You're scared • All + Beyond

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It was pouring down outside. Really heavy rain was hitting the roof and every so often there was a flash of lightning. Usually storms didn't scare you, but you were high up in a hotel room, where there was a stronger chance of lightning hitting the building. You jumped as a clap of thunder sounded and echoed across the sky.

You jumped out of bed and slowly walked out into the room L was in. You were not getting hit by lightning alone.

"What are you doing awake?" He said, turning away from his computer.

"I-um, couldn't sleep" you said, shaking in fear of the lightning outside.

A flash of lightning illuminated the room making you jump again and let out a small yelp in fright.

L smiled and held out his arms.

"Come here"

You ran into his arms and buried your face in his chest.

"Don't worry, no lightning will hit you"


There you sat, terrified. The power just went out and you were terrified of what was lurking in the shadows. You hated the dark unless someone you knew was there with you. You were shaking as you heard footsteps outside your bedroom door and saw a light illuminate the area under the door.

Suddenly you heard the door open, making you burry your head in your knees and fight back tears.


You relaxed when you heard Nears voice.

You looked up too see Near standing at the door with a flashlight.

You got up and rushed over to him, throwing your arms around him and not letting go.

"Keep the light on please..."

You felt his arms snake around you, instantly making you feel safer.

"You'll be alright (y/n)..."


You absolutely hated bugs. Most people would be scared but brave enough to kill it. Not you, if you saw a bug, you'd scream and run for your life. Which is exactly what happened when you saw a spider on your window, but just any spider, a red back.

"AHH!" You screamed and ran out of your room at the sight of it.

"Woah! (Y/n)! What's up?" Mello said, stopping you in your tracks.


"I'll get it"

Mello grabbed the bug spray and went into your room to kill the spawn of satan. After, successfully killing it and getting rid of it, he came back to you and laughed at your adorable scared state.

"It's dead (y/n), you ok?"

"...can I sleep in your room tonight?"

He wrapped his arms around you and smiled.

"Of course you can you baby"


What were you scared of? Public speaking. You had a huge assignment coming up, but there was no way you'd be able to do it. Not after what happened last time where you got too scared and ran out of class. You sat in your room, fiddling with your palm cards, trying to practice your speech for Matt. But you just couldn't do it. You started at your palm cards the whole time and kept stumbling in your words, trying to get them right.

"Sorry... I can't do it..." you said, your hands shaking.

"Listen babe, no one is going to laugh or talk shit about you, you'll be fine" Matt said.

"But I'm scared I'll make a fool of myself"

Suddenly you felt two arms around you, making you drop your palm cards.

"You won't ok? Listen, how about I come along that day and present with you?"

"Yes please..."


You were scared of water, you didn't like swimming one bit. So when Light asked if you wanted to go to the beach, you accepted just so he wouldn't be mad at you. You showed up at his with all your gear and you both got dropped off by his dad. You set up your umbrella and towels by the sea and you watched as Light dove straight in.

"You coming? The waters really nice!" He said.

"U-um, I'll just wait..." you said.

"Come on! It'll be fun!" Light said, reaching for your hand.

You took a step back and started to shake in fear he might try and throw you in.

"(Y/n)? Are you scared of the water?"

Looked down and slowly nodded. You felt his wrap his arms around you and give you a tight hug.

"I won't force you, you can stay here if you like"

"Thanks light..."


You had a rather odd fear, you hated going outside at night. The dark was fine, but you hated the fact there were killers a lot worse then B out there. You weren't scared if B because he trusts you and you trust him, hence why you're in a stable relationship.

But you hated walking around at night. When it started to get dark as you walked along the street with B, you started to get a little tense, B noticed right away.

"You alright?" He asked.

"Yeah... just, cold..." you lied.

"Take my jacket"

He wrapped his jacket around you as you kept walking. Apparently he could still pick up on your shaking.

"Ok, what's wrong?" He asked.

"I... just don't like being outside at night..." you said.

He took your hands in his and pulled you into his arms.

"No one will hurt you while I'm around ok?"

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