How They Cuddle You • All

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L loves knowing you're safe, so when it comes to cuddling, he likes to wrap all his limbs around you from behind to make sure nothing and no one but him touches you.


Near is really shy when it comes to romance so you're often the one cuddling him, but when you do cuddle him, he buries his face into your shirt and clings to you like it's your last moments alive.


When it comes to cuddling, he practically becomes your mattress, you lay on top of him as he wraps his arms around you, your head is rested over his heart so you can hear it beating.


He likes to wrap his arms around you from the side so you can watch something on your phone or read and he can watch/ read too. He's the type that likes having you in his arms so he knows you're well and truely his.


You usually end up sitting in his lap as he writes in the Death Note or works in his laptop, he has one arm around you and one a free to write/type with, he likes to rest his head on your shoulder too since he's taller than you.

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