he'd spend the nights most nights but he told the agency he couldn't be there 24/7 so he brought Hizashi with him.
The blonde simply fell in love with the baby.
When the child turned five he was announced as quirkless.
All Might tried to go on a rampage but Aizawa and Hizashi blocked it.
"Don't you even think about touching him."
"He's useless! Five years and he's-!"
"He's not useless. Leave him alone. He's just a kid."
All Might glared and tried to intimidate the black haired male but Aizawa held firm.
"You're right. He'll just have to work harder."
"But he's only-"
All Might glared behind him.
"So? You're the ones who said he wasn't useless. As for his name, make it Deku. As useless as him."
Aizawa hugged the crying kid, trying to soothe him.
Aizawa huffed as he smiled at Deku.
"It's alright, he won't hurt you."
Deku played with the black hair quietly.
"I read about this place called a beach..."
Aizawa smiled as Hizashi slept.
"Oh? They're usually crowded. Really hit, they aren't that much fun."
Deku sighed.
"I still want to go. Is it true that they have a bunch of colorful shells just on the ground?"
Aizawa hummed.
"Will I get to go someday?"
Aizawa looked down at his hands. The poor kid had never even seen the real sun, locked inside his whole life.
Aizawa turned and smiled as he held the small hands.
"I know you will."
The next day Aizawa brought a whole bucket of seashells he found.
Him and Deku played all day as Hizashi watched smiling.
But the next day the two 19 year olds went and saw all the shells broken. Millions of shards laid hazardously across the ground.
Aizawa ignored everything a he started searching for the kid he raised.
The five year old peaked his head out from a small space under some boxes and rushed over to Aizawa as fast as he could.
Deku was limping and had scratched and bruises lining his hands and arms.
"Deku... hey it's ok, what happened?"
Deku was quiet but he grabbed the man's hand and placed something cool in it.
It's was a small piece of sea glass. It was was still intact but it had small drops of blood on it.
"Deku.. what happened here?"
Hizashi looked at the shards and picked the shoeless boy up.
"I'd appreciate it if you both didn't interfere with Deku."
The man from the agency walked out with a smile as Deku tried to wiggle his way out to hide.
"What did you do to him?!"
Aizawa clenched the sea glass and sent a cold glare over to the man.
The man scoffed as he cleaned his hand.
"Your job will be extended for a while Mr.Aizawa. But please do not bring anything else from outside. It will give him ideas."
The man walked out, dropping the handkerchief covered in blood in disgust.
"I saved one... I saved a sea shell... but I couldn't hear the ocean out of this one..."
Tears formed in Hizashi's eyes as it felt like his throat was going to close up.
Aizawa smiled through tears as he held the glass carefully.
"You did good kid... you saved a shell. Soon you'll be saving everyone as a hero huh?"
Deku smiled brightly as he nodded.
"Yeah I'm gonna be a hero just like you and Hizashi!"
Aizawa tried to hand back the sea glass but Deku shook his head quickly.
"The bad man might destroy it again... can you keep it safe please?"
Aizawa smiled as he led it in his hand.
"I'll protect it at all cost."
The black haired man ruffled the greentte's hair with a smile.
Aizawa sighed as he came back from the memory.
"Myself and a few others are working on getting Deku out of here. We just need a few more civilians to demand a background on All Might."
Katsuki took a moment to process what was said, Deku was currently at his wall of red Yarn again, linking different things together.
"I'm not asking you to stick your neck out for him. I'm asking that please..."
Katsuki could see it in his old teachers eyes, the desperation.
"Don't cover for him. He'll try to use any hero as an alibi, please if he tried to do the same with you, tell the truth."
Katsuki nodded without even thinking. He didn't need to.
When it was time for the black haired male and the blonde to leave, Deku saw them out.
Deku turned to the blonde with a sad smile.
"Even though you were forced to be here I enjoyed hanging out with someone else thank you!"
Deku dragged his finger from the start of the gloves to the top of his ring finger and Katsuki could feel the gloves become loose enough to take off.
"Tch don't be to sad..... I'll come visit."
Aizawa hasn't seen Deku smile that brightly since he got the sea shells.
The teacher and old student walked a bit together.
Katsuki stopped and turned around.
"Deku once asked me to take him to the beach...."
Katsuki raised an eyebrow.
"If I don't get to, can you do it for me?"
Aizawa sighed and raked through his hair with his fingers.
"I don't know what'll happen with the agency and All Might. You won't have any connection with the whole thing so-"
Katsuki flicked his teacher with a glare.
"Oi, the Damn nerd will see the beach. With you. Don't worry about it."
Katsuki kept his word to visit.
He visited with or without Aizawa. It became usual to stop by Deku's and goof around.
The plan was slow but it was working.
Even a few heroes started asking about All Night's back ground.
It took 2 years for the call of an investigation to catch the eyes of someone in power but it did.
Deku was hanging out with the blonde.
A loud banging caught both of their attention.
"Shit! Kacchan quickly!"
He was quickly pushed back into the cage of light.
"Mischief managed."
"You fuckin nerd!"
Katsuki watched as he was lowered into the ground and any trace of Deku living as a Vigilante disappeared, the walls flipping themselves around and everything retracting into the ground quickly.
Katsuki listened as heavy footsteps walked in to the room.
He had to be quiet.
"All Might."
The blonde glared at Deku.
"Where is he?"
"Who? Mr.Aizawa hasn't visited me since-"
"Don't play dumb. What's all this shit!"
Deku looked through the papers that were roughly pushed into his arms.
"Oh a vigilante showed up?"
"You didn't know?"
Deku tilted his head.
"Why would I know?"
All Might glared.
"Don't act dumb! You signed you're name!"
All Might spit in his face as he pointed to the graffiti wall that said 'Deku'.
Deku looked over it and shrugged.
"Maybe they were calling heroes Useless? I'm not sure. It couldn't be me though, this person has a quirk."
All Might glared and smacked the boy.
"Don't think I'm stupid I know that! I was just asking your input for training purposes so yo I can learn to be a hero with my quirk!"
Deku stared at the blonde and nodded.
"My mistake. From the places he's traveling through the sewers. See? The sewer cover is in all of these pictures."
All Might roughly patted Deku's head to the pint it hurt.
"Good you're learning."
Deku nodded and kept his head down until he was sure All Might left.
"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good."
With those words, everything went back to the usual, Katsuki reappearing angry.
"Let me talk to that son of a bitch-"
Izuku sighed and shook his head.
"Karma is heading his way."
Katsuki huffed but looked at Deku.
His cheek was swollen as he had tears gathering in his eyes.
"Hey... come on out on a hoodie."
"Huh why?"
Katsuki smiled as he started dragging the greenette to the secret entrance.
"Because I'm taking you to the beach."
"Wha?! But it's still light out! What if-"
"It's alright. You've never seen the sun before right?"
Deku slowly shook his head.
Katsuki smiled, "then you won't want to miss today's sunset."
The two snuck out, Katsuki holding tightly to the green as they walked to the beach.
The beach was empty and the sun was just starting to set.
"Here we are!"
Deku looked up and was frozen at the sight.
Katsuki turned and stopped as he saw a tear fall down the green's cheek.
"Hey are you-"
It was just a murdered word but Katsuki could see stars in Deku's eyes.
Katsuki smiled as he made a mental note to tell Aizawa Deku's reaction.
"Let's go put our feet in the water."
Deku didn't need to be told twice, already struggling to get his feet out of his shoes before pulling the blonde into the water a little.
Katsuki watched as Deku appeared like a kid with a soft laugh.
The greenette would go from jumping over the small waves to building sand castles.
The blonde smiled as Deku turned and smiled brightly.
Katsuki took a picture.
He wanted to keep this picture of the greenette in his mind forever.
The happy smile, the colorful sky behind him, it was perfect.
Katsuki kept it as a screen saver with a smile.
Deku, now tired out, collapsed next to Katsuki in the sand.
The sun had long left the sky and now they stared up at stars and the moon.
"Thank you Kacchan. For everything."
Katsuki smiled as he turned to face Deku.
They stared at each other for a bit before smiling.
"After we get you out of there, let's go on a date."
The green blushed brightly.
"D-date I uhm..."
The blonde watched at Deku tried to his his blushing face but nodding.
Katsuki smiled and kissed Izuku's hand, before biting down on his ring finger hard.
"Ow! Owowowowow! Kacchan let go!"
Katsuki let go, blood on his lips with a smile.
"That's a promise nerd."
Katsuki grabbed out white medical tape and gauze, the necessary first aid for a hero, and began wrapping the hit mark.
"There's easier ways to promise something!"
Katsuki laughed and offered his hand.
"Do you want to bite me back?"
Deku glared and crossed arms.
Katsuki laughed as he hugged the green close and kissed his head.
"I'll cook dinner for 5 nights in a row ok?"
The green stayed quiet.
"A month...?"
The green nodded.
The blonde laughed.
They fell asleep back at Deku's base cuddling.
It was a week later when the new declared they'd be doing a background check on All Might.
Katsuki and Aizawa got together and headed to Deku's base to celebrate.
Sirens screaming past them and caused them to freeze as they watched the vehicles head towards Deku.
The two ran.
But when they got there, a large fire roared Where Deku's base was.
Katsuki watched as everything went up in flame.
Aizawa fell down to his knees, tears breaking free from his eyes as he screamed.
Katsuki just started laughing.
"This is a joke. This has to be a joke right?!"
Katsuki started running to the fire.
Fire fighters held him back as he fought them.
"I will blow all of you to ashes let me go!"
He was restrained so he couldn't use his quirk and was forced to watch as the fire fighters put out the fire.
Katsuki ran into the base the moment it was out.
Everything was burnt.
Burnt beyond recognition.
Katsuki had hood even as he knew no one could survive this fire.
He still screamed any Harry Potter saying, spell, anything he could think of till he could get Deku to reveal himself. But no one showed up.
Katsuki flipped over everything trying to look for anything.
All he found was a bunny hoodie. Half burnt, the mechanics just barely worked but that was it.
Nothing else was left.
Aizawa and Hizashi mourned differently from Katsuki.
The couple went down to the beach, the small piece of sea glass in hand and they threw it out into the ocean. Letting the boy they raised as a son see the ocean in their own way.
Katsuki went back to his house and cried in his bed, ignoring his friends/roommates in favor of looking at the one picture he had of Deku and listening to voice clips of Deku's rants about hero suits and better techniques until he memorized them word for word.
Even as they got better on the outside, they were still hurting even a year later.
Their agency called them and a group of other heroes together to work on a case.
"You'll be working a hero from the state. Everyone meet Pro hero Deku."
Aizawa and Katsuki immediately stood up as they saw a ghost.
He was smiling and waved hi to everyone.
The blonde blasted over the table with tears as he held the greenette.
"Uhm.. Hi...? You must be Pro hero Dynamight."
Katsuki stopped as a chill ran down his spine.
"What...? No I'm Kacchan and you're you're-"
"My name is Midoriya Izuku. It's nice to meet you-"
"No you're Deku you're not-"
"That's just my hero name."
"No I know you! You know me too! And Aizawa we met 3 years ago!"
"I'm sorry but I've been in the states since I was young."
Aizawa stood up and nodded to Izuku.
"Excuse us."
The two walked out into the wall as Katsuki broke down.
"It's Deku it has to be!"
"It's possible that he had a twin or-"
"No! I know it's Deku!"
"Bakugo... he died please..."
"It has to be him I know it! If we can just-"
The blonde looked and could see Aizawa holding himself.
The man had already lost his son once to tell him he was alive again only to be wrong, Aizawa couldn't handle it.
Katsuki sighed.
"I can prove it's Deku. The agency had to have brainwashed him. Please..."
Aizawa shook his head.
"I... I can't. I'm sorry Katsuki. I raised him-"
"I get it. But I know it's Deku."
The next day, Katsuki barged into Deku's apartment.
"Uhm hi Bakugo?"
Katsuki did a sweep of the apartment.
"It's just us! Please Deku you know me!"
Izuku sighed as he rubbed his head.
"You must be thinking of someone else, I'm not him!"
Katsuki could see it in the man's eyes, he really didn't know who he was.
Katsuki was beginning to think Aizawa was right but he just so much like Deku.
Even the way they fought was the same.
But something was completely different.
Izuku didn't talk to people much. He'd talk about the mission and then excuse himself. Almost robotic like.
Katsuki corned him in an alley a month later.
"Katsuki I really can't-"
The blonde kissed him quickly.
Hoping this would jog back some type of memory. But when he pulled back nothing happened.
"Come on.... Please... you have to be him..."
Izuku sighed and patted the taller man's back.
"I'm sorry.... But I'm not."
The blonde cried into the green's shoulder.
"We made a promise when you got out we'd-"
Katsuki linked their fingers together and then an idea came to him.
"Deku can you take off your give please? The right one."
"Katsuki. I told you I'm not-"
"Please. This last thing. He had something very specific on his hand and just... once I see it's not in yours I'll let it go. I promise."
Izuku sighed, but agreed if it's finally get the blonde to let it go.
So he tugged off his glove.
Katsuki held his breath and felt tears Well up in his eyes as he saw the scar.
The scar from his promise on Deku's ring finger.
"Where'd you get that scar Deku?"
Izuku stared at his hand blankly,trying to figure it out himself.
"I....I'm not sure..."
Izuku held his head as it began to hurt.
Memories he didn't temper, as if seeing through someone else's eyes.
All Might walked in and began yelling at him, even hit him a couple times. But he just stood there playing koi.
All Might was yelling about how there's not much time and the process needed to begin now.
Izuku didn't know what it meant but he knew it was something bad.
So, he quickly put a plain black ring on his ring finger to hide the scar and followed.
All Might blew up his place behind him.
Katsuki held Izuku close as he cried.
"I knew you couldn't be dead."
Izuku pushed the blonde away.
"I need time to think please... I just want to go to-"
"The beach?"
Both turned and saw Aizawa crying with Hizashi.
"How'd you know?"
Aizawa cried as he held Izuku.
Izuku didn't know why but he hugged the older man back and began to cry aswell.
"Don't worry Deku... We'll get your memories back ok?"
Izuku glanced at the blonde.
He didn't understand it but he felt safe, as if nothing could touch him.
Another memory played before his mind.
He was on a beach, the sight was beautiful and the person he was with was just as beautiful. They were laying in the warm sand and he felt the same thing. He felt untouchable by life.
So Izuku nodded and they all made their way to the beach silently.
Hizashi and Aizawa talked to Izuku while Katsuki sat by the water.
Izuku walked over and sat down next to Katsuki.
"So they old you everything?"
Izuku nodded and leaned his head on the blonde's shoulder.
"I haven't gotten any of my memories though. What even happened?"
Katsuki sighed as he put his arm around the green.
"If I had to guess the investigation on All Might was getting to close to you so he burned the evidence, but he spent all this time making you his perfect candidate so he used some brainwashing or something to give you false memories."
Izuku sighed as he closed his eyes.
"Hey, c'mon, I wanna bring you somewhere."
"Huh? Where?"
"Oi no questions! Yo I agreed to the damn date."
The green blinked but followed.
"I need you to trust me ok?"
Izuku looked down the hole.
"I don't know..."
"To late!"
Katsuki jumped, Izuku screamed but they landed softly.
Izuku looked around in awe.
"What is this place..."
Katsuki smiled as he watched.
"It's yours... well your base before it was burned. I tried to keep it clean but I'm not good with all this-"
"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good..."
It was a whisper but the computer turned on immediately.
Katsuki listened to the hum as things started turning and the base came alive, some places heavily burnt and others just like he remembered.
Izuku didn't remember this place but his body did.
His body remember the way to an old bunny hoodie, and even how to get up to the bed.
Katsuki wiped a few tears from his eyes as the green eyes stared at him.
"I'll get my memories back ok? I'll remember everything ok?You guys seem to really care about me..."
Katsuki smiled and kissed the green head's knuckles and held them up to his head and he took a deep breath.
"You better."
The greenette ruffled the blonde's hair and kissed his lips lightly.
"I will. I promise Kacchan."
Katsuki smiled as he hugged the greenette tightly.

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