Dizziness • all

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The boys with an s/o who gets dizzy spells.
(Lol starting with this bc I get them and I know what it's like)


•He's made a habit to keep close to you so he can catch you if you stumble over in a moment of  dizziness or loss of balance.

•he's always making you drink water to stay as hydrated as you can

•does the arm seatbelt to you to stop you from getting up too fast and subsequently falling over.

•always has that worry in the back of his mind you'll hit your head on something when you stumble and anytime you do stumble he's ready to jump in at any second.


•sits with you when you need to stay still and get your head back on right. Even if it's out in the middle of the street he'll just sit there with you.

•holds your hand so you can lean on him if you have too

•if you bump into something or hurt yourself while dizzy he immediately gets worried and keeps on asking if you're ok

•offers you emotional support stuffed animals from his collection when you feel like shit from all the dizziness.


•when it gets bad enough you can't move without getting dizzy he'll carry you so you don't have to walk.

•when you get the dizziness that feels kind of like floating he'll have you focus on him and stay still so you can bring yourself back down.

•carries everything for you if you'd be had a dizzy day so you don't have to stain yourself.

•will shut anyone around up real fast so you can re-focus quicker.


•even though he always forgets to take his meds, he always without fail remembers to remind you to take yours

•always has a water bottle on him just in case you need it.

•one day had the epiphany "shit what if they faint?" And now every time you get dizzy he's way too over prepared for it.

•he knows pain can trigger dizzy spells so anytime you complain about being sore for whatever reason he insists on taking over whatever you're doing so you can sit down and not get dizzy.


•always reminds you not to get up too fast

•when your vision gets blurry he holds you steady until it clears just in case you fall.

•won't make you do anything too physical when you've complained about being dizzy that day.

•careful not to move you too fast into hugs or when grabbing your hand to take you somewhere or show you something.


•a worry wart. You stumbled once and now he watches you like a hawk the second you mention being dizzy.

•keeps bandaids in his pockets in case you run into something and hurt yourself while dizzy.

•loops an arm over his shoulder and walks you slowly to somewhere you can rest when it gets bad.

•every time you go to the doctors he always tells you to check up on the dizziness even if you've already had it checked. He can never be too careful.

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