They Catch You Dancing • All

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You were in your room when a song L got you into started to play, you found yourself grooving to the beat and before you knew it, you were singing along and dancing around to the beat. L was about to knock when he heard music and you're voice, instead he opened the door a tiny bit and peeked inside, only to smile as he watched you jump around, without a care in the world.


You were bored out of your skull as you watched Near work. You put on some music and slowly started to get up and dance around without realising it.

"Waiting for your call baby night and day, I'm fed up. I'm tired of waiting on you!" You sung as you danced around.

This caught Nears attention and he turned to look at you. He laughed as you danced on the sofa, finding it adorable. When you saw him watching you, you froze and your cheeks went red as he giggled at you.


Mello had music on as he worked in the other room, you had started to dance to the songs he played, running and jumping into tables, spinning around and doing complex moves that probably don't count as dancing.

"Hey (y/n)!" He called out.

You didn't hear him over the music so he got up and walked out into the other room where he saw you dancing on the table. He smiled and started as you noticed his presence and danced over to him.

"Did you call me?"


You had stayed up late to take Matts just dance game and beat all his high scores, you were dancing as he slept with the volume turned way down. You were getting perfect scores on each song when he came downstairs to see what the music was.

"You really think you can beat my score?"

You jumped and smashed the pause button.

"Don't scare me like that!"


You were dancing alone in your house because you were bored, forgetting that light had a spare key. You were dancing down the hall when you ran into someone and fell over.

"You alright?" He asked.


"Long enough"

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